Friday 30 August 2013

More FIW buildings and the Depressive Diplomat & the Ferret's Giveaways!

More stuff that's been collecting dust over the last few years in my drawers. These are I believe all  from Hovels?? I could be wrong?? Hopefully they'll all be attacked by the French and Indians very soon!!! These are all from Hovels ACW range, but like the previous buildings they should all fit the FIW era as well.

Edwin over at Thoughts of a Depressive Diplomat is having a blog Giveaway, he's got 9 prizes to giveaway so get on over and sign up, you've got until Sunday 8th, so you better be quick! I've got my eye on the Khyber Rifles book, unfortunately so have a few others!!!!!
Also I need to help promote the Laughing Ferrets Givaway too, the Ferret 11 books, figures and dice prizes to offload, his ends on the 1st September, so its a little bit late to plug but better late than never so they say!!!!

Just managed a measly 5 posts this month, I think I need my old job back!
Oh woe is me..................

Back to the buildings!

My favourite room on the right, its the only place I get any peace and quiet!

Monday 19 August 2013

RP No142 NYW - Earl of Leven's foot

Back to the Nine Years War for today's post, the Battle of Killiecrankie to be specific. The figures were actually painted back in June but I've only just managed to get them based  up.
The regiment was raised on 19th May 1689 in  Edinburgh by David Melville, the 3rd Earl of Leven. Its written that volunteers for the unit were so high that they managed sign up 800 men in just 2 hours. Some of these men are thought to be veterans of the Battles of Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge, while the NCO's were drafted in from the Dutch Scots brigade. Leven's fought in the centre right of the Williamite battle line at Killiecrankie. During the battle Lord Kenmure's regt fled as the Highlanders charged, some of Levan's regt followed suit, while the rest and other remnants were rallied by the Earl and stood firm as the battle closed.

The figures are from Essex minis once again, there is some argument that they shouldn't be in bonnets, but if its good enough for Stuart Reid in his book I Met The Devil & Dundee", its good enough for me! Although after Killiecrankie I would think they would have been ordered to where hats. Its not known exactly what Leven's coat colours were, but its agreed they wore red coats with possibly either white or yellow cuffs,as nearly all Scots regts at this time had white cuffs, so I chose white.
As for the flags of the unit, once again they are not known so I went with a saltire with the coat of arms of the Earl of Leven in the centre for one, while for the other I went with an idea of Mr Reid again in the same book previously mentioned. There are two drawn pictures of flags, one is an unknown flag with either the coat of arms of the Maitland family or Edinburgh castle in the centre, while the other very similar flag was carried by Alexander Stewart's Edinburgh regt that fought at the Battle of Dunbar in 1650. So I combined elements of both flags and came up with this one, it probably should be in white, but it looked better in yellow, that's conjecture for you!

Saturday 17 August 2013

RP No141 Old Glory Taliban Insugents

A couple of months ago I can't remember why?? I agreed to paint up these Old Glory Taliban Insurgents for my former work pal Francis Ignatius Lee. aka The Angry Licker. He's been moaning like a biatch at why I haven't painted them yet, like he's gonna use them????
So I finally caved in and got the brush out, these are the first figures (apart from the recent buildings) I've painted since early June, I can't say I enjoyed painting the little buggers but it was great actually painting again. I did paint some other Taliban figures for his highness back in July last year, here . HRH was supposed to leave a few of the figures in the box with the unpainted ones so I could try and match them in, but of course he didn't, so after a quick search on his blog, adding more unnecessary bloody hits to the Lickers blog, I found the figures and had to match them from them, the useless Git!

The figures are from Old Glory's Fireforce 15 Irregulars and Insurgents range, I gotta admit I love the motorbikes! Unfortunately Fran wanted to base the figures himself, so before he ruins them I thought I'd post a few pics.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Lokis' Vikings

Back at the end of April, Andrew aka Loki, ran a blog comp celebrating his 2nd Blog Birthday!! Guess who won top prize.......Me!
My prize was 10 figures of my choice painted up by Loki, he did offer to base them, but I did that myself to match it in with my other long lost Vikings.
The flags are mine, the white one can be found here, as well some others I made, all ready for you to download if you so wish. Eight of the figures are Artizan, the Viking figure charging (on the right) came free with entrance to a show a couple of years ago, but I can't remember which show, maybe it was from Newark?? The last figure, the one on the left, is Foundry's king Arthur figure, ok he's not a Viking, but he'll be added into my Saxon army.
I've got to say I'm very impressed at the way Andy's painted them, they look excellent!! So when I win the lottery on Saturday, expect a phone call Andy, I've got tons of other things that you'll be painting up!!!!

Thanks again Andy!!!!

Monday 5 August 2013

15mm Italian Renaissance Buildings

More building I've had for far too long and not got around to paint, until now that is.....These are sold by Magister Militum in the UK and are made by JR buildings. They do sell a large collection of the Italian Renaissance buildings but boy are they expensive!!!!! But unfortunately for me I need to buy a few more and add them to my collection! Dammit!!!!!!
These are to go with my large 15mm Renaissance army that have not had a game for 7 years. I'll have to get a few pics of them taken as well me thinks!!

JR4205 Clock Tower

JR4212  Three story Townhouse

JR4203 Large Out Building

JR4204 Church Bell Tower