
Friday 27 May 2022

Partizan May 2022 The Pics P1

Last Sunday, four Rejects travelled up into the deepest darkest north of England, (above the M25) and found there way via a very tasty breakfast to Partizan Wargame Show in Newark

We left at 5.30 and arrived in very good time at 9.58, Lee was first out of my car, I hadn't even turned the engine off  or pulled up the handbrake and he was off!!!

Postie, Steve and myself caught up with the grinning fool in the queue just as we were about to walk in the door.

And straight away we bump into Sir Col Bill and pal Jim!
I bought a few odds and sods and left them with the Col to collect later.
After handing over my dosh I turned to see the Rejects and they'd all buggered off!

Later in the day, as we left the show Jim came running out with my figures, that I'd forgotten I'd left with them for safekeeping. Cheers Chaps!

So I hurried over to see Barry Hilton of League of Augsberg's games

A superb rendition of the attack on Chatham Dockyard in 1667 during the Anglo-Dutch War.

The lighting was great, but it did spoil some photos.

Upnor Castle

Gotta say I'm very tempted Barry!

Martin & Glen doing their thang at the Warbases stand.
I spent a few quid there!

And now some games

Kallista/Forest Outlaws - Battle of Mohi 1241

More from Forest Outlaws - The Battle of Bloody Gultch 1944

Barnsley Association of Wargamers - With Crook at the Rosebud 1876

The League of Gentleman Anti-Alchemists - Turning Gold into Lead

Henry Hyde, showing off his weighty new compendium, it only took him 8 years to write it!
 I did have a chat with Henry later in the day, not seen him in the flesh for a few years now.

Simon Miller - To the Strongest - ECW

Simon was saying the game wasn't going to plan, mainly due to the uncanny card turning abilities of the young lad on the left!

A Tribute to Ian Smith - Sharpe & Hornblower 1809

The table was utterly magnificent, in everyway possible.

Perry Miniatures - Alternative History, The Battle of Dorking 1870's

Morris & Chums - The Battle of Degastan 603 CE

And one of the chums was fellow Blogger and Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge contestant
Paul Scrivens-Smith. It was great to meet Paul in the flesh and have a chat.

Mr Steve Jones - The Battle of Freeman's Farm 1777

Glasgow Tradeston WGC - Thirty Years War - Lutzen 1682

The Immortals - The Battle of Morlaix 1342

Teeside Triumvirate - The Battle of Culloden 1746

Graham formally of Crann Tara miniatures having a chat with Postie

I then bumped into another blogger and Iain from Caveadsum1471
Iain also paints in the Analogue Hobbies painting Challenge

Well Remembered Games - 1942-1973 Western Desert

The Iron Brigade - Bonnie Blue Flag
28mm ACW

Derby Wargames Society - The Battle of Prut River 1711
There were stacks of great looking games at the show, this was one of my favourites.

Well that's the end of Part 1, I could go on but you'll be here all night.
Look out for Part 2 soon.


  1. Thanks for putting all this together Ray. The games are amazing, and your photos have done them justice. Nice to see a few pictures of Iain, Simon Miller and Barry Hilton in there as well.

    1. I did a hell of a lot of talking Lawrence, I'd take a few steps and have another chat with someone who follows my blog, which is great!

  2. Wow! This is more than a fistful of photos. What was your favorite game presentation in part 1???Good to see a photo of Iain.

    1. To be honest it's hard to choose, but I think the Derby game set in 1711, (the last set of pics) was superb and its set in my favourite period too.

  3. You went north of Watford? "There Be Dragons" I've heard!

    Great pics - looks like a great day out!

    1. It was a great day out? We'll definitely going to The Other Partizan!

  4. Some great photos Ray. Good to meet you there.

    1. Indeed it was Paul. It was a long but brilliant day out.

  5. looks fab, gutted I missed it. Me and Dave are putting on a Nam game at the other partizan in october, you should come up again

  6. That was a visual feast Ray, thanks for taking the time to put this all together and as Jon noted, nice to see a couple of images of fellow bloggers!

    1. No problem Keith, it is good to put a face to the name, there's more great games to see in Part 2.

  7. I'm green with envy Ray - will make it over there one day though!

  8. 5.30 ouch. My favourite was the breakfast Ray :)

    1. It was an early start zzzz. Great to see you again George.

  9. Super pictures Ray. Was good to meet you briefly and welcome you to civilization 😉

    1. Haha. I'm sure the air was thinner up there? Great to meet you David, you're lucky I didn't get a snap of you to plaster on my blog.

  10. Lovely looking show! Hope to be in next year!

  11. Great photos Ray, looks amazing the standard of the games!

  12. Thanks for all the magnificent photos Ray. So glad you got the shots of Ian Smiths game and so happy to that the game was still run after his death, I can see my old French Hussars there galloping over the bridge, Ian rebased them and replaced all the swords, they look wonderful :) Also the RHA officer (pointing) which was one of the 3D resin prints that we worked on together a few years back. Of course his ships were the stars of the display, I remember when Ian said he was about to take a bandsaw to them in order to make them into waterline models for the game! Great tribute to the master of the 40mm scale.

    1. It was a great tribute, to be honest I could have spent a couple of hours just looking at that display. There was so much going on.

  13. Superb post Ray, work and living in the far north precludes me from going so it's always a treat to see posts on the games on offer, so much inspiration to be gleaned!! Look forward to part 2!

    1. Perhaps one day Donnie? It's well worth the trip.

  14. A splendid set of photos Ray… they really show how many great looking games were there.

    All the best. Aly

  15. A really great set of photo's Ray and makes me wish I had been there.


  16. That one setup was amazing! So many intricate elements. You guys should do a campaign with boats.
    Glad you had a great time. Maybe you'll be able to stop the car next time before people start jumping out!

  17. "The Grinning Fool"... How did you guess my other nickname?? 😂😆🤣

  18. Some great looking games on display

  19. Lovely day, some great looking games and nice to have a cup of tea with you and the other rejects!
    Best Iain

    1. Absolutely, same time next Partizan Iain?

  20. Looks like a fantastic show! Thanks for sharing this with us Ray!

  21. Excellent photos of splendid looking games. Sounds like the best of days.

    1. You gotta come along to the next one Rich?

  22. Great set of photos, Ray! Now, onto Part 2! :)

  23. Great post! Excellent eye candy of a fantastic array of games. Just outstanding!

  24. Fascinating stuff, thanks for posting for those of us who couldn’t attend - great to see big display games back up and running.

  25. Looks great Ray. Never been to Partizan... perhaps one day...

    1. I'd say its one of the the best show I've ever been to Alastair. Give it a go.

  26. So much eye candy, thank for posting and there's more to come !

  27. great event report mate and good to she enjoyed yourself!

  28. Thank you Ray for this wonderful wargaming eye candy feast, very much appreciated.

