Friday 28 June 2019

BLB - NYW English Col Hastings regt of foot

The third and last of my recently painted units for our game at Broadside a few weeks ago and this one's Ferdinando Hasting's regt of foot.

The regiment was raised during the emergency of the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685. Theophilus Hastings, 7th Earl of Huntingdon was issued a warrant on 20 June 1685. As was customary, it was called Huntingdon's Regiment of Foot and based for recruiting in Buckinghamshire. The regiment was not ready in time for the battle of Sedgemoor on 6 July 1685 but was sent to Scotland in 1689 after the Protestant William of Orange acceded to the throne of England. The Earl of Huntingdon was considered disloyal to King William III so was replaced by his kinsman Ferdinando Hastings in December 1688.

At the Battle of Killiecrankie, in 1689, Hasting's Regiment were on the right of the English line, as they were at the back of the column during the advance into Killicrankie pass. As the Highlanders charged there was little time to fix bayonets and most of the soldiers turned and fled. Hasting's and Leven's Regiments mainly stood firm and 'maintained their ground till night'. However, at the close of battle General Mackay found himself alone at one point and managed to push his way clear on his horse. It was now dark and the only men he could find were those of Leven's and Hasting's. His army was reduced to 500, the rest were killed or dispersed. They were the only English regiment on the English side at the battle.

Later in 1689 Hasting's regt were sent to Ireland, where they were involved in action at The Boyne (Rossmare), Siege of Cork 1690, Siege of Kinsale 1690, Drumaugh 1691 and Lismore 1691.

In 1692, Hastings' Regiment sailed to Flanders and, in 1694, took part in the disastrous amphibious assault at Camaret Bay on the French coast, to seize the port of Brest.

Hastings was described by the historian Fortesque as, 'One of the most unscrupulous scoundrels, even in those days of universal robbery, that ever robbed a Regiment.' His misdemeanour came to light in January 1695 when the people of Royston petitioned the House of Commons for the failure of the authorities to pay their soldiers so that they were unable to settle their bills for food and lodgings there.
There were several ways that the Colonel of a regiment could profit at the expense of the soldiers, and the government. The soldiers' clothing was paid from 'off-reckonings' which were deducted from their income of 8d a day (8 old pence). This fund could be increased by claiming for more soldiers than were actually in the regiment. Also illegal deductions were made from the remaining 6d a day so that soldiers actually received very little, and sometimes nothing at all for weeks on end. The following month, on 23 Feb, the regimental chaplain petitioned the House of Commons for non-receipt of pay. The regimental agent, Tracy Pauncefoot, could not supply an answer to this complaint and, having been taken into custody by the Sergeant-at-Arms following the Royston petition, he was now put in the Tower of London.

A few days later Colonel Hastings and four other officers were questioned by the House. Pauncefoot also attended and was found to have misappropriated 500 guineas. The findings of the House stated, 'In particular Colonel Hastings hath compelled some officers of his regiment to take their clothes from him at extravagant rates, by confining and threatening those who would not comply therewith..' On 4th March 1695 Ferdinando Hastings was deprived of his commission. But eight years later he sent a petition to Queen Anne to take into account his long service and sickness. He was granted 'Brigadiers pay from the contingencies if there be room for it.'

 In 1695 Sir John Jacob became the colonel, and it was as Jacob's Regiment of Foot that they returned to England at the end of the war in 1697.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Broadside 2019 & The Battle of Killiecrankie 1689

Last Sunday saw the Rejects drive down to Sittingbourne for the Broadside Wargaming show. It was my turn to put on a game. After much deliberation (with myself) I chose to demo "The Battle of Killiecrankie"using Beneath the Lily Banners v3 The War of Three Kings.
I painted up all the Scots a few years ago and recently finished off the last few Williamite regts.
Postie was bitching that I didn't make bespoke terrain like he and Lee had for our last 2 Broadside game. I totally ignored him and used Posties normal gaming terrain that we use each week when we play. I've gotta admit to being very pleased with the results.

Richard and Surj played the historical losers of the battle the Williamites.
John and Dave played the Jacobites. With BigLee dipping in and out.

I put in an optional rule of an initial bombardment. They threw a D6 and compared in to the chart 1=0 2,3=1 4,5=2 6=3. They threw a 3 giving them only 1 turn of artillery before the game started. They did manage to knock off 2 casualties on Locheils regt though. Things carried on going wrong for the Jacobites on turn 1. I'd given them a Skilful Commander but each turn they threw poorly and only ever moved half of their troops per turn, which was a disaster for them. They did manage to charge Kenmure's and Leven's regts by turn 2

As most of the Jacobite army wasn't moving the Williamites pushed forward.

The Jacobite beat both Kenmure's and Leven's in melee, knocking each one back after 1 turn of fighting as they are Raw units. But the McDonald's of Glengary failed their morale throwing another 1, after receiving artillery fire from the Willimite artillery during their they retreated

Turn 3 and the Jacobites are stumped once again only throwing a 1 for their movement allowance, that was the third 1 on the trot!!! I'd given them a Skilful Commander, but this still only allowed a 1/4 of their troops movement. So that meant only 2 units could move this turn.

I insisted each turn that the Jacobite Horse had to have at least a move order each turn, so that left only 1 order to give. They chose Sir Alexandr McLeans regt, who attempted to charge Mackay's regt.
The Williamites fearing the worst attached Mackay himself to try and halt the attack. But the dice gods once again played havoc in the Jacobite lines. They threw a 1 again and failed to charge.

The Williamites had tasted blood and gave a massive volley into the confused ranks of McLeans regt. Who then failed another morale check and promptly legged it back up the hill!!

I'd lost all sense of reason now, my plan for a historical refight and a Jacobite win had well and truly buggered off.
The Williamites threw well again in their order allowance giving them 100% movement and blow me down the Jacobites threw a 1 again!! Their 4th 1 on the trot, luckily like on turn 2 this gave them 25% movement, but what could they do?
While Macay's regt turned to face the rear of Locheils regt, the Jacobite Horse tried to charge the lone English artillery, and failed miserably!

With the McDonald's of Sleat on the far Jacobite left dying to a man under superb musketry the English right turned on mass. Locheils was hit from behind and very nearly slaughtered in melee. I couldn't take anymore and stopped the game, calling an unexpecgted but thourally deserved victory to the Williamites, who changed history.

We had plenty of time left so started the game again, switching sides this time. The dice roll carried on the same Surj and Richard now the Jacobites threw a 9 giving them 100% movement while the English Dave and John threw another 1!
I think we all know what was going to happen in this game. My sanity would be restored with a Jacobite victory.

Before the start of the game I allowed the English to throw for Initial bombardment like they did in the first game, but no a throw of 1 meant no fire, what a great start!!
The WIlliamites place 2 units in defence, while the whole Jacobite line moves forward.

It looked very dodgy for the Williamites.

We had to have a quick break as we had to choose which other club had put on the best of show game. So I took that as my opportunity to take a few pics of other games.

Maidstone Wargames Society - Corsair vs Mustang - Dogfight '69

Wargames Terrain Workshop - Death Match

Shepway Wargames Club - War in Middle Earth

Who won the Best at Show award.

Friday Night Firefight Club - Trophy Hunting In The Lost Valley


Medway Wargames Society - A Song Of Ice And Fire

Man O'Kent Games - Gaslands


Emotionally 14 - Star Wars Legion

Milton Hundred - Showing the Gaming Interests


Echidna Games - Laserblade


Gravesend Gamers Guild - Kill Team


Deal Wargames Society - Operation Brassard (Invasion of Elba 1944), Assault on Cape d'Efola

Not Quite sure how this didn't win the Best at Show Award???

Battlefront - Flames of War Late War

SEEMS - The Colonel's Jammed and the Gatling's Dead!, Brits vs Zulus

I passed the Rejects table, the lads had carried on without me!!!

I then took a few random shots 

Mortal Gods?

I caught Postie buying figures from Andy at Grubby Tanks!!!

Then went back to our game!
Oh dear???

The game was virtually over, half of the Williamite army had routed!

But this time the Jacobites were following up their charges.

History had finally won the day!

Dave and John were sulking in the corner, 2 games and two losses.
Well not losses, absolute thrashings!!

Only three Williamite regts stand at the end of play.
Lauders Grenadiers (hid in the wood on the hill)
Balfours and Ramsay's

Run for your life!!!!!

All the Rejects apart from John and Dave of course had a crackin day, their dice on the day were absolutely diabolical!!! Richard and Surj defied all the laws of physics to serve out a jolly good thrashing in both games too.
Personally I was pleased with how the 2 games went and all the positive words from the visitors of the show, they all seemed to like the battle and set up.
The rules worked really well, after a few hiccups in the practice games, so all good!!

Red Rejects