
Thursday 13 April 2023

AHPC 13 - Almansa 1707 - Gutierrez's and Ronquillo's Spanish Brigades

More from my 2mm Almansa project

I really like these Irregular 2mm figures, some will like them and some not, but what you can achieve
painting these little chaps is amazing!

The is Gutierrez's Spanish Horse brigade.

There are only 2 regiments in this brigade, both have 3 squadrons.
Ordenes - Nuevo and Ordenes - Viejo, which translates to Orders Old and Orders New, which are rather strange names? I guess its something to do religious orders?

Gutierrez's Brigade fought ion the right wing in the second line under Lt General D'Asfeld and will earn me 15.5 pts to add to my total.

Next up we have Ronquillo's Brigade

Ronquillo's also fought on the right flank, but in the 1st line, under Lt General Duque de Popili.

The regiment in this brigade were Real Asturias 4 Squadrons, Amezaga's 3 squadrons and Carillo's 3 squadrons.



Real Asturias

Ronquillo's brigade will earn me 25.5 pts
add that to Gutierrez's 15.5 and we get 41 pts


  1. Your project is cranking up very nicely Ray, more lovely 2mm cavalry, I really like the whole idea of doing a project in 2mm, very inspirational posts!!

    1. It's the way to go Donnie. It's got so many pluses, you can recreate battles that would take years to paint up in other scales, it's cheap and you don't need to be Rembrandt to get them painted up.

  2. Ray, you are pushing units out fast and furiously. Have you pinpointed a timeline for getting these armies into battle?

    1. I was ambitiously hoping for this month during the Challenge. But realisticly I think I'm looking at July. The Challenge has finished and I've slowed down my painting. Although I have finished a few more brigades.
      I've only 1 more post left to post up of figures I painted during the Challenge and a final "Wrap up Challenge " post. On this post I've taken a few pics of the troops together and included a short video of them set up. I've gotta admit to being very surprised when I lined tbe troops up!

  3. Lovely stuff Ray, this must be quite a collection by now.

  4. Good to see that ypu keep focused on the project after the Challenge finished. On my side, I've decided to take a break from painting for a time

  5. I do like the anesthetics of the larger figures,Ray...BUT, I can see the attraction of these little figures too.

  6. Even a few years ago people were disparaging 6mm as 'too small' for anything other than WW2. Now, 2mm seems to be all the rage. It never ceases to amaze this hobby. I like the look of them but I'll stick with the 6mm.

  7. Just the ten units this time then.
