Wednesday, 5 February 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - French & Allied Officers

 I've been a very busy boy over the last few weeks, I've done a heck of a lot of painting!

Unfortunately most of it has been on walls and ceilings! Me & Mrs R have decided to move house, so the house is up for sale and I'm going from room to room, tarting it all up, ready for some photos to be taken in a couple of weeks. I've been in the same house now for 35 years, so its about time I get my own wargaming table and a new house of course.....

Its no surprise that my entry this week is yet more figures for my and Lee's joint project, 
"The Retreat from Moscow in 1812"

Both myself and Lee have well over indulged in the number of figures we've bought, these were part of my horde I bought at the Warfare show last year.

They are all from Perry Miniatures Pack FN170 Officers

Rear view

They can and will be used for any unit, as none are in a proper uniform as such and could be pressed into any service. I've gotta admit, these are really beautiful figures and were a pleasure to paint up. Perry's do make some crackin' figures.

As to the points, only 6 figures this week, so 6 x 5pts each is 30pts!

I've been asked several times what's our recipe for the snow. Its really not rocket science, Woodland Scenic Snow, tipped into an old jam jar (Damson Jam, my fav), its not measured out, then tip in some PVA, give it a stir, if its too dry, add more PVA, if to wet, add more snow. I added a little water, not even a spoonful. it just loosens on the pva. I've only made one batch so far, each week when I go back to the jar all it needs is a tiny splash of water and a stir and its back to its spreadable consistency. Surprisingly it doesn't go hard in the jar, unlike on the figure bases, where it ends up rock hard.

Monday, 27 January 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - Meets The Silver Bayonet

For my second entry of the day I've gone all silver Bayonet on ya! I've no real interest in the game Silver Bayonet, but I've been a long admirer of the figures produced for the rules, they're so full of character. So I took full advantage of the recent offer from North Star, where you could buy the figures individually, rather than the unit boxes they usually sell in.

I managed to get this unit finished in time to take some pics and post it up. Sitting them on a radiator to help them dry quicker did help!

I painted the figures at the back first, the chap back o the left was supposed to be for my Haitian project, but Haiti's too hot for him,

The figure on the left, has a greenstuff cloak added

as does the Cuirassier on the right, all the others are as they came in the post. Which is a shame, they're both really nice figures and I've hidden all that wonderful detail under a cloak!!
I'm not sure if these will become a unit of stragglers or command figures if I'm being honest, they'll probably be a bit of both in the end.

Points mean prizes and these bad boys will give me 40 points.
8 figures@ 5pts each.

Teemu gave me a bonus of 2 points taking my total to 42pts, pushing me up to 23rd with 247 pts in total.

Friday, 24 January 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - 24th Legere

Surprise Surprise! Here's more figures for my and Lee's  Retreat from Moscow project. 

These poor chilly souls are painted up to represent a detachment of the French 24th Legere, who fought in Ney's Third Army, 10th Division (Ledru), in Gengoult's Brigade. But in all honesty they could be from any French light infantry unit, or any other Grenadier or Voltigeur unit.

In Sharpe Practice, skirmish units are usually in 6 man units. The figures are from the great range of figures made by North Star for the Muskets & Tomahawks ruleset, and are sold as a 6 man unit, as seen here. I've included a commander, once again from North Star's range.
I hope more figures will be added to this great looking range........not that I actually need anymore figures???
But who am I kidding!

Once again I've included their very own base, which I painted up before the Challenge, when we found out no terrain items were allowed this time round.

Onto the points, nice and easy...
7 figures at 5pts each = 35 pts

These troops pushed me back up to 27th place with a total of 205 points.