
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Blogger Blogger Blogger!!!

Its not been a good weekend in Casa Rousell this past weekend. My back's bloody killing me and the mighty Leeds United failed miserably to get promoted!!! Poxy football, why do I pit myself through this stress??

On the plus I bought a new mobile phone a Samsung Galaxy SE 23, all good I hear you say??

No No No!

For some stupid reason I cannot log onto blogger on my mobile, I've tried all the usual things, but can't seem to get the bloody thing to work.

So I'm hoping one of you fine fellows will know how to fix this problem and no I don't mean Leeds need someone who can actually take a shot on goal from time to time either!

The problem starts after clicking the Blogger App.

Here you can see, I'm not logged in, I click the link to sign in and get taken below.

Great I think? I can write a post, change anything on my layout, BUT I'm still not logged in so cannot comment on my or any others blogs?

See I'm not singed in?
I've  allowed All third Party cookies (which is usually the problem) but I still won't let me log in?

Any ideas??


  1. Oh dear Ray can’t help I’m afraid I only really access via my iPad 👍

  2. Comparing the icons at the bottom of the screen to mine, I imagine you're using the default Samsung web browser. If Chrome isn't installed I'd be shocked. Try Chrome and see if that sorts you out.

    1. I agree on giving Chrome a go. I got a Samsung and the Samsung browser did stuff up some sites with logging in. Went to Chrome and no further issues. While it might not work for your case I agree with Ski it is a good first thing to try.

    2. That was indeed the problem. Thanks.

  3. Sorry about your back. I feel your pain.
    It's probably your browser. IPad uses Safari, which won't let me log into Blogger. I have to use Firefox on my iPad.

    1. Ir was the browser. I thought I'd swapped it over, but nope, I failed another 1st hurdle.

  4. This worked for me…
    In settings go to whatever browser you are using to sign into blogger…
    Then click ON… Allow Cross-Website Tracking

    Hopefully it will work for you as well…

    All the best. Aly

  5. Sorry to hear about your back issues, Ray. I've been dealing with a bad shoulder, myself. As for the Galaxy phone-blogger problem, I am clueless when it comes to technology. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon. Best regards, Dean

  6. Sport fan heartbreak and back problems: yech! I've noticed that they've done another update on Blogger--embedding urls is now dodgy, to say the least, among a few other bugs. Perhaps that might be related to your issues as well? Dunno!

    1. Discovered the change to embedded urls this afternoon. Not dodgy but different.

  7. Had the same problem on the i-pad, same messages etc. I usually do all my stuff on the laptop which is fine, but it was a real nuisance. Hopefully you can ort it out.

  8. Sorry to hear about your back pain and Leeds. As a long-suffering Wolves fan I know all about disappointment.

    1. Silly bloody football! How come you support Wolves?

  9. Thanks for all the input chaps. The problem has been solved. I thought I'd changed from the Samsung Explorer but I was still on it. A quick change over to Chrome as the default and all seems OK........I hope?

  10. Glad you got the phone sorted. Shame that there is nothing to sort your team though.

  11. Glad it got sorted Ray, for a moment when I first looked at your post I thought maybe it was my comment that had caused the issue... :)
    When I was a kid my first awareness of football was the 1970 FA Cup Final. I (completely randomly) supported Leeds, and then it was a draw - and I switched to Chelsea for the replay. Things could have been very different... Hope they do better next year anyway!

  12. No doubt someone above has told you how Ray, so I will just answer your question honestly - No Idea - and I have a Samsung myself - not that flash new model, but still! That is exactly what grinds my gears about today's technology - you have to have at least a passing knowledge/understanding of how the bloody things work, to operate them! I have virtually no idea how an internal combustion engine works, or the electricity supply to my house, but I just have to push a switch/button, and it works - that's what phones, laptops and PC's should be like!

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your back. I'm trying to shift 3 stones as my excess weight is causing me no end of gyp! On the football front, the mighty Nottingham Forest is indifferent to your suffering!

    1. Tell me about it Phil. I really need to lose a few stone as well. This belly keeps getting bigger. The mighty Forest ah? I'm pleased they're still invtbe Premier. Nuno certainly saved you guys this season.
