
Friday 9 February 2024

AHPC 14 - French Grenadiers & a Mad Monk


This post is a tad delayed, see previous post for the reasons!!!

For my second entry into Challenge 14, I've entered the Library with 2 entries.

The first is a Dark Age Welsh Priest, holding a wooden cross, from The Miniatures Company, sold by Eureka UK.

Ok, he's Welsh from the Dark Ages, but I think he could and will fit into many other periods.

New Acquisitions: Give us something brand new and shiny.
He's a new figure, I bought him at Partizan in October, I knew he'd come in handy for the Challenge!

Next up we have another Library visit.....

History: In the AHPC Library History is not written by the victors, but by our painters!
This was probably the easiest visit ever to any of the bonus rounds. As anything I paint could go here!

So its back to the late 1600's for some Wargames Foundry French Grenadiers.

They were a doddle to paint up and will add a little colour to my Donnybrook collection.

So to the points 

Monk 5 pts + 20 bonus points = 25pts
8 x Grenadiers - 40 pts + 20 bonus points = 60pts
For a total of  85pts


  1. Great work. Good to see you back at the painting desk.

  2. Just glad you are up to painting again!
    I picture the monk singing an oldie - Stop! In the name of God.

    1. Haha! I see him in a complete different light now!

  3. Excellent work there and good to see you back posting again:).

  4. Lovely work. Thanks for your posts on your recovery. Seems a lot of blogger friends had caught or discovered a malady of late. The monk looks lonely, perhaps a visit to the monastery is In order.

  5. Nice figures, Ray. Sounds like good news, you must be on the mend if you are back to painting!

  6. Nicely done Ray, will you be able to use the recovery time to catch up on painting?

  7. Nice work Ray, really like the dragoons, very nicely done on classic figures. The Welsh priest ain't half bad either!

  8. Well done, Ray. Very good to see you back in action.

  9. AS Jonathan says, nice to see you back at the painting table and producing lovely figures again. Great work.

  10. Nice work on all these and a decent score too Ray!

  11. The Priest is very nice...but those grenadiers are "da bomb!" (Good to sign that are you up and painting again!)

    1. Indeed it is Ed. Its all part of the getting better theory!!!

  12. Painting toys… Definitely some of the best medicine around…
    All the best. Aly

  13. Great looking entries, Ray! Love the French Grenadiers.
