Wednesday 31 March 2021

AHPC 11 - Warfare Miniatures Ottoman Tribal Cavalry


21 post for the month of March?? That's the most I've ever posted in a month!

My penultimate Ottoman unit for this years Challenge.

These 9 Warfare Miniature figures are painted up to represent a rag tag Tribal bow unit.

Ottoman Cavalry force

Unit of Elite Sipahis of the Porte - armoured, lance, pistols and shield - 3 models
Unit of Drilled Balkan Timariot Sipahis - armoured, lance, pistols - 6 models
Unit of Drilled Anatolian Sipahis - spear, bow - 6 models
Unit of Recruit Tribal cavalry - bows - 9 models

One more unit to go!

Once again the are 2 part figure.

Made so you can make up a variety of poses with just 9 figures.

I tried to keep them plain looking with no real bright colour.

So my 9 figure Tribal unit shall earn me

90 points

9 x 25mm mounted figures @ 10 pts each

Monday 29 March 2021

Reject Richard's - The Battle of Stoliboz, 1 October 1756 Part 3

 An Alternative Seven Years War Remote Wargame

The Battle of Stoliboz, 1 October 1756

A Guest Blog

Part 3 – Battle Phase 2, First Clashes and Jockeying for Position

As the generals consult their time-pieces they note that as 10am approaches the fog is lifting fast, as a slight breeze and a warm Autumn sun uncover the battlefield.

If you have just joined this then you may want some of the previous posts on this battle.

  1. Introduction and details - (I’m sure Ray will provide the link) HERE

  2. Phase 1 – deployment in the fog - (I’m sure Ray will provide the link) HERE

French horse artillery (nb. Remember it’s an alternative SYW) fires canister into Regt Conde-La Reine as it strays too close in the last of the morning mist.

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Meanwhile the Austrian grenzers and French chasseurs commence a firefight in woods.

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Which is ably assisted by the horse artillery which realigns its sights and pours canister into the threatening chasseurs.

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Consequently, the French chasseurs immediately recoil to calm their shaken morale.

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Things are moving fast outside of Stoliboz as French heavy cavalry and Austrian hussars charge and counter charge.

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The melee is savage with the French Conde-La Reine regiment broken by the Austrian 12th Hussars…

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…but honours are even (at least for the moment) when the French Orleans-Roussillon regiment send the Austrian 6th Hussars into confusion and retreat.

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However, both the enthusiasm and organisation of riders and mounts of the Orleans-Roussillon regiment have waned and they are then unable to follow through.  Whilst in true Teutonic style, the 12th Hussars opt to pause and reorganise their ranks.

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So, the situation at about quarter past ten o’clock is as follows with the fog clearing fast across the whole field.


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With the focus across most of the area being about gaining position and deploying, most of the action centres just to the west of Stoliboz.  With the crackle of irregular musketry continuing between the skirmishers in the woods, the cavalry brigades jostle for advantage.  However, being out of command and in a state of disorganisation, Orleans-Roussillon regiment finds itself charged in the flank by the re-organised Austrian 12th Hussars.

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This is too much for even the cream of French horsemanship to bear and so the Orleans-Roussillon regiment break after suffering substantial losses.

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By 10:30am, the Austrian lines are beginning to take shape and the pressure on Stoliboz from the French has been temporarily eased.  However, the French chasseurs in the woods to the north of the town may have something to say about that.

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Apart from the sound of unregulated firing from the woods, the battlefield has settled into a calm broken only by the tramp of marching infantry, the jingle of horse furniture and the beat of the drums.  So it is that this is the situation at around quarter to eleven o’clock as seen from the Austrian side.


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And from the French side.


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And lastly, the battle lines are being drawn from the Elbe and Stoliboz in the north to the mountains in the south.

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What would you do now if you were either Ray and Ian for the Austrians, or Lee, Surjit and John for the French?

Until next time…

Friday 26 March 2021

AHPC 11 Donnybrook - Plymouth Colony Militia 1675


Back to Donnybrook, now there's a surprise!!! But this time we've crossed the pond to the early English Colonies in America.

I've used these Empress Miniatures English Civil War figures to represent the early colonists
in the America's. I bought these a few years ago at SELWG in Crystal Palace as I wanted some Militia types for King Philips War  and other fights around that time. This is the first time I've painted Empress Miniatures before and I've gotta say they are crackin' figures in both proportion and to paint up.

The unit is made up of various Infantry and dismounted Cavalry packs to try and make them look more individual.

The flag is a homemade one I drew on Paint, I've no clue what kind of flag the Militia would have used if at all? So I used the flag of St George. And of course they don't have to just be the Plymouth Militia, they could be any unit of the war. And of course they could be from the ECW, IF I ever want to do Donnybrook ECW???

There are 20 figures in the unit. These of course can be any Militia unit that fought during King Philip's War, not just the Plymouth Militia.

Which gives me 100 points to add to my total.

Thursday 25 March 2021

AHPC11 - Warfare Miniatures - Ottomans Balkan Timariot Siphis for Donnybrook

More great Warfare Miniatures figures for this next post and its more Sipahis, this time from the Balkans.

Ottoman Cavalry force

Unit of Elite Sipahis of the Porte - armoured, lance, pistols and shield - 3 models
Unit of Drilled Balkan Timariot Sipahis - armoured, lance, pistols - 6 models
Unit of Drilled Anatolian Sipahis - spear, bow - 6 models
Unit of Recruit Tribal cavalry - bows - 9 models

The figures are a mix of  Lance, Pistol and Musket armed figures.
I do like the 2 chaps with pistols best. I might well have to get a few more of these???

So these 6 figures will add another 60 points to my total.
6 x Mounted 25mm figures @ 10 points each.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

AHPC11 - Sarah the Sorceress - Old Hag

For the final time this Challenge I call upon her Highness Sarah the Sorceress to transport me from
the Graveyard Beach down to Level 4 and the Alter of the Snowlord.

The Altar of the Snow Lord: In this final chamber our very own Snow Fiend will select a challenge for you, as a tribute to the painting Gods. 

Not much to say about the Old Hag really?? She's a Front Rank figure and will blend in with the million other civilians I've already painted up over the years.
I did paint up a few female figures early on in the Challenge, just incase I needed them for the Sarah the Sorceress transport duties. Lucky I did, as I'm running out of time to get something painted for my Alter of the Snowlord post!!

5 points for the Old Hag
20 Bonus points for Sarah the Sorceress

Tuesday 23 March 2021

AHPC11 - Chamber of Challenge - Debris of War - Graveyard Beach 62 pts

Sorry folks but I've kinda ignored the second word Beach and gone with the first word, Graveyard.

 Graveyard Beach: Spooky, ghostly, undead and undying things arrive, or resurrect, here under 

Challenge Mountain. Bonus points if combined with a watery or nautical theme.

Its been an interesting Challenge for me this time around, I seem to have got the terrain bug?

Debris of War make a fantastic Graveyard set, but I wanted mine to be more rustic with a countryside look, so I bought their gravestones and different walls.

My original plan was to make a permanent model but after having a chat with Postie, I changed my mind and made it modular otherwise I think I think it would get broken. This way I can store it more easily.

The Debris of War gravestones were rather elaborate affairs only for the upper class. I wanted some plain ordinary worn out looking ones, so I bought some MDF ones from Ebay. I painted them with very watered down polyfiller to give them a stone look. I even left some unbased  to lean against the walls.

This dashing looking fellow was going to be a Ghoul/Zombie in my Shrine post, but I changed my mind and painted up the Col Bill's Ghosts. So he's moved into the Graveyard as an extra figure.
I'm not sure of the manufacturer as he and some other chums were gifted to me by me ol pal Fran, before he buggered off back to Ireland. He's part of a collection climbing out of toxic waste barrels!!

The Gravedigger is a Foundry figure from their SYW Prussian  labourers, sorry I can't find the pack on their site? The wheelbarrow and coffin are from Black Tree Design here

Now here's the really difficult bit.....the points!!
The base boards are 16 x 16 inches x 0.5 inch
The walling measure 4 x 14 inch x 1 inch high
There are 27 based Gravestones with another 5 unbased.
1 x 25mm figure
1/2 x 25mm figure
1 x coffin
1 x wheelbarrow

If the base walling and Gravestones are piled up the should make a rough box of 16 x 8 x 2.5
making a total of 1.5 boxes. giving me 30 points
1 x 25mm figure - 5 points
1/2 x 25mm figure - 3 points
1 x coffin - 2 points
1 x wheelbarrow - 2 points
Challenge Bonus - 20 points

Making a total of 62 points.

This pushed me up to No10 in the Challenge chart, the first time I broke into the upper echelons this time round with a 1477 points total.

Monday 22 March 2021

AHPC11 - Warfare Ottomans - Anatolian Sipahis

Back to the Ottomans and back to Warfare Miniatures!
I bought a cavalry force from Mr Hilton with some Christmas money, they arrived in early 
January as the horses had only just been caste. 

As with the infantry I asked Barry for an idea of a small Ottoman army, here's the 4 point Donnybrook force Barry suggested.

Ottoman Cavalry force

Unit of Elite Sipahis of the Porte - armoured, lance, pistols and shield - 3 models
Unit of Drilled Balkan Timariot Sipahis - armoured, lance, pistols - 6 models
Unit of Drilled Anatolian Sipahis - sword, bow - 6 models
Unit of Recruit Tribal cavalry - bows - 9 models

They are beautiful figures, which come to two parts, so you can get a real mix of figure poses.
And they paint up so well. 

There are 6 x 25mm figures giving me a total of...

60 points!

These 60 points pushed me up  to No11 in the charts, with 1415 points.