
Friday 30 December 2022

Christmas Haul 2022


As we near the end of 2022, I thought I'd share a wargaming Xmas Haul.
Each year as a family we give out a list of wants and needs to family and friends to buy something.
I did pretty good this year with all my wants and needs being bought for me!
Proud Dad moment first though, when my 4 daughters get together I always get the camera out and try and grab a few pics of them before they start to hide their faces and moan at me, this year they beat me too it and took the pic themselves and gave it to me for Xmas.
Youngest to oldest L to R
Nieve, Holly, Abi & Emily

Another great Helion book,
New Worlds, Old Worlds, The Anglo-American Indian Wars 1607-1678
Can't wait to start reading!

Next pressie all came as one, a bog order of 2mm buildings for my Almansa 1707 project from 

2mm Mediterranean houses

A generic castle and added bits to make the Spanish Castle at Almansa

Castall San Angelo

Castall de San Anton

Palazzo del Governo


Castall San de Antonio

Spanish Churches and Hotel

Three Menorca Towers

From Irregular Miniatures
3mm Classical Roman & Greek buildings
Which will fit in the style of Spanish buildings of the 1700's (well some of them anyway?)

I think I did rather well.
Thanks to my lovely wife Emma and 4 girls, Emily, Abi, Holly & Nieve x


  1. Fantastic haul mate - well done. Your daughters are very kind to old Dad. I have two, but am saving for weddings :)
    Now, I didn't know you were planning a Berwick / Almansa project - count me a follower :)

  2. Yikes! You scored on the 2mm building and fortresses. Did these go straight into your painting queue? You raised good daughters.

    1. They did go into the queue. Hopefully they'll all be painted up before the Challenge ends.

  3. That is an impressive haul Ray! Was your approach to leave gaming magazines around open with certain pages open and items circled in red ink? Or was your approach to simply have a pre-prepared list? I’m only asking to see if I can recreate your effort at our house next year…the space under our three was bare, you see.

    1. A pre-prepared list Mark. It's the way to go!

  4. That’s a great leg-up for the new project ….. good job the painting challenge is on :-)

  5. Great Christmas booty Ray. I have used a similar approach since my kids got to the age they have their own money and actually buy the presents although this year my daughter Amy came up with the idea of a single secret Santa gift from each family member ...she pulled my name from the hat so bought me the 28mm French Line Lancers shown in a previous post...but that was it (she also bought me a nice bottle of port, which was a genuine surprise, so that was quite nice!)
    You have every right to be a proud dad, lovely looking young ladies and they bought you a heap of toys!

  6. Wow that is a great Christmas haul

  7. Lovely 2mm buildings Ray. What thoughtful daughters and wife you have.

  8. Great looking haul indeed. Lovely family you have - you should be proud!

  9. A splendid holiday haul, even better coming from your daughters, along with a nice picture to Mark the moment. Missed your Xmas post, so wishing you a belated merry xmas!

  10. Merry Christmas, but it does look like you'll be going into the construction business. I have a 15mm castle in the box for the last 5 years. I really need to get to work on it

    1. Hopefully, these will all be painted up during the Challenge?

  11. Cracking haul Ray, those Brigade 2mm scenery looks really top notch, looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  12. Very impressive buildings, lovely family, take after their mum then?

  13. A nice collection of Christmas goodies! Enjoy! I missed the release of the book by Helion- will have to buy it!

  14. Cool haul there mate. You did well.

  15. Yep, being spoilt by your family is a good feeling! :)

    Lovely pic of your girls (4!? That's a LOT of Dad-love right there.) and what a great haul of gifts too.
