
Tuesday 11 April 2023

AHPC 13 - Almansa 1707 - Spanish - Mello's Brigade


Ahora es el momento para un poco de caballería española.

Here we have Mello's Brigade, who fought in the Right wing 2nd line under Don Juan de Alayda

This is one of the biggest brigades in the battle.

There are 6 squadrons of regt Casa de Viera.
He must have not been short of a few gold escudo's!

As usual with info on the Portuguese army of 1707, its very difficult to find, but what I did find out is that the 3 squadrons of the Lisboa regt wore light blue coats.

The same as the Olivenca's 3 squadrons.

as for the points...
12 bases of Cavalry@2.5 points = 30 points
1 brigadier = 1/2 point

So 30.5 points!


  1. These 2mm troops are going to look veyr spectacular when they eventualy arrived on the battlefield.

  2. That is indeed a lot of tiny soldiers to paint.

  3. Truly an amazing effort in creating these units.

  4. Truly an amazing effort in creating these units.

  5. Nice cavalry for the project, the light blue adds a nice dash of colour. As has been said the battlefield will be really impressive when all the units are arrayed on it.

    1. I was very pleased when I found out these wore light blue, it beats grey and white anytime.

  6. Wow, that is a lot of geegees, Ray! They look wonderful, as always.

  7. Great stuff Ray, they are arriving thick and fast now.
