Friday 30 March 2012

RP No64 Russo-Japanese War Generals

Japanese Army Overal Commander

At the end of the Analouge Painting Challenge I had these Generals very, very  nearly finished, only the gold and silver was left to do along with the final once over and basing. Unfortunatley they didn't make it to the final cut, so along with the recently posted ACW disordered markers. They would have given me approx 530 points, which would have been nice. They were finished off over the past weekend and handed over to Postie. All figures are from Irregular Miniatures, although some are from their Franco-Prussian range, which fit in quite well with the uniforms from the Russo-Japanese War.

 Japanese Army Commanders, 3 to a base.

 Single based leaders are Brigade Commanders.

Japanese Division Commanders.

 The Russian Overal Army Commander.

 Russian Army Commanders.

 A Cossack Army Commander.

 Russian Division Commanders.

Russian Brigade Commanders.

Thursday 29 March 2012

RP 63 ACW Disordered Markers

I started painting these disordered markers during the Analouge painting Challenge, but I didn't get the chance to finish them in time and add them to my tally. So last weekend I got stuck in and finished basing them and some other figures that didn't make it onto Challenge, (more from them in a later post).  The figures are casualty markers from Peter Pig's ACW range, and will be used for Posties Fire & Fury rules.
In the last photo you can see what they looked like at the end of the Challenge, I just didn't get time to finish them!!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

NYW Flags - Jacobite regt Marquis de Boisseleau 1690

1st Battalion The Marquis of Boisseleau regt

I'm planning on painting up some of the Jacobite units that fought at The Battle of the Boyne and at the Battle of Aughrim. One regiment that I will be painting is that of the Marquis de Boisseleau's regiment of two battalions. Unfortunately there is no record of what uniform, if any the regiment wore and what their flags may have looked like. After following the link on the League of Augsberg site, I decided to make my own version of the flag,  Hopefully some of you may find it useful.

2nd Battalion The Marquis of Boisseleau regt

Monday 26 March 2012

RP No 62 - NYW Earl of Bath's regt

In 1685, James II was compelled to add new regiments of horse and foot to those already in being, to deal with Monmouth’s rebellion. Under the date of 20 June 1685, a commission was issued to Major General John Granville, Earl of Bath, for the raising of eleven companies of foot, each containing 100 “private men.” These companies, added to the independent company of infantry in the Plymouth garrison, constituted a regiment, of which the Earl of Bath was appointed Colonel, and which became known as the Earl of Bath's Regiment of Foot. The men for the new regiment were raised in the counties of Derby and Nottingham. The first uniform was a single-breasted, long skirted blue coat lined with red, with red waistcoat, breeches and stockings.
This Regiment first saw active service in the war of the Grand Alliance, taking a prominent part in the Battle of Steenkirk (Flanders) during the War of the League of Augsburg in 1692.
All of the above from

The figures are from Essex Miniatures, the bases from Warbases and the flags were designed by David and are on his blog Not By Appointment. How the hell he puts in that wave effect onto his flags I don't know??I've been wanting to paint this regt since I started the Grand Alliance project but just didn't get around to it until last month when they were entered onto the Analouge Painting Challenge. The main reason for painting this unit is their coat, a very unusual colour for the English at the time. By 1691 I've read that they were said to have been dressed in a red coat with yellow cuff, but I thought I'd paint them in their earlier blue coat.

Friday 23 March 2012

RP No 61 FIW Civilians

I know, I know,  more of what Ray's just painted!!!!!!! Fran said its getting boring now, 
I explained that he was just sore that I kicked his ginger butt, in the Analouge Painting Challenge, he he!!

 Talking of the Challenge, today's post is another catch up of some figures I entered in early March, here.

There's not a real lot I can write about these figures as they're all Civilians for either side during the French Indian War. In the first photo above we have the little children.

The ladies.
Mainly Frei Corps figures, some unknown ebay jobbies.

 Ladies with babies

 Sad really but I'm not sure how to write this, just encase I offend someone, but here goes,
Negro slaves?

 More ladies, one with a gun!!

 Men about town
A mixture of Frei Corps, Peter Pig and Hallmark

The Town Mayor, in his brand new coat. 

 Armed Civilians

 A close up, all figures here are Frei Corps

So are these!!

All the towns folk together!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Analouge Painting Challenge Winner!!!

Well that's the end of the 2nd Analouge Painting Challenge and I'm very pleased to have come out on top!!

It was a battle to the last for first place between myself and Kent, but I just pipped him to the post. I sent in an entry with minutes to go, and just passed Kent's total, to finish 1st!!!
Below are the final standings, I've put a link in for each competitor apart from Steve M, John B and Paul P, sorry guys I've searched for your blogs or web pages but just can't find them anywhere, if anyone knows a link please let me know.
As you can see below both myself and Fran managed to fulfill our aim, and finish in the top 5. But I'll have to add a quick "Up Yours Ging!!" to Fran as I doubled his points total, he he!!!
I've gotta give a big Thank You,  to Curt for running the Challenge, I enjoyed it immensely and got far more figures painted than I would have done otherwise!!!  And we'll see you at Salute and our game!!!!
And a big well done to everyone who took part as Curt said, there were a hell of a lot of figures painted!!!

  1. RayR: 4940 (15mm Russian Artillery) 
  2. KentG: 4724 (28mm Early Imperial Romans) Link
  3. TimB: 3385 (20mm WWII Soviets) Link
  4. FranL: 2152 (15mm Franonian National Guard) Link
  5. SteveM: 2044 (WWII Landing Craft & Artillery) Link
  6. ChrisP: 2029 (28mm Ancient Greeks) Link
  7. DaveD: 1975 (28mm Bromhead & Pat Garrett) Link
  8. MilesR: 1061 (Dacians, Elephants & Paras)  Link
  9. GregB: 1019 (WWII German Panthers) Link
  10. JohnM: 1000 (Prussian Inf, Officers & Caisson) Link
  11. IanW: 900 (28mm WWII & 15mm Ancients) Link
  12. MikeW: 867 (28mm Brigantes Army) Link
  13. Curt: 791 (28mm Napoleonic Portuguese) Link
  14. Scott: 695 (15mm WWII German Nebelwerfers) Link
  15. PhilH: 519 (28mm Gun Moll and Priest) Link
  16. JuanM: 446 (28mm Landschneckt) Link
  17. ChristopherS: 442 (28mm Adventuress) Link
  18. DallasE: 420 (28mm WWII US Infantry) Link
  19. Michael: 315 (28mm Dark Age Baggage Train) Link
  20. JohnB: 310 (30mm 2nd Btn Vistula Legion) Link
  21. RossM: 269 (28mm Hector & his Trojans) Link
  22. TimmyD: 138 (20mm WWII PAK & Crews) Link
  23. Sylvain: 90 (28mm Napoleonic Russians) Link
  24. PaulP: 34 (15mm Napoleonic Saxon Cmd) Link

Here's what I managed to paint since Dec 20th!!!!!
1027 foot figures
106 Cavalry figures
64 Horses
37 Limbers
65 Artillery
40 Machine Guns
40 figures
1 figure
8 figures

John Coy's Horse x 12 - Link
de la Meloniere Huguenot foot regt x 21 - Link
Du Cambon Huguenot foot regt x 21 - Link
La Caillmotte Huguenot foot regt x 21 - Link
Fitzharding's Dragoons Horse holders x 6 - Link
Earl of Bath's x 21
Garde du Corps Horse x 12 -Link

French casualties x 15 - Link
British Work party x 14 - Link
English Wagons and Caissons x 10 - Link
English Artillery and Limbers x 16 - Link
French Artillery and Limbers x 11 - Link
Civilians x 58
Quebec Militia x 20 Link
Indians x 30 - Link
Indians x 48 Link
Corps de Cavalrie x 10
Dismounted  Corps de Cavalrie x 10 
General Wolfe
General Washington

Russo-Japanese War
1st Japanese Cavalry regt x 12 - Link
3rd Japanese Cavalry regt x 12 - Link
2nd Japanese Cavalry regt x 12
4th Japanese Cavalry regt x 12
12th Japanese Cavalry regt x 12
Guard Japanese Cavalry regt x 12
6th Infantry 3 Battalions x 48 - Link
33rd Infantry 3 Battalions x 48 - Link

Machine Guns + Crew x 96 
18 Artillery + crew x 90
1st East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48
2nd East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48
3rd East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48 
4th East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48
33rd East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48
34th East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48
35th East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48
36th East Siberian Rifle Regt 3 Battalions x 48
24 Artillery + Crew x 120
Machine Guns + crew x 40

Fran's figs
Russian Partizans x 40 - Link

Fran the Angry Bear - Link

Zulu Warriors x 4
24th Foot x 4 - Link

Tuesday 20 March 2012

RP No60 FIW Quebec Militia

I'm well behind in posting all my newly painted figures so I'm going to try to catch up on a few this week, today's post  was entered into the Analouge Painting Challenge, at the end of February, the Quebec Militia earned me 60 points!!! The figures are from Essex miniatures, and bases are from Peter Pig. I do need to get some command for this group, unfortunately Essex don't make any for the Canadian Militia, I've got plenty of other figures I can use though. I must admit I'm not that keen on the pose for these figures, if I hadn't of already owned them, I would have bought the more dynamic poses from BlueMoon...but there you go!!!!!
The photos are not the best I've taken, so apologies for that!. I pinched the last photo from Fran's blog post about our recent FIW test game  , the Militia didn't really take much of a part, they stood a looked threatening in the woods, while their brothers from Montreal got stuck in!!

The Canadian Militia were a major asset to the French Commanders during the War, unlike the the Provisional troops from the 13 Colonies. They Canadians were geared up for war, Montcalm apparently described them as " born soldiers from the age of 16......on the rolls of Militia, boatmen and good shots and hunters......They excelled on forest war and ambushes"
While they were not trained to fight in the linear tactics of European warfare, but were more proficient in wilderness fighting and scouting. Like the Militia from the 13 Colonies the Canadians were mainly assigned to protect forts and other remote outposts. They were also assigned to scout and flank activities when part of a column.
The number of Militia raised in New France never exceeded 15,000 men per year, they usually returned home after the campaign season had finished and returned to the war effort the next year.

Sunday 18 March 2012

RP No 59 More Woodland Injuns!!!!

I posted these Indians on the Analouge Painting Challenge last month, the figures are from Peter Pigs newish AWI range, I bought a few packets at Salute last year, just to make a change from the Essex and Frei Corps figures I already own, like my previous Indian figures, they are not painted for a specific tribe but a generic look to fight for both sides and against each other in the FIW period 1754-1764ish. Once again like my other figures for the period, they are based up on Peter Pig's excellent metal bases, they're a bit of a pain to stick the sand on and they don't like paint that much either, but they just what I needed!!!

We've only 2 more more days left in the Painting Challenge and its really hotting up, here's the top 10

1. KentG: 4244 (15mm Mycenaean DBA Army)
2. RayR: 4072 (15mm Japanese Infantry)
3. TimB: 2505 (Egyptians, RAF and Contractor)
4. FranL: 1962 (15mm Modern Figures & Vehicles)
5. DaveD: 1955 (28mm Vistula Legion)
6. ChisP: 1739 (28mm WWII Germans & Ajax)
7. SteveM: 1669 (French Foreign Legionnaires)
8. GregB: 959 (WWII Soviet Armour)
9. MilesR: 861 (15mm Panzergrenadiers)
10.JohnM: 685 (28mm Napoleonic Prussian Cavalry)
11.Scott: 685 (15mm WWII German Nebelwerfers)

Kent's now in touching reach, I never thought I'd get to 4k, I'd be great if I could sneak 1st place but I'm not keeping my hopes up, Kent's just posted 28 Hanoverian Grenadiers, that he's nearly completed, I've been working like a Trojan over the weekend and have a few things to enter myself, but will it be enough???????

But of course the ultimate goal, looks certain to succeed, beating the Oirish Git Francis The Angry Licker!!!!! And no of course I won't be rubbing that fact it in either........................Mwah ha ha!!!!