
Tuesday 6 February 2024

Back Home


That was a lucky escape!
After 10 days in hospital I finally got my "Get out of Jail", card stamped yesterday evening.
I'm back home with Mrs R and the kids with a bag of medication and a long list of do's and don'ts.

I'm not 100% out of the woods yet, but I feel a hell of a lot better than I did 10 days ago. But I suppose I would with pneumonia and blood clots in my lung.

So I'm not fully back in the saddle, but will over the coming weeks ease myself back into painting and gaming, while wrapping up warm and dosing myself up on blood thinners for 6 months.

I'd like to thank everyone on Rosewood Ward at Darent Valley Hospital, for putting up with me and helping me on the road to recovery. I often hear bad things about my local hospital, but cannot praise the Doctors, Nurses and other staff members enough, the NHS is a wonderful thing, even when its down to its bare bones.
So thank you.

Also a big thank you to all you readers who sent me your best wishes either here or on any other platform. They were all greatly appreciated.

Thank you one and all.

While in hospital I learned of the sad passing of Graham Cummings. I started following Graham's adventures on his blog Scotia Albion, back in 2010, when I started my blog journey. I never guessed I would one day meet him and have a chat face to face. Which I'm pleased to say I did several times.
A true gent
RIP Graham


  1. Glad to hear you are home and on the mend Ray, great news and it was awfully sad to hear about Graham, a real gent and a big loss.

    1. Thanks Donnie, I only met Graham a few times face to face, but chatted online more. He will be missed.

  2. Thank christ for that. Be careful or they will make you do P.E.

  3. Welcome back! Great to see you home and improving.

    1. Cheers Jon, I should be fine for the Punic Wars game now!!!

  4. Terrific to hear you're up and home, Ray. Please do take good care, fellow. All my best!!!

  5. Good to have you back. Now don’t do it again ! Get well properly now matey

  6. Glad to see your back home. I'm sure the family will take good care of you.

  7. Welcome home; hope your recovery continues on track!

  8. Great to hear that you are back at home. Take care of your self and follow your dos and don'ts.

  9. Ten days is a long time to be lying around in hospital. Glad to see you are back home and on the road to recovery.

    1. It was very boring, luckily I had my wife Ipad, so watched loads of Netflix.

  10. Great to hear you're back home Ray! Just take it easy to make sure you get back to normal as soon as possible.

  11. All the best for a speedy recovery Ray!

  12. Great news Ray! Now, take it easy and follow the medico advice.

  13. Bl**dy Hell Ray, you don't do things by half do you! I'm glad you are on the mend. Take it easy(ier) mate.

  14. Good news but make sure you stick to not doing the don'ts, pneumonia is a nasty thing and can have lingering effects adding clots into mix cannot be helpful !

    1. It wasn't a very nice experience, struggling to breathe is quite horrific!

  15. Great to hear - keep up the recovery!

  16. Awesome to hear you are home and on the mend! Follow those do's and don't's.

  17. happy return home. best wishes for further recovery and back to the important things in life:
    Miniature games! 😁

  18. Good news you are home Ray, all the best.

  19. Glad you are on the road to recovery 👍

  20. Good news - glad you are back home. Rest easy mate.

  21. Good your back home Ray and make sure to take good care of yourself.


  22. Glad you're home and on the road to recovery. You gave us all a bit of a scare last week!

  23. Welcome back Ray and I am really glad you are on the mend - make sure you do what the medics tell you and take your meds! We also have a state funded health system in NZ that cops a lot of abuse for lack of staff, long wait times at ED, not funding enough new cancer drugs quickly enough etc - but when push comes to shove, it works pretty well for most people who need it.
    Unfortunately, our gaming mate Chris, fresh from fighting Mark (1866 and All That) and three other Union players more or less single-handed last Sunday, had another heart attack Tues evening and is back in hospital as I write this - but apparently hoping to be discharged home tomorrow, with different medication.....

    1. That's very good news, give him all my best.

  24. Welcome back Ray - take it easy and try not to have Postie around in a nurses uniform - you will be straight back in hospital :-)

    Great to hear you are on the mend and at home.

    All the best old chap,


    1. Too late, he's already been round in his gaye Biker outfit with fake tasch! It was almost as frightening as being in hospital!!!

  25. Welcome back, good you are on the mend. A steady regimen of rest and wargaming is in order!

  26. So pleased you are home safe Ray. Please look after yourself!

  27. Glad to read that you have escaped and made a home run! Best wishes for a full recovery! But, remember these things take time and patience. So, take care and do as you are told.

    1. Absolutely. I think it's gonna take me a while to get back to normal.

  28. That's welcome news Ray, hope you are getting better every day!
    But also sad news about Graham C, I didn't meet him but he did me the kindness of commenting on my very first blog post back in 2020, which was really encouraging. He'll be sadly missed.

  29. Good to hear that your home and on the mend…
    You should probably start with 2mm figures first … then work your way up to 28mm and above…
    No point straining yourself 😁

    All the best. Aly

  30. Good to hear that you are back home Ray. Take it easy and look after yourself.

  31. Hello Ray! I'm very happy to hear that you're home and on the mend. Ten days in hospital is a long stretch. I just spent a day there recently and that was enough. Hope you'll accept some prayers for healing from a wargaming vicar. Cheers, Michael

  32. Great to see you on the mend, and back home. All the best Airhead

  33. Geez, sounds like a rough couple of weeks. Glad you are back home and with a recovery plan in place. All the best with it, and great that you are on the mend. Best, Aaron

  34. Sorry I’m late writing this but this is really great news! Take good care of yourself.


  35. I missed these worrying posts since I was 'off the blogs' for a while. I am so pleased that you are now heaps better (evidenced by your later posts and visit to Cavalier 2024).
    Regards, James
