Monday 27 February 2023

Cavalier 2023 - The Rejects on Tour


Its back! The Rejects first show of the year, its not been on since our last visit back in 2020.

Cavalier Wargames Show 2023
We had a good Reject showing this year with myself, Postie, Lee, Richard, Steve, Smiffy and Wendy all in attendance. I can honestly say we all had a great time, I think as per usual Postie spent the most, I may well have come second? Closely followed by Richard who bought some painted figures from the Bring & Buy!
It looked as though a good number of gamers visited the show as it was quite packed, (the pic at the top was taken later in the day) There did seem to be some Traders missing who are normally at the show, but I suppose this is understandable with times as they are at the moment. We will always visit this show, as its only a 35 minute drive away and if you don't visit these littler shows they will vanish, you never know we might put a game on there one day????

Me and Lee, soon after entry bumped into Mike Sayce and stopped for a chat, we say it every time we see Mike, "When you coming over for another game?" 
"Whenever I get an invite" he replies
Soon Mike soon!

Onto the games

Maidstone Wargames Club - Fallujah, Iraq, 2004

A had a great catch up with Al from The Wargame Shed while taking the photos.
Go on Al, WWII Danes in Operation Wesersubung Sud sound excellent, they'll take longer to paint up than the war did though?

Deal Wargames Association - Kindly, Please, Leave!
The Defence of Luxembourg 10-11 May 1940

Debris of War - Here is where a large chunk cash just fell out of my wallet and was replaced with a big box of goodies!!! More on that in another post.

Tonbridge Wargames Club - Gunfight at the Angel Centre
Wild West Gunfight

Tunbridge Wells Wargames - Fantasy

Friday Night Fire Fight - No its Mine - Last Argument of Kings

Retired Wargamers Reloaded - Eagles & Lions at Carentan
Initial attacks on Carentan by US forces.

Warlord Games - Napoleonics

Society of Ancients - Battle of Harzhorn Mountains 235AD

Hailsham Wargames Club - A Street Fight Named Bizarre
Victorian Steampunk

Gravesend Gamers Guild - A Song of Fire & Ice
Westeros, North of the wall

SEEMS - Action at Bryson's Crossroads
ACW 1863

Real Time Wargames - The Relief of Luckpore
10mm Indian Mutiny 1857

Col Bill - Hard at work as ever

Milton Hundred Wargames Club - The Battle of Lenard Skynard
40mm AWI

Crawley Wargames Club - A Marvelous Muddle at Mukdi
1844 1st Sikh War

And that's it, Thanks go out to all at Tunbridge Wells Wargames Club!