
Monday 29 May 2023

Partizan Loot!


Thought it was about time I posted up my Partizan Loot, I didn't think I'd bought that much until I sorted through the bags a few days after the event.

I hit Warbases hard, firstly loads more bases of varying sizes, just incase?? Yiu never know when you'll need them. Also a 25mm Parisian Fountain..... Why you ask?
Why not!
And some 2mm Antonine figures for my next 2mm project, if ever I get round to sorting it out that is.  

Next up a Bateau and crew from Iron Gate Scenics, I do love the stuff these guys make, I make it a must to buy something from their stand at every show I go to.

I picked up a few odds n sods figures from Col Bill's, most of these will go into the Bonus round box for upcoming Challenges.

Rules Rules Rules
Barry Hilton's Mad For War and Jacobite from Old Glory, I used to own these many moons ago, but they went to Postie when I sold him my 25mm Culloden figures I painted up, probably 20 yeras ago?
Mad For War, I do plan on getting some ships soon, for a little adventure on the high seas.

Lastly back to Col Bill's, I saw these pre-pained figures up for a snip and thought why not.....they could either add to my Haitian Revolution stack or maybe a little African adventure set in the late 1600's, more idea's from Mr Hilton!!! After buying them, Col Bill told me, like the Rejects they'd come up from Kent to visit the show. They were infact painted by blogger pal and Milton 100 Club chum Alan Abbey!

Well that's it, my Loot from Partizan 2023!


  1. Some fine looking loot there Ray…
    I managed to miss Iron Gate this time… there is always The Other Partizan though.

    All the best. Aly

  2. A great haul Ray. That Mad for War looks interesting.

    1. Give it a look Lawrence, its a great book.
      For the UK

      For the US

  3. A good mix Ray …… the mad for war volume looks nice, does that feature their 4x4 table set-ups for scenarios?

    1. I think there's one scenario in the book?

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, I actually had no plan to buy anything?

  5. Some great purchase there Ray, the 2mm ancients are very interesting, have looked at these but not done anything about it yet!! Interested to see your project using them.

    1. I have a plan, Donnie, more on that later.

  6. A very nice haul, look forward to seeing it all painted up

  7. Some great kit there Ray, I particularly like the bateaux and crew....look forward to seeing that purchase painted up!

    1. Iron Gate, make some superb stuff Keith, give them a look.

  8. A great haul there. Fountain is kind of cool.

    1. Yeh, I thought so too, it should make a nice bit of scenery to add to a French village or town.

  9. English fivers must go further than Scots fivers.

    1. You could be right George! You're gonna need a few of them converting the Post Office!!

  10. As Brucie used to say 'Didn't He Do Well?!' All good stuff, supports the traders and you must have saved quite a lot of postage too! 2mm Ancients as well, is that the next project, or can 'barbarian hordes' etc fit other periods? Look forward to findng out..

    1. Soon, David soon, I need to finish off the Almansa project first. Let's just say I'm not using them for the period that they're made for????

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Richard, I tried not to spend too much..................

  12. Very nice haul Ray! Looking forward to seeing lots of this stuff painted up and displayed here.
    Partisan looked like a really good time. Thanks for posting so much coverage for us to enjoy. One day of I’m ever visiting mum in Norfolk around this time I might have to make a side trip

    1. Try and make sure either of the Partizan's are on the next time you visit and we'll meet up.

  13. Glad to see that you concentrated on just the essentials - as all of us do !
