Thursday 29 September 2016

Donnybrook - The Villagers

A few more figures for my Donnybrook collection from the fair hand of Fran.
The first 5 from the left are from Redoubt Enterprises, I think the child is from Reiver Castings
and the lad on the right is definitely a Foundry figure.

These along with a few others will defend their village with their lives!
Well that's the plan anyway???

Saturday 24 September 2016

Skirmish Sept 16 - Swag

Just a quick post, showing off the Swag I picked up at Skirmish last Sunday. There wasn't much and I bought it all from Col Bill.

A bit blurry, but here we have Ainsty Castings Jetty Catwalk.......not quite sure why I
 bought these, but they should add a little splash to our games.

I bought these two Belt Fed figures, Moll Cutpurse and Elizabeth I
to paint up in the coming Painting Challenge, I hope I can squeeze them in in a bonus round or two??

The same goes for these two packs...

absolutely no use what so ever on the wargaming table, but still a total must!!

Lastly....once again from Col Bill, 6 packs of 15mm NYW figures
5 packs are from Donnington minis, which I'm gonna need a few command for, hopefully I'll pick them up at SELWG, if Donnington are going that is??
And 1 pack of Essex French Dragoons, not sure if I actually need them, but I just couldn't resist!!
I also picked up 4 25mm figures from their bits box. Two Reiver NYW pikeman and 2 Depot Battalion, 7YW seated casualties.

Last but certainly not least is this wonderful book, I've had a quick flick through
and its already given me a few ideas. Buccaneers of the Caribbean was actually a 
very fine gift from fellow blogger Dave Crook!!

Thank you Dave!!

Sunday 18 September 2016

Skirmish Wargames Show Sept 16

Myself and Postie made it up to Sidcup this morning to visit the second Skirmish Wargames Show of 2016, the first being back in April. There were several games on show.....

Medway Wargames Club - AWI

Herne Bay Wargames - Napoleonic's 

Priviteers of London - Arkansas, Atlanta & Albemarle.

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Warhammer

HHGC - Zombicide.....I think?

The Painters

Old Guard - Ancient Ships
Rome v Carthage

Rainham Wargames club - WWII Nijmegen 

What's wrong with these figures Clint?

Tonbridge Wargames Club - WWII

 These was also a great display of WWII British Para equipment

2 Dodgy reprobates checking out some books....

John Ewing

Having a coke and a sarnie.

Col Bill's

And some of the lovely figures he was selling

Not a great pic, but both me and Postie were very tempted with these Gripping Beast
Teutonic Knights!!