
Friday 17 February 2023

AHPC13 Almansa 1707 - Portuguese, Noronah's Brigade 13pts

Its Friday and its time for a trip to Portugal.

Here we have the 7 squadrons of Noronha's brigade

In this brigade are the following units.
Marquis Das Minas Gardes 1 Squadron
General de la Cavallera 1 Squadron
Don Antonio de Noronha 2 Squadrons
Campo Major 3 Squadrons

I found no information on Portuguese cavalry flags what so ever. So I used the flag of Portugal at the time, as a Kings colour for the 1st squadron and gave a random colour for other squadrons.

Unfortunately, most of the Portuguese cavalry were dressed in white or grey, so they're all gonna look the same if there are 1 squadron units. So I might mix it up a bit in other brigades??? 

I cannot claim any point for the 2 squadrons of Noronha, as these were test units prior to the start of the Challenge.

Just remember these are 2mm, they are small, so the paintjob won't be to everyone's taste, but when you can paint up a whole brigade of cavalry in 45 minutes who can argue with you?

5 squadrons @2.5 pts each = 12.5

Brigade Leader @ .5 pts

Total 13 points


  1. Shame there is so much information lost from earlier times. That was probably a good guess on the flags though.

  2. Looking good. No one is going to know about the flags... so no worries.

  3. A great addition to your Portuguese forces and I think you made a good compromise with the flags.

  4. I think the choice of flag is a good one, Ray. More lovely 2mm figures.

  5. More fabulous painting of 2 mm figures Ray. I think that you missed a cuff on one of the infantry though!
    They are great fun to paint aren't they (once you get your eye in as to which is back and front—the flag helps with these troops of the modern era)? The mass effect of the resulting units/formations is excellent, as you demonstrate.
    Regards, James

    1. I have based a few up the wrong way round if I'm honest. I know they're not everyone's cup of tea, but when you have them all based up and painted, with a nice looking flag, you just can't go wrong.
