Wednesday 30 November 2022

25mm Debris of War Church Ruins

I thought I'd give you all a rest from my ever expanding Haitian metropolis and show these Debris of War ruins off.

I've called them ruins but they're actually sold as rubble walls

and are sold on their website for £16

I'm not sure if they should be called sunken walls though???

I bought these at last years, Broadside Wargames show and am pretty glad I've finally got them painted up. I'm quite pleased with them and they were a breeze to paint up. After undercoating them a dark grey, I just gave them 3 coats of decreasing lighter shades of grey, with just a flick of white at the very end. Then added some green flock and also a rubble mix, that I previously made up.

I added some Old Glory Austrian Cuirassiers in the photo just for scale purposes.

Although this is only my third post this month I have been very busy at the painting table, cleaning and undercoating figures, getting ready for the next Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge!

So look out for a new period from me coming soon?!?!

Friday 11 November 2022

Haitian Revolution Buildings no7 - 3 Story House

After a break, I'm back to the Empires at War buildings for my Haitian Revolution project.
This ones a big one!

A Spanish/Italian large 3 story house.
I left the doors and shutter in the same red they came in.

It has plenty of windows to shoot out of?

I like the added crack effect they put on some of their buildings, it just takes your eye off the stark wall.

Well it maybe a 3 story building on the outside, but the inside only has 2 floors.

And the balcony of course.

So that's another damn fine building ready for my giant town.
I do plan on a game soon, once I finally sort the rules out, which I somehow
 never find the time to do....

It does look as though they've had to pt their prices up, I'm sure I paid £22 for this one, now its £24.50.
Which is still a great buy.

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Haitian Revolution - Odds n Sods


I've been painting like a madman recently, unfortunately though, it was my bathroom walls and ceiling and not my little metal men!
I was under orders from SWMBO and to be honest I've been putting it off for a while now, so the whip was cracked and out came the tile adhesive cutters and bigboy paintbrushes.

Anyway on with the figures,
I bought these 5 figures painted Foundry figures from Instant Armies (I think) at Partizan back in May,
They did need a little touching up and my special blend of ink to match them into the rest of my Haitian Rebels. 

I'm not actually sure how many I have now, It's probably enough, I should stop really?

This chap I did paint, he's a Front Rank British General, I think he's a personality figure? But he will be used as any old commander, when I do eventually get a game.

There's just something about Front Rank that I like.

Well that's me for today, short and sweet!