
Tuesday 23 May 2023

Partizan 2023 Part 1

What can I say about Partizan other than WOW!
Postie, BigLee and myself drove up to Newark early on Sunday morning, stopping for a fry up  on the way, what a great show Partizan is. I'd go so far to say it and its sister show The Other Partizan are my favorite shows to visit. The quality of games on show were breathtaking. I'd advise anyone, "If you can only go to one show a year, make it Partizan!"

I took loads of photos, so I'll be splitting the pics into 2 posts, or you'll be here all night!

We arrived around 15 minutes before opening time, there wasn't as many cars parked up as we thought?

Three full of energy Rejects, just about to join the queue.

The queue!

I didn't take any photos until after a lunchtime cup of tea, as we walked back out we were stopped by Nigel from Cambridge, who very nicely congratulated all three of us on our blogs, saying he followed all of our crazy exploits online.
Thanks for the chat Nigel.

Glasgow Tradeston Wargames Club -  15mm 30 Years War 
 Battle of Lutter Am Barenburg 1626

Forest Outlaws - 15mm Seven Years War 
 Vellinghausen 1761 Reimagined

Kallistra/Forest Outlaws - 28mm Wars of the Roses The Battle of Bosworth Field 1485

Steve Spence - 28mm Ancients - Battle of Metaurus 270BC

       The Bunker - 20mm Moderns - Raid on Entebbe

1st Corps  - 28mm American Civil War Gettysburg Day 1 - McPherson Ridge

We bumped into Phil & Jenny, who were lending a helping hand.

Simon Miller - To the Strongest - The Battle of Ipsus 301BC

A beautiful looking game! So many brilliant looking figures.

Mr Miller himself!

Bramley Barn Wargames Club - 28mm Napoleonic - The Klomburg 16th October 1813

Lincoln Miniature Warfare Society - 15mm American Civil - War With a Rebel Yell

League of Gentleman Anti-Alchemists - 28mm Colonial

Leeds Night Owls - Epic Scale 30K Horus Heresy - Battle of Terra Beta

Not my usual cup of tea, but this does look the Biz!

Eagles & Lions Wargaming - The Battle of Gheel Sept 10th 1944

The Old Guard - Napoleonics

Very British Civil Forum - 28mm VBCW - Who controls the Villages, controls the Levels

Retired Wargamers Reloaded - 15mm WW2 - Eagles and Lions at Carentan

Derby Wargames Society - 20mm WW2  - 1941 Eastern Front

I bumped into lots of friends both the online and flesh kind.

Here's me with David from Suffolk

Martin from Warbases

Matt Williams from Storm & Conquest

Martin Cooke from 28mm Heroes

Dave Docherty - One Man and his Brush

Colonel Bill, working hard while Postie and Scott pose

Iain McDonald from Flags of War

Well that's it for Part 1.

Part 2 soon!


  1. Thanks for the roundup Ray. Some great photos including a few of games that I hadn't seen elsewhere. Terrific stuff.

  2. Thanks Ray, agree that it was a cracking show and ‘the one’ to go to.

  3. So many fantastic looking games! McPherson's Ridge is a magnificent layout. My favorite, I think.

    1. It was a great looking game Jonathan, bet you got a big ACW fix out of it as well.

  4. Thanks for taking the time to take and post so many wonderful photos Ray! Looking forward to part 2:).

  5. It was good to catch up Ray. It was a good show.. now where is yer stash!

  6. Great photos Ray, so many amazing games!

  7. Partizan certainly does look like one heck of a treat for the hobby-eyes! Thanks for being so thorough in recording what was there Ray. Looking forward to that second part.

    1. It really is a great show, so much eye candy everywhere you look.

  8. Great pics all around. My favorite is the Gettysburg table. I also like how you included pics of actual people. 😀

    1. It was a fabulous looking game and it's great to meet up with fellow bloggers too.

    2. It was a fabulous looking game and it's great to meet up with fellow bloggers too.

  9. Amazing array of beautiful games! Thanks for posting, Ray.

  10. Cracking post Ray, some top notch looking game son show, plenty to go back and pore over for some inspiration looking forward to part 2!

  11. Ah! Awesome show. Thanks for a photos.

    1. Thanks Michal, glad you enjoyed the photos.

  12. It was indeed a cracking show Ray…
    All the best. Aly

  13. Looks like a great show. I makes me hungry for attending a show myself. Sadly, wargaming shows in Belgium have been wiped out post-Brexit.

  14. Thanks Ray, fantastic pictures as ever, and a great show. Nice to meet you and chat, too!

  15. Thanks for that report. Great pictures.

  16. great to see you, was a fantastic show

  17. Fantastic photos Ray. I hope to make it to a UK show one day.

  18. What an amazing panoply of games Ray - well worth the hike from "dahn Sarf"

  19. Wonderful eye-candy from historic to even Sci-Fi !

  20. Thank you for sharing your photos and time, excellent wargaming eye candy.

