Thursday 31 May 2012

NYW/Jacobite Flags - The Earl of Antrim's Foot regt

This flag can be seen in one of my previous posts on The Earl of Antrim's regt, that fought at The Battle of the Boyne, in 1690. I can't claim this one to be 100% my work. I used the flag made by Dan Harper on his blog Sixteen Ninety as a template and with a few tweaks changed it slightly. The second flag was pretty easy to make, usually the red cross is shown with no white background, but I liked Pete's idea from his blog Irish Army of James II, of adding the white background as it shows up the cross more and looks better.

So thanks again to Dan and Pete!!!

Monday 28 May 2012

Dad's Army - Keep Young and Beautiful

Today's post is totally none wargaming related, but its about soldiers (well kind of?), so I think it fits in??
Last week a saw a documentary on the BBC TV show Dad's Army, they showed loads of clips from the show, and this is one of them. I've watched it around 50 times in the last week, it just tickles me, I can't help it???
 I showed it to the Mrs, who just looked at me shaking her head. I was told "I'm sad", by daughter No 2, who's 17. My two little'uns liked it though. Thing is they were probably laughing at me, not with me!!!

But I think its an excellent bit of film and I dare you not to smile or chuckle at Sgt Wilson's laugh!!!!
Just to set the clip up, It from an episode called "Keep young and Beautiful" Some of the Platoon are feeling their age and trying things to make them feel and look young. Capt Mainwaring is trying out a wig!!!

Some of you readers may never have seen Dad's Army which ran from 1968 till 1977. It was all about a exploits of a Home Guard platoon during WWII. 
Here's a few links if your interested: 

Thursday 24 May 2012

Broadside 2012

Just down the A2 a few miles from Reject HQ, live Milton Hundred Wargames Club. Last year the Rejects drove down to their first ever Wargames Show "Broadside 2011" at Sittingbourne in Kent, here's my post on the show. A great time was had by one and all.
Now to the crunch point of this post, unfortunately, Clint from Anything but a One said in a post yesterday,
"It's very disappointing. As a Show Broadside is still young, very young. As such we need all the help and support we can get. So when two of the three wargames magazines that you have bought advertising space in fail to deliver the advert for the show it's very disappointing."
 Now I don't know the in and outs of what happened, but If I were the organizers of the show I'd be a tad annoyed at this. As Clint said its a new show and needs all the help it can get. So myself Fran and  BigLee and will be trying to help the guys at Milton Hundred out and post a few ads for them. Obviously these won't have the same impact as they would have in the 2 mags, (no names mentioned), but every little can help, so they say, AND if you do turn up for the show, you'll get to meet me and Fran!!! Shouldn't really have said that, nobody's gonna turn up for that are they????  Fran did say though, and I quote " If any one comes up to him at the show and says, "Are you The Gitface Angry Lurker"" he'll give them a pound, but he might have meant a pounding though??? Not really sure??

Posties Rejects are putting on their first ever (and probably last!) game at a show. Its a WWI demo/game for The Battle of Amiens 1918.

So here you are, all the info you need about the show!!!!!!


This year our show is sponsored by Pen & Sword Books
publishers of Military, Aviation, Maritime and Wargaming books

Sunday 10th June 2012 Swallows Leisure Centre, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4NT

10am to 4pm - Entrance Fee JUST £3.00!

(non wargaming partners and children under 16 free when
accompanied by a paying adult)
We have 37 traders, 14 clubs and 26 games!!
why not take a table at our new Flea Market style Bring and Buy?

Wednesday 23 May 2012

RP No76 NYW/Jacobite Earl of Antrim's regt

My latest unit painted up for my Battle of the Boyne project is the Earl of Antrim's regiment. They were led by Alexander MacDonnel, the 3rd Earl of Antrim. They fought at the Siege of Derry, The Boyne, Athlone, Aughrim and the second Siege of Limerick. The were recorded as having 513 effective troops in 1689. 411 of them armed with a serviceable musket, with only 46 pikemen. Giving them a ratio of approx 10-1, so I painted these up as an all musket unit. Unbelievably there were also another 56 men in the unit unarmed!!!

Once again the figures are from Essex Miniatures and bases are from Warbases. The flags are made by myself, but thanks go to Dan Harper and his blog Sixteen Ninety , as I used his Antrim flag as a template.

Friday 18 May 2012

RP No 75 RJW Russian Artillery

The last of the catch up posts from the Analouge Painting Challenge you'll all be pleased to here, Fran!!
These were posted in the final minutes of the Challenge giving me 432 points to add to my winning total of 4940!
I was once again accused of sandbagging by Curt (now a Honorary Reject, Canadian Chapter). and being a cheeky git, which of course are both absolutely correct!
In this post are 24 batteries of Russian artillery for the Russo-Japanese War, why Postie wanted this much is a mystery to me and him too probably???
There are 12 batteries made by Old Glory and another 12 by Irregular minis, they all still need a splash of ink, but Postie won't here of it?????
Have a great weekend, I will I'm stuck at work on nights painting and trying to fit a little bit of work in on the side!!

Irregular Minis

Old Glory

Tuesday 15 May 2012

NYW Flags Jacobite Earl of Clanricarde

This is my version of the flag for the Earl of Clanricarde, that fought at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. The flag can be seen in action in my last post. here.
Up next for my Boyne project are the Earl of Antrim's foot regt and Sarsfield's Horse, so look out for them soon.
I've also just finished some British artillerymen for the FIW, I've just gotta take a few pics of them and then I'll get them up on the blog.

Monday 14 May 2012

RP No 74 Jacobite regt - Earl of Clanricarde 1690

Another finished regiment for my Battle of the Boyne project, these fine looking fellow represent the Jacobite, Earl of Clanrickarde's regt of foot. Richard Burke (or Bourke) commanded the regt at the Boyne, while at the later Battle of Aughrim they were commanded by Richard's brother Ulick, who was killed in the battle.
In the army review that King James held on the 1-2 October 1689, the Earl of Clanrickarde's foot consisted of 36 Officers, 26 NCO's and 694 other ranks. Of that 694, 436 armed with muskets, 201 were armed with a pike and 44 were unarmed? The Jacobite army were organized in a rough ratio of 2 musketeers for every pikeman, so therefore, the middle stand of troops have integral pikemen, giving 2 stands of musket to one of pike. This also falls in with the ideas of both Barry Hilton and Clarence Harrison for the hopefully soon to be released Jacobite supplement to Beneath the Lily Banners.
Clanrickarde or Clanricarde as its sometimes spelt fought in Richard Hamilton's brigade and saw heavy action at Oldbidge, along with King James' Guard, the Earl of Antrim's and Boisseleau's two battalions.

The flag once again is pure conjecture, but I pinched the idea for it from a post on the League of Augsberg site, here. Thanks guys!!! Once again there is only speculation on the uniform for the regt, I've gone with a blueish grey with red cuffs, I think it looks nice when combined with the yellow of the flag. I've also given the officer figure a red coat just for the hell of it!

Friday 11 May 2012

RP 73 FIW English Generals

Something that was missing in my first test of my FIW Rules a few weeks back, were some Generals, so over the weekend I painted up these seven Essex Miniatures Seven Years Wars figures. I've started with the English and will paint up some French soon. The figures have various cuff colours, some will represent Generals for particular units, while some of the blue cuffed will be the CnC and Aide de Camp's.
Have a great weekend peeps!!!




42nd, yeah I know!!



Tuesday 8 May 2012

RP 72 NYW Jacobite's - Boisseleau's regt.

My first two regts of Jacobite foot for the Battle of the Boyne, belong to Alexander de Rainer de Droue, the Marquis de Boisseleau's regiment. Boisseleau was one of the French officers who came over to Ireland, by an agreement between Louis XIV and James II.
Boisseleau's were one of 10 Jacobite Infantry units to have two battalions, others include The Kings/Irish Guard, John Hamilton's,The Lord Grand Prior's, Lord Galway's, Lord Kenmure's, Col Henry Dillon's, Cormuck O'Neill's, Col Edmund O'Reilly's and Walter Bourke's.
At the Boyne, Boisseleau's two battalions fought in Richard Hamilton brigade at the Oldbridge sector of the Boyne, other regiments were King James' Foot Guards and the Earl of Antrim's. Boisseleau's were said to have been the least experienced of Hamilton's command but the best equipped.
There is no record of what the 2 battalions true uniform was, others have painted them with red coats and various coloured cuffs and linings. As you can see I've painted mine up French style, a white coat, lined white, for two reasons, one being, having a French commander they may have been dressed in French coats?? The other being they were a darn site easier to paint!!!!
I've already posted the flags I made for this unit, you can see them here, if you haven't already!!

1st Battalion

2nd Battalion

Friday 4 May 2012

NYW Flags - King James' Lifeguard 1690.

Just a quick post today. As I painted up and posted King James' Lifeguard on my blog earlier in the week, I thought I'd share the flag as well. So here it is!!!! So copy, print and do what you will with it!!

Thursday 3 May 2012

RP 71 RJW - Russian Machine Gun Teams

Back to the Analouge Painting Challenge for today's post ( yeh, I know Fran!!) These Russian Machine gun teams were entered into Curt's Challenge back on March 20th and along with the Japanese Machine Gun teams earned me 320 points!!!

The figures are once again from Irregular and still like most of Posties RJW collection are in need of a damn good inking!!!

It is my sad duty to inform you of a death in the family, my long serving camera Colin has bit the bullet. Colin served me for 3 glorious years, travelling with me to many Wargaming shows and to many games, we had our ups and downs, usually when he wouldn't focus when I wanted him to. I, still after the 3 years he served me, never knew how to get him to work properly, I'd press a button or two and usually wonder what I'd done and how the hell I would get it back to how it was before. But he always knew what to do. He was gallant until the end, which was the night before last, he was running out of juice, so a quick change of batteries was needed.............but that was the end. He never woke up from the operation even with the new batteries inserted the right way round.
So this post is dedicated to Colin, my his memory live Forever.....................

Lastly I'm pimping out Ian, a fellow Wargame blogger, take a quick look at his blog "The Blog With No Name", it will be well worth the visit!!!!!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

RP No 70 King James' Lifeguards 1690

My first unit for my expansion of my Allied Grand Alliance army for the Battle of the Boyne, the 1st and 2nd Troop of King James' Lifeguard. The 1st troop was commanded by Colonel Patrick Sarsfield, while the 2nd was commanded by James Fitzjames, the Duke of Berwick, who was the illegitimate son of King James II of England by Arabella Churchill, sister of the Duke of Marlborough. Although during the Battle, Berwick was in effect in charge of both troops.
The Lifeguards were one of the regiments that William III had ordered to disband, but along with a number of other regiments including Horse, Foot and Dragoons, stayed loyal to King James and formed the nucleus of his Jacobite army.
There was a third troop of the Lifeguards that I may add at a later date, these were a Grenedier troop commanded by either Pierce Butler 2nd Viscount Ikerrin or James Butler 3rd Viscount Ikerrin, there seems to be a little confusion as to what Butler it was??

Figures are once again from Essex, bases from Warbases and flags by me!

1st Troop

2nd Troop