
Sunday 19 February 2023

AHPC13 - Almansa 1707 - Portuguese Vasconcellos & Silvera's Brigades

We stay on the Portuguese for the next post and just to please Martin C I've combined two post together. 

These are Portuguese infantry regiments from Vasconcellos' Brigade who fought on the 2nd line of the right wing of the battle.

There isn't a lot of information on what colours the infantry wore and on the flags they carried . David over on Not By Appointment posted some flags back in 2020, he was commissioned by draw some Seven Years War flags and lent heavily on info from the WSS, I will be using David's flags a bit later on, but these are some simple flags I drew using David's ideas.
As for the uniform........the only info I've found says white or grey and some regts might still have their old blue uniform. At least it adds a splash of colour?

The regiments in this brigade are...
Manuel Leiton de Carvalho 
Georges d'Azevedo Coutinho
Nicolas de Tovar
Eric Lopes

The second brigade is that of Silveira, they also fought on the right of the battle but in the front lines

The brigade consisted of the following regts.
Don Bras de Silvera
Don Pedro Josep de Mello
Don Bernardo de Vasconzello
Jos de Sao Payo
Ant,  d'Avita aka Galbo

How did that rogue cat hair get in the pic?

I like the blue on Payo's regt along with the blue and white flag, which again is totally random I'm afraid.

So as for the points

9 units @ 5 points each = 45 points
2 Brigade leader@ .5 = 1 points
So a total of 46 points!!!


  1. Nice to see a wee bit of colour, the blue regiment really "pop" and certainly add a nice splash of colour to the Portuguese. The flags look really good and they certainly help the 2mm blocks look more like an army. I am really enjoying seeing your project take shape, very inspiring.

    1. I agree, Donnie. A bright splash of color is a pleasing sight.

    2. I'm pleased with how they turned out.

  2. I do like those darker blue units. Very nice Ray.

  3. The colour was what struck me about this brigade. Very eye-catching nd lovely work again Ray.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, it beats the French all grey for sure!

  4. Nice job. They certainly do look like regiments. If I squint a little I can pretend the blue ones are ACW. 😀

  5. More great units, the flags are eye catching as well.

  6. The overall effect is good, which is what matters in smaller sizes. Just don't picture them from to close.
