
Monday 2 January 2023

AHPC 13 - 25mm Ajax the Great - 25pts


This post was originally posted on 29th December on the AHPC Blog
I'm late posting my first entry into this years challenge, this is the first chance I've had to get my laptop out and do the post, its pretty short and sweet though, but at least I've got some points up.

Every Christmas I paint my Dad up a figure for his display collection, last year he had Achilles and Odysseus, so I thought I'd carry on with the Trojan War hero theme. Here we have Ajax or Ajax the Great or Greater Ajax , whichever name you want to call him.
Ajax was the son of King Telamon of Aegina and the Grandson of Zeus.

As the Iliad comes to a close, Ajax and the majority of other Greek warriors are alive and well. When Achilles dies, killed by Paris (with help from Apollo), Ajax and Odysseus are the heroes who fight against the Trojans to get the body and bury it with his companion, Patroclus. Ajax, with his great shield and spear, manages to recover the body and carry it to the ships, while Odysseus fights off the Trojans. After the burial, each claims Achilles' magical armor, which had been forged on Mount Olympus by the smith-god Hephaestus, for himself as recognition for his heroic efforts. A competition is held to determine who deserves the armor. Ajax argues that because of his strength and the fighting he has done for the Greeks, including saving the ships from Hector, and driving him off with a massive rock, he deserves the armor. However, Odysseus proves to be more eloquent, and with the aid of Athena, the council gives him the armor. Ajax, distraught by this result and "conquered by his own grief", plunges his sword into his own chest, killing himself. In the Little Iliad, Ajax goes mad with rage at Odysseus' victory and slaughters the cattle of the Greeks. After returning to his senses, he kills himself out of shame

So my small start will give me a massive 5 points!
There's a new bonas round in the Challenge this year, The Gift Store, as Ajax was a gift for my Dad, Curt very graciously added another 20 points to my total! 

The Gift Store

Are you looking for something to commemorate your visit to the AHPC Studios GmbH, or maybe a souvenir for those friends and family unable to make the trip? Come along to the AHPC Gift Store and see what we have to offer. Snow Lord (tm) snow globes, Replica flight attendant uniforms, delicious AHPC Studio crayons, we have it all.

Models entered as a Gift Store Special must be figures that you are going to give to someone else as a gift. Entries should explain why you chose the model as a gift for its recipient along with the usual photographs of the mini itself. Challengers can visit the gift store from any other point on the map without needing to use the Yellow Brick Road or Lady Sarah's Limousine (though you can if you wish). A gift submission will award 20 bonus points. Like Lady Sarah's Limousine and the Yellow Brick Road, the Gift Store bonus can be collected multiple times.


  1. Nice work! Good to get on the board early with some points. 20 Bonus points? That is very generous.

    1. It was Jonathan, especially as I wasn't expecting them!

  2. Mean looking figure!
    He's also Ajax the Cleaner.

    1. That he is Alex, he's good mopping up the mess he's made!

  3. Nice start to the challenge Ray. I had read elsewhere that it was firing up again and immediately thought of you.

    1. Haha! You should join in Lawrence, its a great community.

  4. A good start Ray and a lot of info there for a single figure, which was a bonus!

  5. A great start Ray, what tally are you aiming for?

    1. Only 1000 pts this time round, I'm hoping to get my 2mm Almansa project finished, trouble is they're not worth many points, so I'll have to get other stuff done as well.

  6. Nice figure- looking to cause some damage!!

    1. You wouldn't want him chasing after you swinging that hammer!

  7. Good looking figure and what a weapon !

  8. Good start for your challenge, he is a good looking figure and a nice gift too!

  9. Nice Ray, and that’s from a Trojan fan.

    1. Might have a few more appearing again soon???

  10. Nice figure. I do enjoy mythology.
