
Monday 30 September 2024

The Other Partizan 2024 and loads of animals too!!!


Its around about now, I enthusiastically ask the question "Who's going to Partizan?" 
But, as you can probably tell by the pic above, I've given into fate and decided not to make the trip up. To be totally honest, I'm gutted, but my legs still not 100%, more like 60%, so its stupid making the 3 hour trip twice in a day and walking around the show. Mrs R and my girls are the only ones who are pleased with the decision, but quite rightly and very boringly, my health has gotta come first.
I'm not sure if any of the other Rejects will make the trip, I know Steve is very keen??

So if you are going I hope you have a fab time!!!

I have had  little time to paint recently, I must admit its hard painting when I have to have my leg raised....
I've been painting some animals for scenic purposes. 
I manged to get 90 cows and 32 horses painted up in one painting session.

Mind you they'e all 2mm!!
For scale I've included a Portuguese line regt and a 15mm figure

I've based these horses up, on the metal base they come on.

And the same with the cows. Not sure what I'm gonna do with them just yet, whether they'll all stay on the bases they'e on, or maybe I'll add some onto a camp base for both sides, as Reject Richard did for his camps?

All the figures are from Irregulars 2mm collection.


  1. Too bad that your legs are still giving you trouble. Hopefully you are ready for a game in one week.

  2. I am so pleased to hear that you are getting better Ray. A real drag that you missed the show, but there will be another for you next year with your 100% legs in tow—or is that on toe? Aux pieds perhaps?! :)
    Marvellous painting of those 2 mm beauties. They are a lot of fun to paint aren't they?
    All the very best for the final 40%,

    1. 2mm does indeed open a whole new world James.

  3. Take care of that hoof Ray! Nice looking tiny herds,

  4. Sorry you can't go. But heath comes first.

    1. It does Alex. I'm not usually this sensible to be honest?

  5. Whilst sorry to hear you can't make the show, it's good to hear your leg is getting better. No show for me as it's too close to another one the week after. Hopefully other kind souls will post plenty of pics for us to enjoy...

    1. I'm hoping to make it to Warfare in November, so I shouldn't moan too much?

  6. Its sad but probably for the best. I had exactly the same things last year, missing Partizan because of the same condition. There will be other shows, not least Partizan next year just a few months away... I know that doesn't help, but you've got to listen to your leg (and your wife of course).

    1. You did poor chap. I'm eyeing up Warfare in November now.

  7. Health comes first Ray and hopefully you will be back fully fit for Warfare. Nice work on those wee animals, should help dress the table nicely.

  8. Will miss you, but you can go to both next year

  9. Shame you can't make the show. At least your managing to get some painting done

  10. I am sending you my best wishes of health!

  11. Showa can be hard on the legs when you are feeling 100%, so definitely the right decision not to go. Nice work on the 2mm animals Ray.

    1. Indeed they can be, Poor Lee would have to carry me around!!!

  12. The right call on the show: there will be others. Sit one out and take care of yourself.

  13. Unfortunate timing but at least there are plenty of other shows around the UK, won't miss out for too long ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Yep, Warfare in another month, that's my aim.

  14. Firstly good to see some painting Ray and glad you are gradually on the mend. As for Partizan as others have said there will be more shows….hopefully you can keep your enthusiasm up till next year ๐Ÿ‘

    1. Looking forward to next years Partizan, thanks Matt.

  15. Sorry to hear that, it's a shame (as the Lemonheads might say?) but sounds like the right decision not to overdo it. Get yourself better, we'll hope to see you at another show sometine soon - Warfare in November, or maybe even Re:Play at Gillingham?

  16. Good to see that some painting is still able to take place despite everything.

  17. Good to hear your foot is getting better

    1. Thanks, the legs still swollen, but it's getting better by the day.

  18. Look after yourself first Ray … catch ya next time

  19. Good to see you can at least do some painting, with a bit of luck I'll make it to the next one too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I've been sneaking a little painting in when I can to be honest. Here's to the next Partizan then!!!

  20. Good to hear that you are on the mend and managing to get some painting done too. Hope to see you out and about at Partizan next year๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป

    1. Thanks David. That's the plan, both Partizan's next year!
