Tuesday 23 June 2020

25mm Wagons & Loads

Been a very busy boy recently as well as decorating my daughters 2 bedrooms I managed to get a splash of paint on these wagons and loads.

They come from a variety of  companies including 4Ground, Warbases and Col Bill's

The horses are from Essex minis, but I can't remember where the Bulls came from???

The wagons loaded.

And more loads for another day or another wagon!
These will be primarily used for Donnybrook but could of course fit into any 16th to 19th century period, including my Haitian Revolution!

Sunday 21 June 2020

Fathers Day 2020

Its Fathers Day here in the UK, so I painted up this fine looking fellow as a pressie for my Dad. He's a Wargames foundry figure and I've painted him up to represent the Native American Chief Metacom, otherwise known as King Philip. 

King Philip's War (sometimes called the First Indian War, Metacom's War, Metacomet's War, Pometacomet's Rebellion, or Metacom's Rebellion)was an armed conflict in 1675–1678 between indigenous inhabitants of New England and New England colonists and their indigenous allies. The war is named for Metacomet, the Wampanoag chief who adopted the name Philip because of the friendly relations between his father Massasoit and the Mayflower Pilgrims. The war continued in the most northern reaches of New England until the signing of the Treaty of Casco Bay in April 1678

And here's the little fella himself! My Dad not King Philip!
Who's also called Ray, which meant for years I was known as Little Ray?
Every Birthday, Christmas and Father's Day I paint up a figure for my Dad's collection, at the moment he's getting figures with a royal connection, hence King Philip.

Also as I've been a good boy, my wife and 4 daughters banded together and bought me this luvvly lot
of goodies for my Fathers Day pressie!
Another book for the collection Vol 3 The Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1645-1718  
from Helion & Company
and 11 packs of Trent minis from Arcane Scenary & Models
2 x Vendean Double Barrel gunned infantry
2 x French Grenadiers
1 x Chasseurs des Irois
2 x Santo Domingo Militia
4 x French Dragoons St Domingue

Hmmm? What to paint up first???

Thursday 18 June 2020

Old McDonald had a .......

Its all about the animals for today's post.
These will be used for any 25mm period I paint up but mainly for the D word!
First up are some Warbases Mouflon Sheep

Again from Warbases some Anglo Nubian Goats!

Warbases again this time for some Geese.

Chickens from Warbases and Pendraken.

Tad blurry, but Warbases yet again, we have some Deer

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Haitian Revolution - French Line

I had a massive stroke of luck back in March at the Skirmish wargame show. I was having a chat with Stu from Col Bill's aabout my new project the Haitian Revolution. He then said he'd just bought some part painted at a show the day before. So we both went out to his van and he pulled out a giant bag of figures!!!! A right princely sum was duly handed over, saving me a fair few quid and saving the Col the time in unbasing and stripping the figures.
I cannot say that I painted these entirely, because I didn't, they'd nearly all been prepainted but been bashed around in the bag and mainly needed a bit of TLC.

So a little TLC was given, I based them on Wrabases 25mm round bases and voila! They ready to go.

There was also 4 command figures with a flag already attached! To say I'm pleased is an understatement!

Thursday 11 June 2020

Raid on Jacobstown - a kind of FIW batrep via Zoom

Zoom......what a brilliant app this is. 
The Rejects have been meeting up online on Zoom for a chat while painting our figures every Monday for the past few weeks. Its great to see the lads and chew the fat for a few hours, we've even had our long lost trio, John, Ian & Fran online. Why we never did this before I don't know, but at least  there's some good come out of this bloody virus!

Anyway, you may recall a few weeks ago Reject Lee put on a What A Tanker game via Zoom, it worked really well, so I volunteered my services and promised the lads a Donnybrook game via Zoom. Now this was going to be a difficult one, as I don't have a table, or any terrain!!! 
So out came my wallet to purchase a small b
oard and paint. I can't fit a large table in my shed so its only 4 x 2 feet.
As the table was small I decided to use some of my 15mm FIW collection, (which has only ever seen action once before, many many moons ago!) 
As its FIW you need trees? Lots of trees! I found some on ebay from treefella.1 for a very reasonable price and ordered some. I also made up some tree bases from 2mm MDF, just to make the trees go further.
Next........I need a river? I did look at some on ebay, but decided I'd make it myself, I'm pretty pleased with them If I say so myself!! I might do a post on my river another day.
I decided to use Donnybrook rules as they always make for a great game.

I used my mobile for the game so I didn't take many photos! (Tit!)
Here's a few pics of the start.
Raid on Jacobstown June 1758
The French have been raiding up and down the New York countryside for weeks, destroying villages and settlements. A small British force have been on their trail and finally catch up with the French and Indians at Jacobstown. 
The French have captured 5 women and need to get them off table on the opposite side of the town. But also must kill as many redcoats as possible.
The English must recapture the 5 women and destroy the French force.

Commander Ian
1 x Marine 8 figures using a D8
1 x Coueror de Bois 12 figures D8

2iC Richard

2 x Indian Natives 12 figures D8


Commander Surj
1 x Grenadier 6 figures D10
1 x 60th Royal Americans 8 figures D8

2iC Lee
1 x Virginia Militia 12 figures D6
1 x Gage's Light Infantry (80th foot) 12 figures D8

1 x Rogers Rangers 12 figures D8
(hidden in the woods)

The French start the game as they are just leaving the burning town, the Brits have just entered on the table edge, apart from Gages's in the wood bottom right and the hidden Rogers Rangers, hidden in the wood in the left of the pic. They would only appear when an enemy unit moves within 2 inches of the single tree in front of the wood.

The Coureor de Bois start the game crossing the river with Richard's 2 Native units behind. The Marines are the only semi formed unit on the French side hence the rectangle base.
Gage's start the game in fire range of the Marines with the Militia on their flank. The Grenadiers start behind the town with the 60th on the far side.

The tree bases represent heavy woods while the open areas are lighter woods.

The heroic Coureor de Bois who fired the last shots of the game and tipped the Brits over their morale threshold.

Richard leads the captured women away into slavery.

The 60th have taken a battering from Richard's other Native unit.

A lone Grenadier stands firm, the Militia and Gage's hardly moved for the whole game, but di both manage to destroy the Marines.

This is where the game was won and lost, The cards came out in favour of the French, they shot and nearly destroyed the Rangers, leaving a huge gap for Richard's captives to get away.

There's only 1 Ranger left, and he's in a bad way!

It was a close game, the French only needed 1 more casualty themselves to be forced to take an army morale check. But as the cards came out in the French favour victory went to them.

I will be doing another game soon, this time I'll take pics as I go on!

Saturday 6 June 2020

AHPC - Round Up

Its a bit late but.........

Sadly the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge has come to an end for another year. But what a great few months its been, I find it such a motivational experience, I'm sure we all do really? Usually it wipes out my painting for the rest of the year, but with this horrid Corona Virus keeping nearly everyone in lockdown, what else is there to do but paint more.  In Challenge X I planned on painting up 1600 worth of figures, which I just managed to pass in the last week. 

I painted up
162 x 25mm figures
10 x various terrain/vehicle pieces
90 x 15mm figures
96 x 10mm figures

I always plan (ok hope?) for a top 20 finish, if I make the top 10 its a great bonus, this year I finished 11th, which I'm extremely pleased with. Somehow I forget to post 3 25mm figures I painted up, I bought 9 painted figures at a show and needed another 3 to make up the unit to 12. They'll now appear later on my blog, Anyhow........

Here's my performance so far in all the Challenges
Challenge II        4940 points 1st
Challenge III       2586 points 4th
Challenge IV      1227 points 17th
Challenge V        691 points 37th
Challenge VI      681 points 36th
Challenge VII    1093 points 24th
Challenge VIII   662 points 40th
Challenge IX      2274 points 8th
Challenge X       1687 points 11th

So finally a massive thank you has to go to Curt, Sarah and all the Minions for all their hard work and thanks to all the other Challengers who pushed me forward with their competition and all the great comments!

Vive la Challenge!!!!