
Thursday 25 May 2023

Partizan 2023 Part 2

Part 2 of my Partizan photo fest!!!


Andrews and Imrie - 28mm American Civil War - Bayonets

Dale Yates - Border Reivers

Boondock Sayntes - 28mm Second Anglo-Maratha War - The Battle of Laswaree 1803

  Burton & District Wargames - Zombie Apocalypse - When the Levee Breaks

Iron Brigade - 28mm English Civil War - Battle of Hopton Heath

Homefront Wargamers - 28mm Peninsular Napoleonic - A Bit of Bailen

Caseshot Publishing - 15mm Napoleonics - The Battle of Castiglione 5th August 1796

A random photo of the hall.

And another, Mr Dave Docherty looking for bargains, I believe?

Lance & Longbow Society - 28mm Medieval

Huntingdon & District Wargames - Catch the Pidgeon

Wings of Glory

Blitzkrieg Miniatures

RAF Wargames Association - 28mm Vietnam - Never Get off the Boat

Lancaster Wargames Society -  Courage mes Braves....Arretez les Momies!

Grantham Strategy Club - 28mm Fantasy Discworld - Witch Racing

One Hour Skirmish - The Great Turkey Hunt

Peterborough Wargames Club - 28mm Fantasy Adventure -The Frozen Forest of Fear

Steve Jones - 6mm Napoleonics - The Battle of Teugn-Hausen 1809

RRR Gamers - Halo Trash

Hornsea Wargames - War of the Roses

Chesterfield Open Gaming Society - 28mm Sci-Fi Skirmish - Xenos Rampant

Not sure this games from?

KBB Club - 144th Moderns

KBB Club - 144th Sci-Fi

Pandyman Entertainment -WWI Trench Warfare - Trench Offensive

Gripping Beast - Mr Richard Kennan 28mm Ancients SAGA

Mark Copplestone - Mark's Little Soldiers

James Morris & Chums - 28mm Norse Mythology - Midgard Heroic Battles against the Frost Giants.

Sheffield & Rotherham Wargames Club 28mm Napoleonics

Barnsley Association of Wargamers - 20mm WW2 - The Winter War, Finland 1939

Big Lee, lurking in amongst the lead.......

Two Fat Lardies

Mark Backhouse - 2mm Ancients - Strength & Honour
The Battle of Cannae 216BC

More Lardy goodness!!!

What a Cowboy

Room 17 Studio - Naval Skirmish Thalassa: Naval Battles on the Ancient Seas

And there you have it!!

Partizan 2023!


  1. The details of some of them are just impressive!

  2. Crikey Ray - fantastic photos! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Superb Ray, many thanks for posting all those lovely photos, some absolutely stunning games on show.

    1. No problem Donnie, glad you came along for the ride.

  4. Great photos Ray. Enjoyed looking at them. What was your favourite game?

    1. Hmmm? A difficult question Richard, I think I'd have to go with the Boondock Sayntes - 28mm Second Anglo-Maratha War - The Battle of Laswaree 1803. Its not a period I've ever thought or wished to do, but it jyst looked so good. I did like the mass of Indian skirmish cavalry on their right flank. Makes me wanna do the period!

  5. Splendid pictures Ray…
    It is indeed one of the best shows around…

    All the best. Aly

  6. Thanks Ray, brilliant pictures! You have really captured the show. I think that Indian game was the most 'colourful' as a display - and the Lardies' Arnhem scenery is quite something!

    1. Agree with both of your comments here David. The Arnhem set ups looked real?

  7. Thanks for all the pictures. Despite being there I missed some of this great games

    1. I probably missed a few games myself Dave?

  8. I can certainly see why many people consider this one of, if not the, best shows in the UK. Another batch of fantastic photos Ray...your lucky bugger!

    1. I am indeed Sir! Got another show soon as well!

  9. So many great games this year.... and I thought I was running out of projects :-)

  10. Great stuff. Thanks for doing this Ray.

  11. Superb pics from what seems a truly excellent show (and to think there is a second show each year) you lot are so sodding lucky to be able to drive to these venues...........grrrrrrr :-)

  12. Lots of great eye candy for sure!

  13. Thanks for posting / sharing - it gives a really good overview and detail of many of the games, terrain and figures

    1. No problem Mark, glad you enjoyed the post.

  14. What an amazing show, such diverse games, genres and scales, so much so that there must have een at least one game to interest everyone.One day maybe I'll get to go - it's only three hours travelling !
