Saturday 24 October 2015

A meeting of like minds

A mini blogger meet up occured last Thursday evening. Bloggers Tamsin, Lee and myself met up with the Uber Geek himself, Miles Reidy. Miles was over in the UK from the US on business and contacted us all to see if we wanted to meet up. As Tamsin knows London a bit better than me she suggested a Greek restuarant near Charlotte Street. Don't ask me what its called, I couldn't tell you?? I'd never been for a Greek meal before in the UK, apart from our local kebab shop of course, but I was told, that doesn't count!
We all had a great evening talking all things wargaming. The grub was very nice indeed, don't know why but I seemed to pick all the hardest things to pronounce from the menu, and made a right tit of myself trying to say them. Hopefully we'll do it again one day. And if Miles can sort it, he may even come over in April for Salute and a game at Reject HQ!!!
Thanks for a great evening everyone and thanks for picking up the tab Miles!!!!

Saturday 17 October 2015

SELWG 15 Swag

Not exactly sure how much I spent at SELWG this year? It would have been more, if everything on my list was there, but alas it wasn't. So here's a few pics of what I did buy. As per usual it follows the same pattern as most of my buys over the last couple of years, (now there's a surprise)

Quite a bit was spent on Col Bill's stand, another pack of Unfeasibly minis, Tuareg's with Jezail musket, piles of treasure, boxes of food and some Wolves. Also 2 packs of goods to fit on 4Ground wagons and a pack of Perry Bedouin command for my Tangier Moroccans.

I also bought some scenery items from Parkfield minis and an artillery piece and limber and some farm implements for some militia types.

And no trip to a wargame show would be worth it without a few pack of my favorite 15mm figures, Essex minis. I will be painting up a few Spanish units for my NYW collection. No, I don't need them.........I want them! I also bought enough figures for another English Dragoon regt. I've only got 1 so I neeeed another! And another impulse buy was a squadron of French Hussars. There was a regt during the period, but there's no info on their uniform, so I've never bought them before, but hey, what the heck I needs them!

My stupid idiot buy of the show, was from Grubby tanks. Some 25mm cannon balls and barrels from Britannia minis. I pulled out what I wanted and expected to pay a fiver or so, so I was a bit shocked as I handed over £13. Should have given them back for that price! and told him to poke it!

A few close ups. 
Love these clean and crisp Treasure piles from Ainsty Castings
Not sure what I'll do with them but.................

Anyone for an apple or cabbage?
or even some mackerel?

Once again I didn't really need these guys, but wanted the chap on the right, waving his musket
in the air, to use as a commander for my Moroccan musket men.

Finally you can never have enough wolves......can you??


Tuesday 13 October 2015

Rejects on Tour - SELWG 2015

On Sunday Rejects Surj, Ian, Postie and myself drove up to Crystal Palace for our annul trip to SELWG.
I bought a few bits and bobs during the day, I'll show off my new shinies later in the week. I ended up with a sore throat at the end of the day, I did more chatting than buying!
Also, I got to try out my new camera, well its actually my mobile, but its got a better camera than my actual camera??? So hence the funny shaped pics!

The Queue

A Reject hug
Surg, Ian & Postie

The main hall, we got in early, it got a lot busier than this.

Just in the door and we met fellow Rejects, BigLee, Clint,
little Miss BigLee (Padwan Emily) and Tamsin.
I also met up with a few other Bloggers througout the day, Alastair from A Wargaming Gallimaufry, Al from The Wargaming Shed and Steve, partner in crime of Steve from The NorseyGamer

A waited a few hours to take pics of the games to get some action shots.
The first game and my personal favorite was from 
Loughton Strike Force - Waterloo

Crush the Kaiser - Hey Gringo
I quite fancy having a go at this Pancho Villa and all???

Random Shot No1

Southend Wargames Club - Capitan 18th Century Naval

Capitan's new ship, its a big one! all made from MDF???

Gravesend Wargames Club -  The Battle of St Alfege's Abbey
Phil, Reece and Chums!

Maidstone Wargames Society - James Bond on skis!

Deal Wargames Club - Prison Break, Los Banos, The Philippines 1945

Semi Naked Japanese soldiers exercising in the yard!!

Random Shot No 2

Newbury & Reading Wargame Society - Warlords of the First Crusade

Staines Wargames Club - Outrageous Fortune, Agincourt 1415

Tamsin got in on the action.

Peter Pig - Hammerin' Iron ACW Naval 1861-65

Peter Pig again - PBI WWII

Random Shot No 3

Friday Night Firefight - Malifaux

And Lee's (from Harold's Revenge) game..
Revenants v Vikings

Loved the tree

TWWS - Very French Civil War

SEEMS - The Relief of Helios IV

"I'm just gonna suck on his metal thing"
said a lady these two chaps knew!!!

Crawley Wargames Club -  WWI Stretcher Bearer

A Return to Axanar - Star Trek game, not sure who these guys were??

Simon Miller - To The Strongest, Athens v Sparta

Warlords - Stingray

Shepway Wargames - The Destruction of Congo

Robert Dunlop - 6mm WWI
This game looked very impressive!!

Society of Ancients - The Battle of Paraitacene 317 BC

Random Shot No 4

GLC Gamers Club - ECW, The Battle of Nantwich 1644

Random Shot No 5
The Bring & Buy, quite late in the day

I bought a few bits & bobs from Parkfield, then Postie came along, flipped 
open his fat wallet....bang goes £130! 
Posties list had a few old figure codes, Poor Simon, was getting a little flustered !
And no he doesn't take credit cards!