Thursday 30 December 2021

Xmas Haul 2021


One last post for the year, I thought I'd share my Wargames Christmas haul with you all.
My 2 eldest daughters Emily and Abi bought me the figures above. They're all from The Assault Group's Polish Renaissance range. They're mostly Haiduks and will make up the majority of infantry for my Polish Donnybrook army. I will need to get a few more packs to top up the units, hopefully they'll make it in time to be painted up in the Challenge.

My two youngest daughters Holly and Nieve bought me the three books above. I actually bought them from fellow blogger and wheeler dealer Dave Crook and collected them at Salute. Then handed them over to the girls to wrap up for me for xmas. So I've only just had a chance to flick through them.

So I've got some cleaning up to do and lots of reading too!

Happy New Year everyone!

Friday 24 December 2021

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all who follow and comment on my little corner of the
Wargaming World!

See you all in 2022!

Monday 13 December 2021

Broadside 2021 - The Games


Part 2 of my Broadside 2021 posts, I took quite a few photos that I wanted to share, so thought it best to split the post in two.

Our brother in arms Real Time Wargames -The Year of Liberty, 10mm Irish Rebellion 1798

I asked the guys where they got the fort from, "Its not a fort, its a walled city" was the answer.
And so it is!

Its made from bits and pieces of different makes, but looks brilliant IMHO

Not sure who these guys were?

You will be Home Before the Leaves Fall, WW1 - Shepway Wargames Club
What's not to love about this game?

Not sure who?

Battle for Medway 1067, Norman Invasion - Skirmish Wargames Club

Postie gets in on the act! Had a chat to blogger Matt, in the foreground, take a look at his blog Waterloo to Mons

The Rejects at play

Was voted Best Game at the Show

Debris of War
15mm North African tents anyone?

Somehow I missed getting photos of Milton Hundred's Lion Rampant game???
Sorry chaps!

What a great show that was, I can't wait for next years show!

On the way out I realised that we missed having a Posties Rejects group shot, so we took a pic in the carpark, all looking knackered and worn out.

I didn't get a great deal of time to buy anything, but I did pick up a pack of ruins from Debris of War

and some Dressed Stone Walls, from the Bring & Buy, I think they're from Frontline Wargaming?

So that's Broadside done for another year!