Tuesday 25 August 2020

Haitian Revolution - Terrain - Sugarcane field


My first terrain build for the Haitian Revolution and I decided on a Sugarcane field. Other crops grown were Cotton, Cacao and Coffee, with Sugarcane being the most prolific and important crop. 

The plants were an ebay buy from of all places Veitnam! In 1 pack you get 30 plants 15 yellow and 15 brown/purple. I'm not sure what the difference is but rightly or wrongly I chose to mix the colours on the bases. Here's an ebay link

A Perry Miniatures AWI Civilian or Plantation owner for scale

I mounted 4 plants on 16 warbases 40x40mm bases using a hot glue gun.

The large base is also from Warbases, I asked Martin to cut me loads of irregular sized bases all shapes and sizes, then stuck some lollypop sticks in a 164mm sqaure leaving a bit of a gap 4mm incase of spread.
A dash or two of polyfiller, then my usual sand and stone sprinkle over a watered down PVA solution.

Gotta say I'm mighty pleased how it turned out. I do have a few plants left, so I might make a smaller field to add to my Plantation or I might see if I can buy another crop to burn!!!


  1. Those look pretty effective. :)

  2. Good Looking farm you got there!

  3. Outstanding and super useful.

  4. Brilliant work, Greg. Well done!


  5. Looking awesome Ray. I think the mix of colours is really sweet.

  6. That's pretty cool. I had no idea what sugar cane looked like.

  7. Those Asian sites are great for cheap terrain Ray - a friend got either 50 or 100 palm trees for about ten quid delivered, and they look EXACTLY like the ones FoW will sell you as a pack of 6 for twenty quid or whatever!

    1. Me too! I bought loads of trees for my jungle terrain.

  8. Excellent terrain building! 😀

  9. Great looking bit of terrain!
    Best Iain

  10. Well done Ray, they really look good and something different on the wargaming table.

  11. Looks good.
    Let's raid AliExpress for this kind of stuff ;)

  12. Ok idea suitably pinched, very impressive looking forward to the other terrain ideas I’m going to borrow from you 😁

  13. Nice work on these Ray. I can almost smell the sugar cane.

  14. That works really well Ray..

    All the best. Aly

  15. Good bit of terrain, but I'm not convinced they look like sugar cane fields.
