
Sunday 9 April 2023

AHPC 13 - Almansa 1707 - Amaca and Camara's Brigades


Originally posted on the Challenge blog on the 19th March.

Yep, its more 2mm figures
Its time for more Portuguese troops

This is the Portuguese Cavalry Brigade led by General Amaca

On the left we have 2 Squadrons of Villavicosa regt and on the right a lonely 1 squadron of regt Algarbo.

3 squadrons of Almansa

and 3 of the Moura regt.

Amaca's Brigade fought in the 1st line on the right flank under Das Minas.

I might as well sneak this small infantry brigade in as well on this post.
Camara's Brigade.

Here we have 3 Portuguese infantry regts, Novo de Almeida, Viana and Castro.
Camara's Brigade fought the Centre 1st line under General Erle.

Onto the points

9 bases @ 2.5 = 22.5
3 bases @5 =15
2 Brigadiers@ 1/2 point = 1
So altogther 38.5 points


  1. Happy Easter to you and your family, Ray!

  2. More 2mm loveliness!! Great work once more Ray, like the a lot, really enjoying your work on this project.

  3. Your workbench continues churning out a bunch of stands, Ray. The flags really add significantly to the overall presentation. Good stuff!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the flags do make the difference.

  4. Lovely stuff Ray, that all looks great.

  5. More 2mm loveliness must be getting close to having enough for a game.....or a parade?!
