
Wednesday 22 May 2024

Partizan May 2024 - The Rejects on tour.


Oh my, what can I say about Partizan???
If your'e a historical gamer then Partizan is the place to visit. There were so many superb looking games on show, everywhere you looked. Please if you haven't been before, you just gotta go.

Only 4 Rejects made the looong trip up north, (for us anyway)
Postie, Steve, Lee and myself.

I've tried to knock off some off the photos I took on the day, but this is still a very long post, so take your time and let me know what you think?
You can always check out Lee's post here.

So onto the games.
My top 3 in no particular order were
Phil Olly - One Steppe at a time
Friends of General Haig - 10mm Battle of Aughrim
The Gentlemen Pensioners - Sharpe Practice on the Cape Frontier.

Central London Wargames Club - 15mm Napoleonics

Veterans Wargame Association

Northamptonshire Battlefields Society - Argents Gap 1945 - Not quite Mechanised

Pandyman Entertainment - WW1 Trench Warfare - Trench Offensive

Escorchers - Brecourt Manor 1344

21eme Regt of Line - Napoleonics

KB Club - 1/300th Space fighters

Wings of Glory Aerodrome Forum  - WW1 Air Combat - Wings of Glory

Wings of Glory Aerodrome Forum - Napoleonic Naval Action - Sails of Glory

North Star Miniatures - Oathmark - 28mm Fantasy

LetsXcape 28mm Greek Myth

KB Club - 144th Moderens

Doncaster Wargames Society - Steampunk Naval  - Clockwork Log Rafts 

The Dicemen - 28mm Western shootout Gunfight at Harpersville

  Great Escape Games  -28mm Western - Dead Man's Hand Redux


Forlorn Hope - Battlefleet Gothic - Battlefleet Heresy - Siege of Terra

Col Bill, doing his thang!

Hornsea Contemptables -  ECW

Wargaming Develepments - The Battle of the Bulge


Grantham Strategy Club Battle of Britain Deck Building Undaunted Battle of Britain

Chesterfield Open Gaming Society - Hunting Horrors in an Apocalyptic World Thrice Doomed!

All Hell Let Loose - Bloody Omaha 6mm WWII

Anschluss Wargames -12mm WW2  - Hollywood style bank heist. Kelly's Heroes

The Scourers - 28mm Napoleonic Gothic Horror The Silver Bayonet

Friends of General Haig - The Battle of Aughrim 1691

Friends of the Rejects, Dave and Mike.

Worley Books - Kreigspeil Map Game - Combat of Genappe 1815

John Kersey - 1/72 Games -  20mm Spanish American War - The Battle of El Caney 18981898

Morris & Chums - Midgard Heroic Battles

Morris & Chums - 6mm Trojan Wars

Iain otherwise known as Mr Caveadsum 

League of Gentleman Anti-Alchemists - 28mm Home Guard 1940  - You Stupid Boy!

Blitzkrieg Miniatures - Mighty Empires - The Silmarillion

Caseshot Publishing - 15mm War of 1st Coalition - The Battle of Mondovi 21st April 1796

Martin from Warbases

Harrogate Wargames Club - 28mm Modern South American  - Welcome to the Jungle

Huntingdon & District Wargames Society -  28mm AWI  - Guildford Courthouse 1781

The Gentlemen Pensioners - 28mm Colonial  - Sharpe Practice on the Cape Frontier

Two Fat Lardies - Far East Chain of Command

The Bunker - Indiana Jones - The Temple of Ramalamadingdong

Bramley Barn Wargames Club - WWII

Forest Outlaws  -28mm War of 1812 - The Battle of Bladensburg 24th August 1814

Kallistra/Forest Outlaws - The Siege of Belgrade 1456

Steve Jones/ Steve's Painting Shed - AWI The Battle of Freeman's Farm 1777

Steve & Darrel

The Skirmish Wargames Collective - 60mm Death on Planet Pima

1st Corps - 28mm American-Mexican War - Across the Rio Grande

Phil Olley  - 28mm Eastern Renaissance - One Steppe at a a time

The man himself Phil Olly

League of Augsberg - Dreadnought - The Battle of Jutland 1916

Colin, Postie & Barry Hilton.

Chesterfield Old Boys - 1/35th WW2 - Skirmish Into the Reich

Simon Miller - 28mm ECW - The Relief of Norchester

Peter Dennis - 10mm Plexiglass - The Battle of Plexidorf

The Bodkins - 28mm Rome Vs Sassanids - Warriors of Rome: The 3rd Century Crisis

Coritani - Yep 3 bottles of Tanned Flesh please!

Very British Civil Forum - 28mm Very British Civil War - Poking the Polden

Like a Stonewall - Conquistador

The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers - Down the Adriatic Sea - 28mm Back of Beyond

Rubicon Models - Oscar Mike - 28mm Vietnam

Glasgow Tradeston Wargames Club - The Battle of  Breitenfeld 1631
15mm 30 Years War 

Myself, Dave, Martin & Matt

North Riding Wargames Club - It's Hot Here Sir! -  Sudan

Barely Legal Wargames - The Battle of Carabobo 24th June 1821
28mm South American Wars of Independence 

Derby Wargames Society - Operation Goodwood, The Battle of Bras 1944
Eastern Front - 20mm WWII

Henry Hyde & Myself

Myself & Kerry from the AHPC!!!
All the way from New Zealand via Wales.

Boondock Sayntes - 28mm Indian Mutiny - The Battle of Unao September 1857

                             The Yarkshire Gamer - "Rome or Death" The Battle of Mentana 1867                              
 28mm Italian Wars of Unification

Steve & David the Wargaming Amateur

Durham Wargames Group - 28mm Dark Ages  - The Battle at Fulford Gate

Westbury Wargames - 28mm Macedonian Successors - The Battle of Gabene 316BC

Iron Brigade - To Catch a Queen - 25mm ECW

Lincoln Miniature Warfare Society - Mike Lambo Games - Napoleon to Napalm

And that's it!!!


  1. It was a cracking show Ray, and your photos are a great reminder of how good it was. This was only the 2nd Partizan that I have been to. I spent much of the day there, and I'm convinced I still didn't see everything. I thought I saw you in the distance (and now it seems I was correct!). I shall make a point of saying hello next time. Best wishes, Jason (Light Bobs and Paint Blobs Blog).

    1. Yeh please do Jason. Both Partizan's are well worth the 2 1/2 hour drive. Nit for the shopping, just to see all those fab looking games and to pinch everyone's ideas! Maybe see you in October?

  2. Great photos as usual, Ray and amazing looking games!

  3. Battlefleet setup was really cool.

  4. Impressive and inspiring stuff, Ray! Perfect timing too, as I'm headed out to our big annual convention (nowhere near as large as Partizan, of course), this Friday. Hosting a couple of RJW games using TMWWBK. Hope to post pics from there. Cheers!

  5. Many thanks for putting together such a great report Ray, so many superb games to pore over, cracking stuff!

    1. Cheets Donnie. I'm sure I missed something along the line. Time flies when you're having fun.

  6. Some stunning pictures there Ray. Beautifully put together as always.

  7. Looks like a tremendous show judging by the games in the photos

  8. Lots of great games . Good to catch up Ray

  9. Thanks for giving NQM some space.

  10. Thank you for sharing such a large collection of wonderful wargaming eye candy.


  11. Excellent tour around the show Ray.

  12. What a superb record of the show, was great to meet you in person Ray, I hadn't realised I was so handsome, you must have touched up the picture!

    1. Lol. It was a great surprise to see you there Kerry. Don't forget the invite.

  13. Excellent set of pictures mate. A really good roundup of the show.

  14. Stunning panoply of wonderful games Ray....well worth your loooong trip oop Norf!

  15. Wow - what an epic and fabulous set of photographs.👍 Some games there that I’m sure I didn’t see on the day - there were so many great games there. Very honoured to have made your top 3, and it was great to have a chat on the day. Hope your drive home was relaxing 😀.

    1. It's always a great show. So much eye candy on show, makes you dribble!
      And yes, fab to meet you once again on the flesh.

  16. crazy amount of awesome games. thanks for sharing, I love Salute reports. Must be hard to keep all the pictures organized like that.
    Really liked the Iain spotting!
    appreciate it again. gonna have a second look now. 😁

    1. It took me nearly as long to sort the post out, as it did to walk around the show all day!

  17. It was good to see the Posties at the show, Ray.

    Thanks for giving Not Quite Mechanised and the Northamptonshire Battlefields Society some Blogspace. The NQM szrules are available free online here, for anyone who is interested.

    Regards, Chris

  18. Outstanding! Thanks so much Ray. I have said it before but it is like actually being actually there. Thanks again!

  19. Some really great looking games, Partizan seems to be one of the best shows in this regard.

    1. There's no other show like it. You gotta go.

  20. Fantastic write up of a great show! Thanks for including my Omaha table

    1. No problem at all Charles, your's was a brilliant looking game.

  21. A visual treat! Thanks very much Ray. Some great looking games there.

  22. It looks like a fair number of participation games this year. Great looking games, it would be hard to name one as best of show.

    1. They were all brilliant games. So yes it's difficult to choose a top 5.

  23. Great report Ray, some lovely photos. Thanks so much for including my game and your kind comments. It was great to meet you. See you at the next one! Best rgds. phil

    1. Yours was a fantastic lookingvgame Phil.....and those flags!
