Monday 28 February 2011

Cavalier Tonbridge 2011

Myself and the usual cronies Fran, LINK, Postie and Richard drove down to Tonbridge to spend our hard earned pennies at Cavilier in Tonbridge, we made quite good time arriving in around 35 minutes from sunny Gravesend. There we met up with fellow blogger Big Lee, (who has beat me to the punch with his photo's of the show!) LINK.We all spent far too much money, I picked up a small pre-order of some extra command figures for the 15mm NYW project from Essex miniatures, a few paints, which I could actually see, for some miraculas reason the managment at the Angel Centre turned off the god awful yellow lights that used to blight the show, so for the first time in a couple of years I didn't get a headache after walking around for several hours straining my eyes to see!!   I also bought a copy of  Sharpe Practice, rules for large skimishes games, hopefully to use with my 15mm FIW figures. After the show we all headed for Fran's, for a Zombie game after sampling the delights of his fridge, his good lady indoors had made a large plate of cheese and ham rolls, which didn't last that long, but we forgot to eat the cake she made!! I sure Fran made up for our mistake, stuffing his face while watching the TV last night, although he will no doubt deny all knowledge of the said cake!. Anyway I took a few photo's of the show which are below, I also took some photo's of the Zombie game we played, I'll post them another day.
Sgts' Mess had my first purchase of ther day, a beacon fire, which I'll use to burn alive the redcoated English in the French Indian Wars

The Lance and Longbow Socity

Aaahhh!! BigLee & Fran

Three photo's of the great looking WWII game by Loughton Strike Force, Budapest 1945

The Battle of Grunwald by Crawley Wargames Club

A FIW skirmish game from the jolly good chaps from the Royal American 60th foot reinactment society, who hopefully will be sending me a copy of the rules.

A skirmish at Ngoway's Kraal Anglo-Zulu War 1879

The dreaded Bring and Buy. With each visit I recieved either a smack in the side of my head with a rucksack, the aroma of a smelly armpit or worse! but mainly the view of the back of someones head!! So with a gritting and grinding of my
of the teeth and lots of expletives, I gave up!!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Recently painted No 15 - O'Farrell's Scots Fuzileers NYW

Another recently painted unit, the first of 2011 for my NYW army, once again they're Essex miniatures, bases are from Warbases and they're based up for BLB.

Charles Erskine 5th Earl of Mar was appointed as the regiments first Colonel on 23 September 1678. The regiment first saw action at the Battle of Bothwell Bridge on 22 June 1679. In 1685 it was engaged in suppressing the rebellion of the Earl of Argyle. Then in 1686 Thomas Buchan became colonel of the regiment. In 1688 the regiment left Scotland and marched to England in support of King James, against the Prince of Orange. After the change of power, Thomas Buchan was dismissed and succeeded by Francis Fergus O'Farrell by commission of 1 March 1689.

The regiment was sent overseas almost immediately, sailing from Gravesend, (my hometown), in March 1689 to form part of the allied force defending the Low Countries, opposing Louis XIV of France. The force included (Treasury Books for 25th January 1689/90) the 2nd troop of Guards and Grenadiers; the Royal Regiment of Horse; the Royal Regiment of Scots Footguards; Royal Regiment of Fusiliers; the Regiments of Foot commanded by Col. Charles Churchill, Col. John Hales, Sir David Coliear, Col. Edward FitzPatrick, Col Robert Hodges and Col. Francis D’O’Farrell. The army was under the command of Prince Waldeck, and the regiment served in the division under Earl (as he then was) Marlborough.
 They fought at Walcourt in on 25th August 1689, Shortly afterwards the regiment was issued with the new flintlock muskets (in about 1690), hence being named the Scots Fusiliers by Royal Warrant.
 On 27th July 1691 they were drawn up at Gerpines Camp, where their uniforms were described as “red, lined red”. They next fought at Steenkirk (or Steenkerke) on 3rd August 1692, a hard-fought but indecisive engagement. Some weeks before that battle, O’Farrell was taken prisoner by the French while on his way to a conference with the Duke of Wurtemburg (Duke Eberhard Louis, who served under William in Ireland as well as on the Continent), but was released on payment of the customary ransom. On 29th July 1693 they fought at Landen (Neerwinden), when the French forces under Marshall Luxembourg defeated William’s forces.
 During 1694 O’Farrell was appointed commander of the town of Diense in the Low Countries, one of a chain of fortified towns across the Low Countries which were fought over by the French and English. When the town was besieged on 21st July 1695 by Villeroy’s army O’Farrell surrendered to the French without firing a shot, and he was tried by a court-martial on 19th October . He was perhaps lucky, because the commander of Dixmude (which had been taken by Villeroy on his way to Diense), who surrendered at the same time, was beheaded!
 The 21st Fusiliers, were then bestowed on Col. Robert McKay on 13th November 1695, he died in December 1696. Then in 1697 Archibald Row, formerly Lieutenant-Colonel of Stanley's regiment became the new Colonel. After the peace of Rijswijk the regiment was shipped to Scotland. Row's regiment survived the 1699 disbandings on the Scottish establishment.

Monday 21 February 2011

Historically Inspiring No 3 DAK motorcycle and sidecar

Motorbike with sidecar (BMW) and mounted MG34 of the
21st Panzer-Division, German Afrika Korps
Many moons ago, as a child my first foray into any type of wargame was the famous box of Airfix soldiers, me and my brother used to set the soldiers up then throw marbles at them, I shudder to think doing the same to my new rather expensive collection today. My favourite troops were the German Africa Corps, I don't know why but they were always the first troops I picked. Then one year as part of my 8th birthday I got a WWII kids colouring book, the black line drawings were all taken from photos of the war, its sad but I can still remember turning to page 16 and finding the picture above, I was in awe and coloured the picture with great care and delight. The picture then found pride of place next to my Leeds United team posters from Shoot magazine. Recently my pal The Angry Lurker bought loads of Flames of War figures, they looked great so I made that fateful decision to halt painting the 15mm FIW figures I had been furiously painting away and get some DAK and 8th army figures, I ploughed into both armies spending far too much money and time on them, near completion I came to my senses and sold the lot on ebay and at Tonbridge wargame show. I had mixed feelings after, Damn I shouldn't have sold them!!! but I needed the dosh to finish the FIW project I started the previous year. Then what did I do,... I talked myself into buying into another period along with my other pal Richard, 15mm NYW. What's it all about???

Saturday 19 February 2011

Historically Inspiring No 2 Rush up the Anse du Foulon 1759

Another inspirational picture for your enjoyment, it's from one of my favourite periods, The French-Indian War or the Seven Years War in America. The pictures shows the mad scramble up Anse du Foulon, by the British army, on the 13th September 1759, trying to get foothold on the Plains of Abraham, which they did. This then led to the famous British victory at the Battle of Quebec.
My current project of the Nine Years War has put a temporary hold on my FIW 15mm skirmish figures, I will get back to them soon, fingers crossed!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Edmund Howard at Flodden 1513

I had an email this week from a follower of my blog Eric Elder, he asked if I was going to post anymore flags for the Battle of Flodden. So I knocked this flag up today, (much to the Angry Lurkers delight), it's from an article in Military Modelling 1982 Manual. There are some other flags there that I've not seen before either so I'll be busy making them for a while. The magazine only cost £1.50 or $4.50 in the USA or Canada, doesn't that just make you sick??

"Edmund Howard had with him 1,000 Cheshire men, and 500 Lancashire men, and many gentlemen of Yorkshire on the right wing of the Lord Howard; and the Lord Chamberlain of Scotland with many Lords did set upon him, and the Cheshire and Lancashire men never abode stroke, and few of the gentlemen of Yorkshire abode, but fled...And the said Edmund Howard was thrice felled, and to his relief the Lord Dacres came with 1,500 men, and put to flight all the said Scots, and had about 8 score of his men slain. In which battle a great number of Scots were slain."

This quote came from the source below.

Amongst the State Papers in the Public Record Office is the dispatch Articles of the Bataill bitwix the Kings of Scottes and therle of Surrey in Brankstone Feld, the 9 day of September. A contemporay French translation of the dispatch claimed it to have been sent by the Admiral Lord Thomas Howard, who had joined the army commanded by his father, the Earl of Surrey, with reinforcments from the Fleet.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Viking/Saxon Flags No 6

Another 3 flags for the Dark Age period, these flags can be used for both Vikings and Saxons or anything else you want. The first is a Wolf banner, the second is obviously a horse banner, so you could if you want use it for a cavalry unit, while the last flag is a Dragon banner, so the choice is yours!! Comments welcome and appreciated.

Monday 14 February 2011

Historically Inspiring No1 Napoleon, Near Moscow

There are countless Historical paintings and pictures online, that have, and do inspire me to get the painting brush out. Sometimes they have inspired me to spend my hard earned dosh on a completly new periods as I'm sure they have with some of you reading this now. So I thought I'd post a few of these pictures.
The first in the new series is "Napoleon, Near Moscow, waiting for a Boyer deputation by Vasili Vereshchagin.
I love the mood of this painting, the fog of battle, Napoleon, standing hands behind his back,  waiting alone while his army celebrate. I'm not sure if Napoleon looks as if  the weight of the world is on his still on his shoulders or a weight has just been lifted.

Napoleon, Near Moscow, waiting for a Boyer deputation
by Vasili Vereshchagin

Friday 11 February 2011

Recently Painted No 15 NYW Generals Walrad, Ginkel, Tilly and Solms.

The last four of my Nine Years War Generals is the subject of this post.
The first base represents Count  Walrad de Nassau-Usingen, but is better known as Walrad de Nassau-Saarbrucken. During the War of the League of Augsburg,  Walrad got appointed as field marshal of the Dutch army. His rank as field marshal was behind Waldeck and the appointment was supported by William III. He was reported to have served at Fleurus and Steinkerque. Both horses are Essex while the men are Donnington figures.

Godart van Reede heer van Ginkel,  1st Earl of Athlone was a member of the Utrecht nobility, and one of William III's men. He commanded a body of Dutch cavalry at the Battle of the Boyne. In 1691 he commanded the English army in Ireland and succeeded in reconquering it for the English crown. This brought him the titles 1st Earl of Athlone and Baron of Aughrim.
He accompanied William to Flanders and was presant at the Battle of Neerwinden and the seige of Namur in 1695. Again as above the figure is by Donnington and the horse is by Essex.


Albert-Octave, Comte T'Serclaes de Tilly. In December 1690 Tilly is mentioned as being in command of a 540 men strong dragoon corps that was bivouaced in Liège during the winter of 1690-1691. He was appointed as General Major on 24 March 1691. In 1693 Tilly was the commander of 3 cavalry and 5 dragoon regiments who were forced out of Tongres in the night of 14-15 July 1693. On 25 October 1694 he was appointed as Lieutenant General in the Dutch army. Again as above a Donnington man and an Essex horse.

Henrik Trajectinus, Graaf van Solms, was a General and one of King William's favourites. He commanded the Garde te Voet, through many engagments during the Nine years War until his death at the Battle of Neerwinden in 1693. He was disliked by the English officers and men due to his arrogeance and for having been thought to be responsible for the failure to support the English army at the Battle of Steenkirke. Solms is an Essex figure and horse.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Recently painted No14 NYW Generals Casimir, Portland, Overkirke and Wuttemburg

Four more command bases for my Nine Years War army. The first three photo's are of Prins Hendrik Casimir, Stadhouder van Nassau-Friesland, Groningegen en Drenthe.  Casimir was a cousin of William of Orange, third Field-Marshal in the Dutch Army in 1689, resigning in 1692. The figure raising his sword represents Casimir and is an Essex figure, while the other is a Donnington figure, both horses are Essex as per the last post.

The next two photo's represent Hans Willem Bentinck, the Earl of Portland, on the right and an aide. both are Essex Minis. Portland is in the uniform of the Dutch Gaard te Paard, his regiment. He was the lifelong friend, councillor and possible lover of William of Orange. He was the most important man at the Kings court being both 1st Gentleman of the Bedchamber and a privy Councillor.

Next we have two photo's of Henrik van Nassau-Ouwerkerk, later he anglised his name to Overkirke. He was William's second cousin and his Master of Horse. He was the illegitamate grandson of Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange.

Ferdinand Wilhelm, the Duke of Wuttemberg-Neustadt, was the commander of the Danish troops who served in Flanders. He fought at the Battle of Steenkerque in 1692. He was appointed the commander of the Garde te Voet after the Battle of Neerwinden as a succesor to Count Solms who was killed during the battle. The horse is an Essex figure, while the rider is my favourite figure from the Donnigton range, an officer in armour, as you see them in portraits of the time, although it's unlikly they wore the armour on the battlefield.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Poor Angry (Fran)

As you all may have read on the Angry Lurkers blog, Link,  My poor pal Fran is sick at the moment, he has been stricken down with Bell's Palsey. I took this photo of him today, whilst supplying chocolate and man mags, please all send him your best, as he's feeling very sorry for himself!!!!

Recently painted No13 NYW Generals William III and Graaf van Waldeck

Some more recently painted figures for your perusal, and these are mine for a change! In this post are 2 command stands for my Allied Nine Years War army, my main commander is William III,  I had a spare standard bearer, so I thought he'd look good on William's base, but then I had the trouble of what flag to use on the base. In the end I used the Royal Coat of Arms, with the Coat of arms for the House of Orange added, It's probably incorrect but looks fine to me!! The figures are 15mm Essex, and the lovely round bases are from Warbases, a link to both of these companies can be found on my Links list at the bottom left of my blog page.

The second command base is for George Frederik Graf van Waldeck-Pymont, who commanded the allied army in Flanders whilst William was somewhat busy in Ireland. Waldeck and his trumpetor are painted up in the colours of his cavalry regiment at the time. The horses are Essex, but the men are from Donnington Miniatures, "Link". I bought several officer figures at a show last year, but found when horsed they  towered over the Essex figures, so with a little cutting and scrapping I mounted them on Essex horses and they match quite well.