
Tuesday 18 April 2023

AHPC13 - My last entry - Almansa 1707 - Siluten's Dutch Horse brigade.

My last post for AHPC 13 
And its a Brigade I painted up at the start of the Challenge back in December, I put it in a box and promptly forgot about it! I was checking my list, thinking "I'm sure I painted them, I must be going round the bend?" But no, a quick search and there they were.

This is Siluten's Dutch Brigade

Which consists of 2 squadrons of Drimborn's Horse, 2 squadrons of Mattha's Dragoons and 2 squadrons of Schippenbach's Dragoons

6 bases @2.5= 15pts
add 1/2 point for the brigadier.

15.5 points

And that's me over and out!


  1. Very cool once again Ray - I am glad you found them and were able to claim your points!

  2. Cracking work once more Ray, they look great, it's good that you found them!!

  3. You must be very rich to feed all them horses!

  4. Another nice entry, Ray. Inspiring to see your commitment.

  5. Another fine batch Ray. You know you are on a productive run when you can't recall exactly whether you painted them or not.

  6. Your optician will be happy with that Ray, great work.

  7. Once more in awe of your brushwork. Good to call it well done.

  8. They really are very impressive Ray, the basing sets them off nicely :)
