Wednesday 31 January 2018

AHPC8 - Donnybrook French Artillery 1690's

Here's my entry into the BFG (Big Freakin' Gun) Bonus round
Its my take on a French artillery piece from the 1690's.

The figures are from the most excellent Warfare Miniatures
Its code WLOA18 Positional Gun and can be bought for the princely sum of £15.
Which in my book is pretty good value for money.

I've kept the gun pretty generic, so if need be, it could be used for any side.

Its a bit of a monster!

Here's a close up pic of the Artillerymen, which can of course be painted up
as any side or army of the period.

The gun & 6 figures earned me 40 points, plus another 50 points for entering the bonus round.
So 90 points in all.
As I sit and type this post I'm in 36th place with 289 points, so I'm not doing too bad!
I do have the next Bonus Round " Musician" all ready and based, along with a few other figures, so look out for them soon on the AHPC  blogsite.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

AHPC 8 - 28mm 17th Century English Horse & Mounted Civilians

 Phew! Finally got some figures done!
My third entry into this seasons AHPC and would you believe it.....
More figures for Donnybrook!
I wanted an English Horse regt, so using 6 Warfare Miniatures I painted these chaps up to represent a generic unit of English of Jacobite Horse. I'm not quite sure why I chose white
as their cuff colour? I felt rough when I was painting and couldn't be arsed to go and get my reference books. I should have painted them yellow, but hey ho, maybe I'll repaint them one day........yeh right!
 The unit at a pinch they could be used as French. 
You never know, one day they may appear in a batrep on my blog, when I can
 get my butt in gear, that is!!


The next 3 figures are from Col Bill's Depot Battalion
selling as C17th Century Mounted Peasants. Col Bill does make some excellent
civilian figures for the 17th century. You may well see more from his figures later 
in the Challenge. 

Once again these will be used for my Donnybrook games......yeah I now?

These figures pushed me way up the table to No 36!

Saturday 20 January 2018

AHPC8 - Flight - 25mm Roman guard dogs

Well its time for the first Bonus round entry. 
Curt's once again killing me with his choices, this one is "Flight"
Now my problem is I don't own any periods past the year 1763 so its a tad difficult
finding something that could fly?
So its lateral thinking time again?
After a rummage in one of the many unloved and forgotten boxes of unpainted lead I found these
I think they're old Gripping Beast figures, although I can't find them on their website? 
They were in a bag with some GB civilians, so who knows?
So here's my entry 12 Geese!

Is anyone else having trouble commenting on blogs recently?
I have to press publish several times before my comments posted?

Saturday 13 January 2018

AHPC8 - 1st entry 25mm Last of the Mohican's

My first entry into the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 8.
Is this pack of figures from Warlord Games, containing all the main characters from the excellent 1992 film The Last of the Mohicans. 
From left to right Cora Munro, Alice Munro, Hawkeye, Chingachgook, Uncas 
and the darstardly Magua.
I won't be using the figures for these characters, mine will be leaders, heroes and other
 characters for my Indian Donnybrook force.
This entry earned me 30 points

Sunday 7 January 2018

Santa Claus, Secret Santa and other Christmas goodies!

It seems that I did rather well this Crimbo!

Santa Clause
Three ECW/Late 1600's figures that'll be added to my Donnybrook collection.
Centre and right are 2 Col Bill's figures, but I'm not sure of the chap on the left?
Thanks Santa!!!

Secret Santa or not so....Thanks DaveD!
Three packs of ECW Musketeers including command
Once again these will certainly find their way on the painting table, to be used as militia/settler
types for early America.

My two eldest daughters were struggling to buy me something. I gave a few helpful hints!!!
I already have the book above on a CD, but a book's a lot better, I'm sure you'll all agree?

Now I wasn't expecting the book, I'd asked for a subscription to the Pike & Shot Society,
so then I could buy some of their books myself, but I got both!
Also copies of this year Arquebusier mag too!
Thank you No 2 daughter Abi

Lastly, the mystery pressie from daughter No1 Emily
Thank you Emily!
11 packs of figures that'll hopefully make it on this years Challenge?
But what are they?
They could be Donnybrook or could be En Guarde?

All for one!

Tuesday 2 January 2018

AHPC8 - Respect my Authoritah!

Well its started!
Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 8 that is???
and it's nearly my time of the week to be Minionated 
I've been studying the War & Peace sized file sent over by the newest honourary 
Reject, that stats mad Geek, Sir Miles of the Lake.
Don't know about the rest of the new Minions....but do you understand that stuff?
As for my Wednesday victims, do what Cartman says above!
Curt has given me permission to take points off my victims, if any of their posts mentions 
Badgers, budgie smugglers or Sandbags.
And what makes it even better is I can transfer the points to me!!!

Mwah ha ha!

The Eighth Annual Painting Challenge Has Begun!

Monday 1 January 2018