Friday 30 December 2022

Christmas Haul 2022


As we near the end of 2022, I thought I'd share a wargaming Xmas Haul.
Each year as a family we give out a list of wants and needs to family and friends to buy something.
I did pretty good this year with all my wants and needs being bought for me!
Proud Dad moment first though, when my 4 daughters get together I always get the camera out and try and grab a few pics of them before they start to hide their faces and moan at me, this year they beat me too it and took the pic themselves and gave it to me for Xmas.
Youngest to oldest L to R
Nieve, Holly, Abi & Emily

Another great Helion book,
New Worlds, Old Worlds, The Anglo-American Indian Wars 1607-1678
Can't wait to start reading!

Next pressie all came as one, a bog order of 2mm buildings for my Almansa 1707 project from 

2mm Mediterranean houses

A generic castle and added bits to make the Spanish Castle at Almansa

Castall San Angelo

Castall de San Anton

Palazzo del Governo


Castall San de Antonio

Spanish Churches and Hotel

Three Menorca Towers

From Irregular Miniatures
3mm Classical Roman & Greek buildings
Which will fit in the style of Spanish buildings of the 1700's (well some of them anyway?)

I think I did rather well.
Thanks to my lovely wife Emma and 4 girls, Emily, Abi, Holly & Nieve x

Friday 23 December 2022

Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year 2022

I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thanks for stopping by throughout 2022 and commenting on my little corner of the wargaming world.


Wednesday 21 December 2022

French Wars of Religion - The Battle of Coutras, 20 October 1587 - Batrep

Four Rejects got together the other weekend for another game of Richard's 2mm French Wars of Religion rules and figures, Surj was in charge of the Catholic army under the Duc de Joyeuse. I was in command of the Huguenot army under Henry of Navarre, ably assisted by Reject Steve who played Tremouille.

Background ( Ruthlessly stolen from Richard's blog) See his version of the battle report here.

The Catholic league had forced the French king, Henry III, to remove all tolerance of Protestants. The leader of the Huguenots, Henry of Navarre, knew that the league would use the resources of the crown to eliminate the Huguenots. However, the king resented the league's influence and launched his own campaign against Henry of Navarre, led by his favourite Ann, Duc de Joyeuse. The royal army consisted of nobles and courtiers unused to the rigours of war.

In moving south, Joyeuse drew closer to Navarre and ordered another Catholic force under the command of Marshal Matignon to join him. Henry of Navarre marched south and crossed the river Dronne at Coutras to put himself between the converging armies. He took up a good defensive position. However, his back was against the river which meant a defeat could be disastrous.

Joyeuse conducted a night march to surprise the Navarre. However, the Huguenot commander was prepared, having sent out a strong reconnaissance.

The Forces

Royal/Catholic - Army Cohesion Level = 8

Right Wing (bataille) Duc de Joyeuse (Surjit)
Verduissant Pike and Shot regiment quality - 3
Cluseau Pike and Shot regiment quality - 3
6 units of gendarme's quality - 2

Left Wing (avant garde) Lavardin
4 units of gendarme's quality - 3
1 company of Stradiots quality - 2
Tiercellin Pike and Shot regiment quality - 4
Picardy Pike and Shot regiment quality - 4

Huguenot Army - Army Cohesion Level = 8

Left Wing (bataille), Henry of Navarre (Ray)
Artillery quality - 3
3 units of Enfants Perdus quality - 3
4 units of sword and pistol cavalry quality - 4
3 units of arquebusiers quality - 3

Right Wing (avant garde), Tremouille (Steve)
2 units of chevaux legers quality - 3
1 unit of reiters quality - 3
1 unit of arquebusiers quality - 2
2 regiments of Pike and Shot quality - 3
Reserve: 2 regiments of Pike and Shot quality - 2


Navarre commanded the left of the Huguenot army. I learned a few lessons during our first game, the main one was keep your army together! 
Surj forgot this!

Our plan was very simple, stand and let Surj come forward and attack.

Surj came forward, but in a staggered line?

Steve hadn't played the rules before, so need a little coaching. Steve held the right, which was our week point. This is where I would have attacked.

The Huguenots have great Cavalry, which fight in a column like formation in Richard's rules, to give them the look of deep lines. Facing them are 5 units of Gendarmes.

We had three units of Enfants Perdus (Forlorn hope) to use as skirmishers. I pushed them out into the Pallard Marsh, just to be a nuisance on Surj's flank.

Surj moved forward to attack with his Gendarmes, but......

Rather cunningly we threw down this card, "Seize the Moment"
Basically denying Surj any movement or charges this turn.
I wish I was quick enough to take a photo of Surj's face, he was gutted to say the least.

This gave us a distint advantage, so Steve charged the hapless Gendarmes with his chevaux legers.

And sent them packing! 

But was unable to catch them in the follow up.

As Surj couldn't move, I moved up to him with my Cavalry

If you can move up to an enemy unit within 2 inches, this means you can charge in the next turn.

Which I did, knocking the Catholic Gendarmes back.

Big mistake I pushed my Arqubusiers forward a tad to much, I would pay for that mistake!

More charges 

I started to make a few holes in Surj's lines.

On our right Steve's chevaux legers are charged and knocked back.

But Surj couldn't take advantage. Both sides cohesion was getting very shaky by now.

My Arqubusiers are charged, they certainly didn't like that!

I got caught out in an attack in the  flank which also didn't go our way.

But time had ran out and Richard called an end to the game. I thought we'd done enough damage to Surj and his army to win the battle......

Both sides started the game with a bag of poker chips, these were our cohesion points. We had 8, so I guessed that Surj had 8 also. we gradually lost a chip by one aftet losing a melee or a unit becoming broken. So I knew Surj would be low at this point.
And I was right, we bth did start with 8 and at the end of the game we had lost 4, while Surj had lost 7.
So victory did go to the Huguenots after all.

It was a great game and I look forward to playing the rules again and again!
Nice one Richard!

Monday 19 December 2022

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 13 - Almansa 1707 in 2mm


Its very nearly that time of year once again. I've had a busy few months getting myself ready for the next installment of the Analogue Hobby's Painting Challenge. This is the 13th Challenge and my 12th.The madness will start soon on Wednesday 21st December.

I will of course be painting up figures for Donnybrook, which as you all well know I'm quite partial to.
There'll be figures for Vienna 1683 and a smattering of other stuff to. The Haitian Revolution will again make a appearance. Not that I really need anymore Donnybrook or Haitian Revolution figures???

But I shall be starting a new period and scale, shock horror???

It's all Reject Richard's fault, he's painted up some great figures for the French Wars of Religion in 2mm. So he made me buy some, I was going to get armies for one of the larger Nine Years Wars battles like Neerwinden or Steenkirque, but instead chose to go for a battle during the War of the Spanish Succession. Postie the Evil Warlord of Posties Rejects already has figures for the Battle of Blenheim, so I chose another theatre. Spain.

More specifically the Battle of Almansa 1707
For the Allies the British, Dutch and Portuguese there are 42 infantry regiments and 55 Cavalry squadrons. For the French and Spanish there are 52 Infantry regts and 76 squadron of cavalry. So I'm gonna be a busy boy!!!
The figures were calling to me in my sleep "Paint me, paint me", so I had a little practice as to how to paint them up, coached by Reject Richard. 
Here we have 2 regt of Dutch Infantry Torsay and Kepplefox, each regt has 240 figures!!!

And here we have 2 squadrons of the Portuguese Cavalry regt Naronja, each has 24 figures.
I've not yet decided how I'm going to decorate the bases, so I need to play around a little more.
These troops of course will not count as points in the Challenge, but I will post them up, with the other regts in their brigades.

Why 2mm you ask?
Well that's an easy question to answer.

Big Battles
I could never to Almansa in any other scale, if I did it would be scaled down so much, it would have nothing in common with the actual battle. Using 2mm, I could comfortably play the whole battle on a 8 foot board, 6 foot if you squash it up.

Cost (very important)
In 6mm a 240 man regt would cost you approx £20
In 15mm a 240 man regt would cost approx £135
in 25mm it would coast a staggering £443
In 2mm it costs 99p!
Yep 99p and that's with a few stands left over for the next regt as well!!!

Some gamers say, you might as well use counters? But that's what any figure you buy is, they'e all just counters.
Now I must admit, they are bloody small and are a bit of a bugger to see, so get yourself a pair of these badboys!

You too, could look as cool as me!

My plan is to paint up a brigade at a time and post the pics up on the Challenge blog and then on mine.

Helping me choose Almansa were two very helpful websites. I'd like to thank them both for doing all the hard work.

Kronoskarf, gives a great oob and also has info on units and importantly a painting guide for some units.
Wyre Forest Gamers , also have a great oob and army list for the battle for different sets of rules.

My OOB is taken from both of these sites. Hopefully they don't mind me posting it on my blog.

OOB for Almansa

Army Commander:

Henri de Massue, Marquis de Ruvigny, Earl of Galway

Total Army: 16,000 men

42 Infantry Battalions

55 Cavalry Squadrons

30 Guns

Right Wing - Das Minas

1st line: General Villaverde: 5 Battalions & 16 Squadrons, all Portuguese

Noronha’s Brigade – 7 Squadrons of Portuguese Cavalry

Marquis Das Minas Gardes 1

General de la Cavallera 1

Don Antonio de Noronha 2

Campo Major 3

Silveira’s Brigade – 5 Battalions of Portuguese Infantry

Don Bras de Silvera (aka Iberia) 1

Don Pedro Josep de Mello 1

Don Bernardo de Vasconzello 1

Jos de Sao Payo 1

Ant, d’Avita (aka Galbo) 1

Amaca’s Brigade – 9 Squadrons of Portuguese Cavalry

Moura 3

Villaviciosa 2

Algarbo (Algarve) 1

Don Pedro Amaca 3

2nd Line: Don Juan de Alayda – 4 Battalions and 12 Squadrons all Portuguese

Mello’s Brigade – 12 Portuguese squadrons

Olivenca 2

Castelo de Vide (aka Veira) 1

Beira 6

Lisboa 3

Vasconcellos’ Brigade – 4 battalions of Portuguese Infantry

Manuel Leiton de Carvalho 1

Georges d’Azevedo Coutinho 1

Nicloas de Tovar 1

Eric Lopes 1

Centre: Erle 25 Battalions

1st Line – Shimpton : 14 Battalions, 6 Portuguese, 4 Dutch, 4 English

Ilha’s Infantry Brigade – 6 Battalions of Portuguese Infantry

Ant. Carneiro 1

Conte d’Aveiras 1

Conte d’Ilha’s 1

Josep Delgardo Pereira 1

Sebastian de Castro 1

Don Louis de Camera 1

Camara’s Brigade – 3 Battalions of Infantry

Novo de Almeida 1



Dohna’s Brigade – 4 Battalions of Infantry

Kepplefox 1

Viscouse 1 (Huguenot)

Belcastel 1 (Huguenot)

Torsay 1

MacCartney’s Brigade - 4 Battalions of Infantry

Mourdant 1

MacCartney 1

Gorge 1

Foot Guards 1

2nd Line – Friesheim: 12 Battalions of Infantry, 4 Portuguese, 4 Dutch, 4 English

Henriques’ Brigade – 4 Battalions of Infantry

Felix Machado 1

Don Heric Henriques’ 1

Mat. Alvarez Galle 1

Francis d’Abru Pereira 1

LiIsle-Marais’ Brigade - 4 Battalions of Infantry

Welderen 1

Friesham 1

Cavalier 1 (Huguenot)

Lilsle-Marias 1 (Huguenot)

Breton’s Brigade - 4 Battalions of Infantry

Bowles 1

Lord Nassau 1 (Huguenot)

Breton 1

Portmore (Queens) 1

Left Wing – Earl of Galway

1st Line: General Tyrawley: 4 English Battalions & 16 Squadrons, 6 Dutch & 10 English

Siluten’s Brigade – 6 Squadrons of Dutch Cavalry, 4 Dragoons, 2 Horse

Drimborn 2

Schippenbach Dragoons 2

Mattha Dragoons 2

Wade’s Brigade – 4 Battalions of English Infantry

Mountjoy’s 1

Blood’s 1

Wade’s 1

Southwell’s 1

Killigrew’s Brigade – 5 Squadrons of English Dragoons

Pearce’s Dragoons 2

Peterborough’s Dragoons 2

Killigrew’s Dragoons 1

Carpenter’s Brigade -5 Squadrons of English Cavalry 3 squadrons of Dragoons, 2 of Horse

Guisgard's (La Fabreque) Dragoons 1

Essex Dragoons 1

Carpenters Dragoons 1

Harvey’s Horse 2

2nd Line: Conte de Alayda: 4 English & 11 Portuguese squadrons

Queyroga’s Brigade – 11 squadrons of Portuguese Cavalry

Tras-os-Montes 4

Don Minho (1st Minho) 3

Dominche (2nd Minho) 4

Hill’s Brigade – 4 battalions of English infantry.

Hill’s 1

Lord Mark Kerr’s 1

Alnutt’s 1

Stewart’s 1

Artillery: 20 Portuguese & 6 English guns

French & Spanish Army Commander: Marshal James Fitzjames, Duke of Berwick

Total Army: 25,000 men

52 Infantry Battalions

76 Cavalry Squadrons

40 Guns

Right Wing

1st Line: Lt General Duque de Popoli: 21 Spanish squadrons

Silly's Brigade

Reales Guardias de Corps 4

Pozoblanco 4

Rosellon Nuevo 3

Ronquillo's Brigade

Carillo 3

Amezaga 3

Real Asturias 4

2nd Line: Lt General D'Asfeld: 16 Spanish squadrons

Croa's Brigade

Reina 4

Amendariz Dragoons 3

Ubeda y Baeza 3 (La Rambla)

Gutierrez's Brigade

Ordenes-Nuevo 3

Ordenese - Viejo 3

Centre: Lt General San Gilles

Centre Right 1st Line: Lt General Labadie: 14 Spanish Battalions

Valle's Brigade

Reales Guardias Espanloas 3

Reales Guardias Valonas 3

Charni's Brigade:

Castilla 1

Murcia 1


Badajoz 1

Castillo's Brigade

Sevilla 1

Burgos 1

Osuna 1

Valladolid 1

Centre Left 1st Line: Maj General Vicentelo: 15 French Battalions

Sillery's Brigade

Bigorre 1

Isle de France 1

La Sarre 1

Sillery 2

Polastron's Brigade

Medoc 1

Oleron 2

La Couronne 2

Beauvayes' Brigade

Reding (German) 1

Blasisios 2

Mailly 2

Centre 2nd Line: Lt General Hessy: 23 Battalions, 15 French and 8

Pon's French Brigade

Charolais 2

Barrois 2

Orleans 2

Chaves's Spanish Brigade

Guadalajara 1

Valencia 1

Salanmaca 1

Jaen 1

Du Burdel's French Brigade

Lannoy 2

Tess 1 (Savoy)

Labour 1

Miromesnil 1 (Walloon)

Davila's Spanish Brigade

Cordova 1

Bajeles 1

Zamora 1

de la Armada 1

Courville's French Brigade

Maine 2

Berwick 1

Bresse 1

Left Wing

1st Line: Marquès d'Avaray: 25 Squadrons, 12 Spanish and 13 French.

Cordova's Spanish Brigade

Rosellon-Viejo 3

Sevilla 4

Blasco 3

Sandricourt's French Brigade

Vignau 2

Villers 2

Berry 3

Dozevill's Dragoon Brigade

Courtbonne Dragoons 3

Bouville Dragoons 3

Mahoney Dragoons Spanish/Irish 2

2nd Line: Lt General Abre: 12 Squadrons, 6 Spanish and 6 French.

Rufo's Spanish Brigade

Milan 3

Grenada Nuevo 3

Pelleport's French Brigade

Parabere 2

La Fitte de Pelleport 2

Germinon 2

Artillery: 40 guns

Tuesday 13 December 2022

Haitian Building no 8 - 2 & 3 Story buildings

After the success of my first Haitian game last week, I though it only proper that I head back over the Atlantic straight to Saint Domingo for some more Haitian buildings

The first is a Spanish/Italian 2 story building with a balcony, which can be bought from Empires at War
for £20.

The second building, once again from the very talented chaps at Empires at War is a 
Spanish/Italian 3 story house and can be bought painted for just £17.50

I think you'll all agree they really look the part and are terrific value for money.

What's inside?

Friday 9 December 2022

Haitian Revolution Batrep - Attack on the Tallier Plantation 1791


I'm sure some of you, my readers will be pleased to finally see a Haitian Revolution game up on my blog, I know I am!!!
My pal Neil, who so far has only played 1 game at Reject HQ and a few small Donnybrook games in my front room, asked if I'd put on a game for him. Both our wives were off on a Jolly to visit the Christmas markets in Hamburg and Bruges, so I set up a game, using mostly my terrain and a few fields from Postie.
As you know it takes a while to organise and set up a game, no matter how big or small it is, so I was pretty gutted, when 30 minutes before we were due to start, he had to cancel.
So a quick ring around, Postie was out, Richard was working as I knew everyone else would be. So a quick call to Rejected Reject Ian and the game was on.

For ease I decided to use Donnybrook rules, you may have heard me mention them before???

The year is 1791, all over Saint Domingue, the slave population have been revolting and attacking their former masters. Antoine Taillier the owner of the Taillier Plantation has heard a mob is decending on his plantation, he has sent messages for help to other plantations in the area and to the local magistrate.
Upon hearing the news, most of his slaves have melted into the countryside, so he only has a few men to save his plantation and family.



Workers 1        D8 Drilled 8 figs
Workers 2        D8 Drilled 8 figs
Trusted Slaves D6 Recruits 6 figs

Mssr Tailleir     D8 Drilled : Plantation owner, armed with a sword and pistol
Fabian Blaise    D10 Hero : Platation Manager, crackshot
Frederic Paquet D8 Drilled  : Plantation foreman. If attached to a unit when his card is drawn the unit will reload.
Ranier Bonnay D8 Drilled : Hired help, +1 to any unit in melee if attached
Madam Tallier D6 Recruit
Gaston Tailleir D6 Son
Avril Tailleir    D6 Daughter

Colonial Dragoons D8 Drilled 6 figs
Corporal Paquet     D8 Drilled  :  Dragoon Commander +1 in melee if attached

French Militia        D8 Drilled 8 figs
Brigadier Fortier    D8 Drilled Militia Commander, Armed with a sword and pistol, +1 in melee

Perault Workers     D10 Elite 6 figs
Leon Perault          D10 Elite : Local landowner


Slaves 1                      D6 Recruits 12 figs Armed with Muskets
Slaves 2                      D6 Recruits 12 figs Mixed weapons
Slaves 3                      D6 Recruits 12 figs Hand weapons
Slave Sharpeshooters D10 Elite 4 figs


Sonny Boukman    D12 Hero : Rebel Leader: +1 to morale to any init within 12 inches, hand weapon
Odette                    D8  Mambo : When attached to a unit, any enemy in melee lose 1 dice
Shaman                  D8  Oungon ; Any unit within 12 inches may reroll a failed rally check
Pascal Bonfils         D8  Weapons Master : never needs to reload, gains +1 on his to score dice to hit


Slave Sharpshooters 2 D8 Drilled 4 figs
Duco                            D8 Drilled : + 1 to shoot dice

Fanatics                       D10 Elite 10 figs
Felix                            D10 Elite : Must cahrge any enemy leadr if in range and fight to the death

Colonial deserters       D8 Drilled 8 figs
Sgt Clemont Vasson    D8 Drilled : +1 in melee if attached.

Ian chose to protect the Plantation, which gave me the Slave army

Ian could place several pieces of terrain to hide behind or hinder the attackers.

He lined the main road with the Trusted slaves and Workers 1

While workers 2, stayed back a little. I did tell Ian that there may be some re reinforcements, but didn't tell him where? Hence the troops deploying at the back. 

Here I come!

And from the rainforest too.

Its not a big table, but it'll do!

I'm very pleased with my homemade Jungle/Rainforest.

Ian'd had enough, Workers 2 moves up to the hedge. 

Moves the Trusted slaves back and elongates his front line.

I take a pot shot and drop a few of the defenders.

In Donnybrook, each unit and character has a card, there is also a End of Turn card and a reload card (I used 2 in this game) I also added an event card. When this was drawn 1 side would get a unit of reinforcments. The 50/50 chance came out in my favour, as did the unit, the Fanatics and where they came on. Right behind Ian's right flank!!

Ian had to turn and shoot.

My luck was really in, the next turn I got another unit on the table, the Colonial Deserters, but no luck in there position. on my left halfway up the table.

Before I got a chance to move, Ian shot at my fanatics, I lost a figure.

We both took and gave casualties in the middle.

Damn, Ian threw some bloody good dice, killing nearly all of my fanatics including their leader Felix, he didn't even get a chance to move!

My musket armed Slaves fall back after failing their check.

For 2 turns the deserters failed to move, which held up my 3rd unit of reinforments that were behind them.

The Workers were stubborn buggers!

Just where i didn't want them, The French Militia arrive and move up to the wall to give fire.

The slave didn't like that and they run!

The Slave muskets also lose more figures and fail their morale.

Hmm? Not looking so good anymore?

There's still some fight keft in the Slave army though, they line the hedge and shoot.

My Sharpeshooter shoot once and lose a figures themselves, which they didn't like so the turn and move away.

Ian gets his final unit on the table, the Colonial Dragoons.
Which is where my army morale collapsed, the slave mob, left the field ready to group together again and fight another day.


The game worked very well, I was pleased with how the game worked with the Revolution figures. I did want to keep Donnybrook just for the LoA period, but I'll certainly give these a go with the Rejects in the shed of war on a bigger table, for sure!

We did play another game, more on that later....