
Friday 3 June 2022

Broadside Games Show - Are you Going?


If you're close to Gillingham tomorrow come on over to Broadside Games Show at Medway Park Sports Centre.

Posties Rejects are there along with loads of other clubs and even more traders.

Reject BigLee has painted all the figures and terrain for us this year, we're putting on a fictional French Foreign Legion game set in 1901 called the Battle of Beau Hunks.

There are two specials guest stars in the game, see above, so come along and say hello!

You can find us on Table C3, in the big red circle.


  1. I really wish I could come mate! Have a great day and look forward to reading all about your game and the show in general soon!

  2. You are certainly making up for lost time in terms of attending shows this year Ray.

  3. Hi, I’m planning to pop in so I’ll make sure to come over and say hello in person. Al

  4. I am planning to be there, will stop by and chat!

  5. Looking forward to seeing those photos of the French Foreign Legion game Ray. Great to see the UK show circuit off and running again
