Sunday, 7 March 2021

AHPC11 - The Chamber of Challenge - The Oubliette - Renaissance Arquebusiers


Well I bet this is a surprise? No Donnybrook!
Long Long ago, long before my blog, I painted up a rather large 15mm army for both sides for the Battle of Pavia 1525. The Rejects played quite a few games using Age of Discovery rules, which always worked well, if a little fiddly. I'll get them out again one day, I promise!

These 3 small units have been glued to sticks ready to paint since around 2002-5. So I thought they'd be a good entry into The Obliette bonus round.

Oubliette: Your challenge in this chamber is to paint something forgotten, or lost. A figure you thought you’d sold years ago. Or a model from a long-forgotten project. Resurrect what excited you, long ago, with a flourish from your brushes.

I hadn't planed on painting any 15mm figures during this Challenge, but it sure reminded me just how quick they are to paint up, over 25mm.
The figures on the right are from Essex Miniatures and I can't remember who made the two Landsknechte units? They could be Venexia, but I'm not 100% sure?

The 3 units of 15mm figures will earn me 48 points
along with the 20 point Bonus, making a total of 
68 points.


  1. Always glad to see arquebusier's units, nice exit from oubliettes Ray!

  2. That was a long time ago. Good excuse to finally paint them.

  3. What is truly impressive is that you remembered your basing scheme having returned to your long lost project.

    1. I've got it all written down in a little red book!

  4. I do like seeing raggety-arsed units rather than the more poplar parade ground ones !
    Very surprised these aren;t for Donnyborrk, though not disappointed.

    1. I was nuce actually getting them painted up after all those years waiting.

  5. Great looking troops, Ray. I'm always surprised to see they are 15's - they look like 28's at first glance.

  6. Nice work on the fifteens Ray...a change is as good as a rest, they do say!

  7. A nice addition to the Challenge, and I too am finding a recent transition from 15mm back to 28mm more of a slog than I'd remembered.

    1. I swore a couple of years ago that I'd never buy another 25mm period, not sure what happened......

  8. That's a force to be reckoned with.
