Tuesday 28 March 2017

AHPC VII - Donnybrook French/Jacobite/Rebel Infantry

Anyone heard of Donnybrook before??
No? Well..........

I finished and posted these fine looking fellows just in time for the finish of this years Challenge. I was very pleased as they only took me 11 evenings to paint! (If only I could paint like this all the time?)
I've already got the English army, painted up by previous Challenge contender and my pal Loki. So I needed some European troops for them to fight, as well as my Moroccans but who, the French, the Irish Jacobites or even some Rebel troops for the Battle of Sedgemoor???
Well?........Why not all three in one?

In the photo above we have the standard Bearers for the French regt La Marche, the Jacobite regt the Earl of Clanrickard and finally a generic flag for the Red regt in Monmouth's Rebel army.

The Officers
From L to R, Hero, Officer, Ensign & spare Officer.

4 Sergeants

12 Pikemen

4 Jacobite/Rebel Grenadiers

A French & Jacobite/Rebel Drummer

The troops
5 x 12 Infantry

So all in all there are 77 figures!
Giving me 1 million points.......
Well ok, 385 then and not a Selenite in sight!
Giving me a final position of 24th

And that, my friends, ends my Challenge for this year.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Skirmish Wargame Show March 2017

Last Sunday me and Postie made a long trip up the A2 to Sidcup for the first Skirmish Show of the year. There we met fellow Rejects BigLee and Clint. The show is run by
Redcoat Models with a Zulu War theme and is a must for the Rejects. It is only a little show but its definitly worth a visit. The next show is in September, with the theme of Napoleonics!
Perhaps I'll have a go at persuading Postie to put on a game there??
What do you all think?

Rainham Wargames Club - Clint & Co
Zulu Wars

Milton Hundred Wargames Club - Maori Wars

Painters at work!

Skirmish Gamers - 54mm Zulu War

Privateers of London - ACW Naval

Not sure who? - Frostgrave

Old Guard - Romans v Ancient British

Gravesend Gamers Guild

Medway Wargames Society - Pax Limpopo


Maidstone Wargames - Romans v Ancient British

The Bring & Buy

Sammy's Scenics - WWII

Clint (YES he does normally look like this) & BigLee

A wonderful Zulu Wars display

Last pic and last few minutes of the show, it was busier than this I promise! The main hall
Postie and Col Bill can be seen chatting top left

Great show roll on September!!