Tuesday 30 April 2013

RP No 133 NYW Danish - von Donop's Horse

The first of my three regts of Danish Horse for the Battle of the Boyne. Von Donop's Horse were formed from drafts taken from regular Danish regiments of horse. According to the army estimates for the year 1691, each of the three regiments was composed of 6 troops with 270 men in total. 
Moritz Melchior von Donop was the son of a landed gentleman in Westphalia. He became a page of Queen Sophia Amelia of Denmark, Christian V's mother, in 1666 and later entered the Danish army. He came to Ireland as Colonel commanding the 2nd regt of Cavalry and was killed in the trenches during the second siege of Limerick on 26th August 1691. I believe that the regt was then placed under the command of the Prince of Wuttemburg.

Sunday 28 April 2013

RP No 132 15mm FIW - Rangers & Indian Canoes

More figures that I've had for far too long sitting in my unloved figure draw are this bunch of canoes and rafts for the French Indian Wars. They are mainly from Irregular Miniatures with a spattering of Matchlock Miniatures.
For the British side there are 10 canoes and 6 rafts, while the Indian which of course can be used for both sides have 22 canoes, ( a bit ott, I know??) They're not the best or most detailed 15mm figures out there, but when I bought them they were the only two companies who sold them. But they work fine for me.
I have loads of scenarios all planned in my head to use these figures, one problem I found was the lack of unmanned canoes that are for sale, so I based all the figures for the canoes on coffee stirrers out of McDonald's, some needed a little trimming but the fit in quite snug. 
So when the Indians land I'll take out the figures and leave the canoes on the beach, for the rangers to find and either hole them or pinch them!
These were part of my last sandbagging post on Curt's painting challenge, I'm not sure what points they earned me as Curt combined the points for a few entries.

Lastly....Is anyone else having a problem when posting? My and Fran's posts have taken around 3 hours to register up on other bloggers Blog Rolls?? I posted this at 1037 its now 1347 and still nothings came up???

Friday 26 April 2013

Anne's figures for the 400K Giveaway

I'm in a bit of a painting fug at the moment, I seem to be making any kind of excuse not to pick the brush up, trouble is I've got so much stuff still to paint that I've just gotta keep plodding on.
Anyhow whilst in the middle of this hazzy fug I've managed to paint up Anne's 3 figures that she sent me after Monty gave away his prize in my 400K Prize Giveaway.
The figures all come from Thunderbolt Mountain miniatures and were sculpted by Tom Meier. The first two are from his FIW collection and are 1/48th scale around the 40mm mark. For the Woodland Indian you had a choice of weapons I chose the two hand to hand combat weapons instead of the musket, I thought it look more dynamic?? I also chose not to give him any warpaint, the face was sculpted so well I didn't want to slap loads of colour all over it and spoil the effect.

The second figure is of an American Frontiersman, I went with green and blue for his dress, influenced by pics of Rogers Rangers. Unfortunately he was a complete bugger to photograph, I had to alter the shade and highlight the photos quite a lot just to try and see his face. I think its the way he's leaning forward as he's running???

Lastly we have a 25mm casting of Sir Percevale from Arthurian legend, I kept him quite simple and painted him all white, apart from his helmet and shield, but was very pleased how he came out. What happened to the foot figures Anne??
These are winging their way across the Atlantic as I type and hopefully will be with Anne in a couple of days!!!!

Monday 22 April 2013

Salute 2013 Part 2

I did take a lot of photos at the show but I had to bin at least half of them. I'm not sure who to blame maybe I need a new camera, or perhaps I should read the instruction booklet for my camera, maybe its me? But I'm going with the blame Francis, why? Why bloody not!
I missed loads of great looking games for them you'll have to check out the dearth of other bloggers posts. Here are the best of what I had left.

GLC Games Club - The Battle of Steenkirke 1692
My favourite period, the NYW and my favourite set of rules BLB2

Gravesend Wargames Club & Scarab Miniatures - Jarl & the Jomvikings
A great looking game and they come from Gravesend too!!!!

Gripping Beast
There new monster building

Spirit of the Game - End of Empire - Smog
Loved the look of this game, its not really my thing but it still looked very cool.

Not sure who's game this was....sorry????

Battlefront Miniatures run by Barry Hilton - ACW, The Battle of Little Big Top
Using Barry's soon to be released ACW rules 
"Rally to the Colours"

Possibly Gringo 40's, The Alamo?

Oshiro Model Terrain - Assault on Aki Kamei-jo

Battlegroup - Normandy from GMG Kildare

And finally
As we were leaving Fran and Postie said about the massive Waterloo game
"What Waterloo Game?" I said
So back we went, unfortunately they were packing the troops away so I 
only got a few pics.....