
Sunday 29 May 2022

Partizan May 2022 The Pics P2

Part 2 of my Partizan Pics and we'll carry on from where I left off.

Very British Civil War Forum

Westbury Wargames - The Battle of  Aruquijars 1834
Carlist War

Anchluss Wargaming - WWII Biscari Airfield, Sicily 1943

Caseshot Publishing -  ACW, The Battle of Wilson's Creek 1861

Burton & District Wargames Club - Western Gunfight - Dead Man's Hand

Boondok Saints - Cawnpore. India 1857

A visual feast for the eyes!

I was just about to have a chat with Pete Barfield when I saw George Anderson from Musings on Wargames and Life, I first bumped into George a few years ago at Salute, so it was great meeting up and having a chat again.

Talking of Pete Barfield!

And here's Pete's game with the Leicester Phat Cats -  Baron's Waf

I kept going back to Barry Hilton's game for a chat, but he was always busy.

While I was waiting to speak to Barry and collect a few figures I might add, I had had chat with these 3 fine looking fellows. Aly Morrison from Aly's Toy Soldiers, Ian "Flags of War" McDonald and David O'Brien.

I did finally get to have a chat with Barry and play one of his games, I had my eye on a prize, one of his new ships, from Ark Royal Miniatures I had to beat 51 points, it was close, but I only managed to get to 50, Dammit!
Lucky Alastair, he won the prize.

Lance & Longbow Society - Hastings 1066

Northamptonshire Battlefields Society - The Battle of Middleton Cherney 1643

Sails of Glory

KB Club

Pendraken Miniatures - Cold War Commanders, Crossing the Kiel 1985

Royal Air Force - Aliens, Operation Newt Recovery

Lincoln Miniature Warfare Society

Not sure who these guys were?

The Scourers - Never Mind the Billhooks

Never Mind the Boathooks

Not sure who and what? Looks like WWII?

Test of Resolve - War of the Roses


Charles Rowntree 

Royal Air Force - WWI Dogfight

University of Edinburgh - The Adventures of Harold Hadrada

Hornsey Contemptables - Italian Wars

Using Fire n Fury?
I wanted to ask how, but there wasn't anyone at the table.

Steve Spence - 30 Years War, Nordlingen 1634

Lance & Longbow Society

Leeds Night Owls - The Battle of Fort Millican

1/72 Wargames -  Alternate History - The Battle of Maldon 1919
If England were Invaded

Peterborough Wargames Club - Gnomes

Sheffield & Rotherham WGC - Strength & Honour

Grimsby Wargames Society - ACW Vicksburg 1863

Like a Stonewall - Sharpe Practice, The Attack on Hougomont 1815

Harrogate WGC - The Good, the Bad and the Lardy
A bad day in Lardville

Newark Irregulars - Silver Bayonet - The Essential Rescue
Napoleonic Gothic Horror

More Silver Bayonet

Too Fat Lardies - Easy Company

Lastly I met Mel Bose, The Terrain Tutor.
What a great guy!

Well that's it!
Its taken me nearly as long to do these two posts on the game as it took on the day out, 
I need a beer!


  1. I'll say one thing, Ray - you take great pics of the games! Now, go and have a well earned beer! :)

  2. That's another great spread of pics and games Ray....I think if I had to choose the 1857 Indian game would take first prize....but only just!

    1. It was a fantastic set up, there was so much to look at everywhere on the table and it was so colourful.

  3. More amazing pictures. Sounds like a great day out with good friends and incredible games.

  4. Looks like it was a fantastic show, Ray, and nice that you got to meet up with so many people. After the last couple of years, I bet that was more than usually satisfying.

    1. It was Markus, I did more talking than usual, meeting old and new friends.

  5. The Old West, India, WWII...quite the variety!

    1. There was a very mixed bag of scales and periods Alex.

  6. Best collection of show pictures I have seen in ages. Well done lad.


  7. Super pair of posts Ray, so much inspiration on show, I will find myself getting drawn back again and again!

    1. That's what its all about isn't it Donnie, seeing all the eye candy really gets the mind going on future projects.

  8. A well earned beer for you Ray as that was yet again a excellent array of photo's your shared. Thanks!


    1. No problem Chris, I'm glad you enjoyed the posts.

  9. I was told my missus had been seen at Partizan and I scoffed. I was spooked when I saw our picture and a woman in the background, I almost believed it. Great pics Ray.

    1. Was she spying on you George incase you spent more than that fiver?

  10. It looks like a great convention and lots of cool games being played. Thanks for sharing this.

  11. Fantastic photos! Essential of show!

  12. Great photos, surely a fun day out!

  13. You certainly covered the whole show Ray…
    There were a few games that I don’t even remember seeing….
    A nice picture of three handsome Scots… also showing that if well fed some of us grow tall ๐Ÿ˜.

    All the best. Aly

    1. It was a very busy day Aly, great to meet you and everyone else! I'm guessing you never ate your greens when you was little like Ian?

  14. More inspirational pictures Ray. Thanks for taking the time to put all this together. Thoroughly enjoyable.

  15. Again thank you for sharing this with us Ray! Great show!

  16. More splendid pictures, lots of really good looking games!
    Best Iain (caveadsum1471)

    1. There were some great looking games for sure, great to meet you Iain!

  17. Impressive games and gaming, Ray! Great to see we have great conventions going on on both sides of the pond.

  18. Lovely seeing all those games Ray. Cawnpore looked splendid.

    1. It was Richard, hopefully you can make it next time?

  19. Just finished your 2 part smorgasbord of pics. Thanks for sharing. It’s awesome to see so many gamers going all out with figures and terrain. I also like the snapshots of fellow bloggers. ๐Ÿ˜€

  20. great tables Ray. thanks for sharing!

  21. Lots of lovely pictures Ray. I must say, the detail of the Boondock Saints game with the elephant, camelry, oxen drawn carts, cannons etc is lovely to see.

    1. It was even better in person, you just didn't know where to look next!
