Monday 26 December 2016

Secret Santa, Santa Claus & Xmas Pressies

Seems this Xmas I've gone all Native!
Above is my Secret Santa pressie, some Warlord Games Woodland Bowman
and Magua with some rather nice foliage to boot!
I do know who ordered these beauties for me as their name was on the receipt inside, so a huge thanks goes to him! (No names mentioned!)

Magua makes a second appearance in my Santa Claus pressie along with him a rather festive 
Native, dragging a Xmas tree back to camp!
Thank you very much goes to my Santa Claus, these will be great additions to my up and coming
excursion to North American Donnybrook.

Lastly a great pressie from daughters 1 & 2, Emily and Abi.
They always have trouble buying their poor Dad a pressie for Xmas.
We have more Warlord Native bowmen, Miami Indians and for the third and final
time we have Magua, I may have to  do a bit of conversion work, me thinks??
Also 2 packs of Perry Indians from their AWI range, bowmen and muskets.
Guess what I'll be painting for the Challenge?

Monday 19 December 2016

Donnybrook Warbases Peasant Cart 3

Another easy to assemble cart from Warbases, this one is sold as Peasant Cart 3, for £4 and
is my personal favourite from their collection.

The driver is from Col Bill's TYW/ECW Wagon Crew pack.

Its a pretty versatile wagon and could be used for many periods of history and like
 I already said £4?? why wouldn't you??

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Donnybrook - The Menfolk

I thought I better tidy up some posts that I haven't yet managed to post before
 the start of this years Challenge!
These are six more Redoubt figures painted up for my Donnybrook project, these fine looking 
fellows were once again painted up by me ol' pal Fran!
I asked Fran to keep the colour quite bland and dull, (bit like him really....he he!)
which he's done perfickly!!

You'll find most of these figures here,  the 2nd, 3rd 4th and 6th in Redoubt's ECW civilian range

While the 1st and the 5th you'll find here, in the Three Musketeers range.
They will all be added to my civilian Militia/Towns folk for Donnybrook and will also be seconded into one of the Duke of Monmouth regiments for some possible Sedgemoor action!!

Monday 5 December 2016

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge VII

Well its that time of year once again...
Its time for the 7th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.

All 100.....yes 100!!! participants are all busy undercoating and prepping
all there figures, all bar!
I've still got loads of figures undercoated from the last two Challenges!!
Gotta admit they're a bit dusty, but It'll be nice to get some paint on them.

All in all I have only 1 plan for the Challenge this year, and that's to try and finish higher
than last years 36th place. Which I think is gonna be difficult as there's a massive 100

I'm a bit stumped on some of the Bonus rounds to be honest??
So I'm gonna have to do a bit of thinking on these.

The five Bonus Themes along with their submission deadlines are:
  • January 8th - Armour
  • January 22nd - East
  • February 5th - Terrain: 'Home' 
  • February 19th - West
  • March 5th - Character(s) and/or Scene from a Movie, TV program, Book or piece of Music
Me and BigLee have teamed for for the Price of Entry and have a few
ideas in mind??

So that's it, really
Happy Painting Fellow Challengers!!!