Monday 17 September 2018

Skirmish Sept 2018

A quick trip up the A2 on Sunday morning and me and Postie found ourselves at Skirmish Wargames and Toy Soldier Show, run by Craig at Redcoat Models.
We met fellow Reject BigLee in the foyer along with fellow blogger Dave Crook from A Wargaming Odyssey We've invited Dave along to Reject HQ for a bash, no dates are set yet, but we'll look forward to his visit.

In the pic above
BigLee, Greg from Art of War and von Postie
after a purchase from the 3 of us!

Bring & Buy
Not a great deal there for me.....never mind!!

Medway Wargames - A Song of Fire and Ice - A GoT Game 28mm

Rainham Wargames Club - Napoleonics
Clint's Fav period, he's so loves playing Nappies!

Clint and Postie both see cake.
Postie is a tad more excited.....can you tell?

The Old Guard - 28mm Fantasy - Dragon Rampant

Painters at work.

Sons of Mars-Gladiators?

Tunbridge Wargames Club - El Cid

Mr Miniature Wargames John Treadaway snapping some pics.

Gravesend Gamers Guild

Milton Hundred - Team Yankee

Dave and Steve chat to an unsuspecting victim.

The Priviteers of London - Attack on Sedd-el-Bahr 1915

Man love

Bellies R Us

Skirmish Wargames - The ZaianWar 1914-1921 - The Battle of Sidi Kup

Maidstone Wargames - 28mm WWI - 22 August 1914

Al from Wargames Shed show off his figures and terrain.

Redcoat Models

Postie doing the deed with Col Bill.

Debris of War

What a spectacular pose Scott!

My Loot
2 Packs of Pack Mules
2 packs of small Bell Tents
17th Century Soldiers Farewell
a Scildweall T-shirt from Greg Art of War.

Big Lee did a great write up last week about the adventures of Greg at Art of War, so I thought I'd 
add a few links too after buying my first T-shirt from Greg. I was gonna go for the Ego Sum Spartacus, but Lee had the last XXL!!!
So If you haven't already go and like the Art of War Facebook page.
or go straight to the online shop, here. for your Scildweall shirt!!!