Friday 30 November 2012

RP No 107 NYW - Nassau Saarbruken Dutch Foot

Well back to my normal non Ebay stuff for a while, I've bored you all enough already!
So its back to the Nine Years War, Regt Nassau Saarbruken-Ottweiler, were raised on 22nd December 1664, they were maintained by the province of Zeeland and were under the command of Walrad, Cout of Nassau-Saarbruken from the 1st December 1680 until 6th Auigust 1701, when Reinier van der Beke became their Colonel.
The regt fought at the Battle of the Boyne in between the Dutch regt Brandenburg and the English regt Hanmar's.
A per usual with this period there's some conjecture on their uniform, some gamers have painted the unit up in grey coats cuffed red, but I've gone for grey, cuffed blue. In the London Gazette of 16th May 1689, a deserter from the regt was described as dressed in a grey coat lined in blue. So the London Gazette gets it!!
There is no available info on their flag, so I made one up, I kept the flag blue and added the coat of arms for Nassau-Saarbruken and also added the coat of arms for Zeeland in the top corner of the flag, which is a common feature in Dutch flags from the period.

And the Donkey's back too!

Thursday 29 November 2012

RP No 106 GZG Stargate Anubis Guard

Following on from yesterdays post here we have SG1's enemy the Jackal headed Anubis Guard, the figures are once again from Ground Zero Games and are sold as Sci-Fi Egyptians with Jackal helmets, here.
They're on sale at the moment on ebay if anyone's interested???
Ebay link

Wednesday 28 November 2012

RP No 105 15mm GZG - Stargate SG1

I used to love this show when it was on TV and still watch it now and again when I can. It's on UK TV Channel, Pick TV every morning at 10 at the moment. The figures are from Ground Zero Games who make their own 15mm versions of the Stargate characters Sam Carter, Jack O'Neill, Teal'c and Daniel Jackson as well as all the other poor saps who follow them on their journeys to other worlds and never return.
The are 4 character figures plus the 20 USAF Troops are up for sale on Ebay for £21.99
Here's the link for them, SG1 Ebay Link

Monday 26 November 2012

Battleaxe Painting Service

Battleaxe Painting Service

Well we're finally up and running, Battleaxe Painting Service are now accepting commissions.
Now don't all rush at once
There'll be time for you all
accept Fran of course!

Seriously, it would be great to see some of my blogger pals over on the new site, 
and even better if you want something painted!

For the time being I'll be posting any figures I paint up for Ebay on the Battleaxe blog 
and keep Don't throw a 1, for my own personal figures, Battle Reports and the usual shenanigans!

Click the link below for

Wednesday 21 November 2012

RP No 104 28mm Gripping Beast Viking & Jomviking Warlords - For sale

Another two items up for sale on ebay at the moment, these figures are from Gripping Beast from their Saga range. Both these figures nearly ended thrown out of the window, in a tantrum  I was not a happy chappie. I'll start he first figure, the Viking Warlord, the base of the figure was quite distorted and the figure wouldn't stand up, so out came the knife and the pliers. As a very carefully started to bend the base straight, plop! the figure broke off at the ankle! Queue lots of swearing and ranting and lots of superglue.
So I moved onto the next figure the Jomviking Warlord, I took it out of the box and started to clean the tiny bits of flash off the base....hang on a minute? where's his sword? The quick answer was still in the damned blister pack, well half of it anyway!!! Queue more ranting and raving and laughter from the Irish git in the corner.
So the next day I shoved the figure on figure fixer extraordinaire  Posties lap with an in-ordable grunt, the next day he gave the figure back the broken sword had been replaced with a fine looking axe, very nice!
So you'd think that was the end of the story but no! I'd just finished painting the Jomviking up. all he needed was a couple of coats of varnish, I picked him up to varnish him and he fell out of my hand and landed on the other axe bending it right over, I cannot repeat what I said, but I bet you can guess? I gingerly bent the axe back over, the paint cracked all over the handle then snapped off...........
Anyway, he's all fixed now.
They're both up for sale on ebay,  superglue and new weapons an' all!!!
Here's the links.

Viking Warlord link
Jomviking Warlord link

Viking Warlord
Jomviking Warlord

Tuesday 20 November 2012

RP No 103 28mm Warfare Minis Generals - For Sale

General No 1

At SELWG back in September I picked up a few packs of Barry Hilton's new-ish range of League of Augsberg 28mm figures. I must say they are very nice sculpts and were very nice to paint. They are painted up as English, but could be used as Generals for any of the sides that fought during the war of the Grand Alliance.
Both figures are up for sale on Ebay at the moment, for the princely sum of 7.99 each, so if you fancy a bargain,  here are the lists for the 2 figures.
General No 1 Ebay link
General No2 Ebay link

You may have noticed the new look colour to my blog? There's been a discussion over on the TMP forum about how useless black backgrounded blogs are? Most people think they're hard on the eyes? Now I quite like my old black blog, but I thought I'd give it a little makeover.
So what do you think? Is it easier to read?

General No 2

Sunday 18 November 2012

The Battle of Hal 1815 - A Fictional Napoleonic Batrep

The Rejects got together last Sunday, well 6 of us anyway to play possibly our last weekend game of the year, boo, hiss I here you cry!!!

This is a long post, so you may need to go and make yourself a cup'o'tea and a sandwich before you start!

Postie the evil GM had been planning this "What If" scenario for ages and a mighty fine fight it was too. Pop over to Fran's and BigLee's blogs for the French side of the story, for the Brit, Dutch-Belgian and Hanoverian side of the story keep reading...........

The Battle of Hal 19th June 1815

Yesterday Blucher's Prussian army failed to turn up at The Battle of Waterloo, thus giving Napoleon a very quick victory. But Wellington had already planned for this failure, he retreated North-West between the town of Hal and Brussels. Wellington had left an army postioned as a rearguard,  full of mainly conscript Dutch-Belgian's and German's commanded by the Prince of Orange's younger brother Prince Frederick. This morning Napoleon sent out his scouts who informed him of the army waiting at Hal, he then ordered part of Reilles corps to attack Prince Frederick's intact army which had been covering the British retreat.

A word of warning, Posties collection is massive but he doesn't own every regiment, so some units are being subbed by others.

The Dutch Division commanded by myself Lt Gen J Steadman, with the 
CnC Prince Frederick of the Netherlands in the centre.

The 4th British Division under Lt Gen Sir Charles Colville. Commanded by Reject John

The French opposite me, Commanded by Smiffy, the CnC Comte Honore Charles Reille, 
I was a little perturbed to find that the first 7 units were all Leger regts and all were Elite!!!

The French, opposite Hal commanded by Fran, the Comte Maximilien Sebadtien Foy, 
while BigLee, Comte Hippolyte Marie Guillame Pire, commanded the Cavalry.

Prince Frederick of the Netherlands.

 In the first turn I pushed my 2 units of skirmishers out on my flanks to harass the French while Smiffy, changed into skirmish formation with all 7 Legere units.

Bloody hell!! Hanoverian reserves arrive on the first turn behind Hal,  the Prince Regent's Hussars 
and  the Breman and Verdun Hussars, move around the town of Hal to hopefully put a stop
 to the advancing French Cavalry

In the background you can see the advancing French while in the foreground the British 
allies are trying to get into a better position. All the units with red flags are 
Hanoverian Landwehr, not really what you want in the front line of defence!!

Fran squashes his left testicle again, laying on the table trying to reach his troops!
Note the empty crisp packet behind him??

Smiffy started to make pretty patterns with his troops, instead of charging forward,
 my force consisted of 2 Jager units, 3 Line units and a whooping 6, yes 6 bloody Militia!!!

 John had to move a unit into Hal, but this left us with no reserve.

And moved a Hanoverian line unit up to the hedge to plug the gap.

The positions at the End of turn 2

 The French keep winning the first move, that also gives them the first fire, not we you need!!

First contact, 4 charges, but who would be the victor?

Postie came and whispered to myself and John, that our re-enforcements have 
been spotted, we looked at him blankly, the FOG of War had struck, we both 
wrongly read a note he gave us previously and thought our reserve force was 
behind the main Dutch-Belgian army, so it was as much of a shock to us as it 
was to the French!

The units with the Orange/white and blue flag are the Dutch/Belgian Militia.

 BigLee moved his 2 Lancers regts up behind his 2 charging Chasseurs. And also gets his Cavalry reinforcments on the table, Baron Nicolas Francois Roussel d'Hurbal commanding the 12th Cavalry Division, consisting of 2 Carabiniers and 2 Cuirassiers!!! They move straight on heading for the centre of the battle.

 As Smiffy advanced I pulled back my Jagers.

It's not looking good for John's troops?!?

The Prince keeping his fingers firmly crossed.

If only Smiffy hadn't advanced to the hill, the whole French flank would be open.

2-0 to the Hanoverian's, they thrash both French Chasseurs who both flee. Big-Lee caused 
No casualties at all!
 One units flees through a unit of Lancers (on the right)

Both Hanoverian's follow up and carry on their charge straight into both Lancer regt's

 Polly want a cracker!

John throws great once more and beats both units again, losing only 2 figures for his trouble, both Hanovarian Hussars capture the colours of the French Lancers, the 5th Lancers rout straight though the flanks of both the 1st Carabiniers and the 2nd Cuirassiers, disordering them, while the 6th Lancers rout through the already fleeing Chasseurs.
What a mess!!!!

Lee wasn't happy, he he!

So what looked like a devastating Cavalry advantage, was quickly becoming 
more even, but could or would  John carry on his magnificent assault on the French??

 Meanwhile down the other end of the field, I charged the French gun with a small unit of Combined Grenadiers  unfortunately they managed to evade me just in the nick of time, I was 2mm out!

The men and units of the Indian Brigade under Col de Jong, consisting of East and West Indian regts!

As Smiffy had moved a major part of his force to contain the Dutch Indain Brigade, I advance
 my best troops forward leaving the Militia where they were, if I moved them at all, I'd have 
to throw a D6, on a roile of 1 the unit would be disordered. Its bad enough having an army 
of mainly Militia and you certainly don't want then disordered!!

Fran moved up to close range and gave a devastating volley, aiming at the Hanoverian
Landwher, to try and make them fail their morale.

Oh Sh!t said Lee, as John carried on with the charges the next turn, hitting the disordered Carbiniers in the flank and the chasseurs in the rear. The yellow markers are disordered markers while the blue mean the unit has captured a colour, this gives points at the end of the game. You can just see the black marker on th Chasseurs at the bottom left unit, that means they've lost a colour, obviously that's not good!

John moved forward his best units the Brits to fire on the flank of Fran's stationary infantry.

Oh dear, we can't believe it???
John won both melees again, the Chasseurs were destroyed by the Breman and Verdun Hussars, while the Prince Regent Hussars made the Carabiners rout?!?
By this stage we were all in a state of shock. Poor Lee's dice were absolutely appalling!

And it got even better for us as Big Lee then failed  2 Brigade checks forcing all the 
French Cavalry to retreat a full move back. 
You should have seen Fran and BigLee's faces!

 Look at that hole??

I moved my skirmishers up to fire at the French gun, but we lost the first move/fire again!!!

Smiffy continued to make pretty patterns, what a nice curve.......

Both sides continued to whittle away at each other.

Our first real disaster a fluke shot onto the 18th Dutch Militia, hit and killed the 
Major-Gen de Eerens, this could be trouble as it could cause a brigade morale check.

Which it did, the now leaderless 2nd Brigade withdrew 12 inches back!
Not good news for us.

The Hoya Landwher were pushed back away from the front line due to a failed morale check.

On the otherside of the field, Smiffy attacked and fired with gusto, knocking back both Jager units.

Guess what? 
Yep! John charged once more, the Breman &Verdun Hussars hit the French Lancers in the rear AGAIN, 
wiping them out. The B& V Hussars fought 9 melees, they won 7 and drew 2, only losing 6 casualties, while the Prince Regent Hussars fought 3 melees and won 3 melees also at the cost of 6 casualties. 

Smiffy then destroyed my combined Grenadiers with musket fire, which caused a
 brigade check, which I only just passed.
But it was all too late for the French, as it was getting dark. The points were added up giving a massive victory of 20-10 to John and myself. 

A dejected Fran huddles in the corner trying not to be noticed.

John receiving his very well deserved  MVP award!
I did feel sorry for BigLee and his bad die rolls.........but not for long!

What a game!!!!