Thursday 31 January 2019

AHPC 9 Donnybrook - The Last Farewell

Another entry from me today and yes its more Donnybrook!!!
These figures are from a set from Col Bills called 17thc Soldiers Farewell

Here's the original look of the figures, obviously they're ECW figures, but
I did a bit of snipping, filing and gluing. Adding a bit of greenstuff, making cuffs and
elongating coats.

To change them from ECW to soldiers from the 1690's

I'm very pleased how they turned out to be honest.

These Col Bill's figures should earned me 35 points lifting me up
into 9th....yes 9th place!!!

Sunday 27 January 2019

AHPC 9 Donnybrook Jacobite Horse

The secrets out....I've been building another Donnybrook army!
And I haven't even finished the other yet!!!!!!

I can hear the groans already...

This time I've gone north, up to Scotland, for a 1689 Battle of Killicrankie
Highlander army. (Yes I do already have these troops in 15mm)
Above we have 6 x Reiver Castings Lowlander Scots Horse

And here we have another 6 x Reiver Castings, these are Generals or Officers, But
I shall be using them as Scots Gentleman Horse, from the disbanded 
Horse regt, "His Majesty's Own Regt of Horse". Commanded by the
 Laird of Claverhouse or Bonnie Dundee himself.
(They'll also be seconded into the Duke of Monmouth Sedgemoor army wink wink)

They may well be combined for a 12 figure unit as well?
Becoming Wallace's Horse, the only Scottish Horse regt present at the Battle of Killicrankie.

So these 12 x 25mm Cavalry earn me 120 points. This and another post pushed me right up to 8th place! 

Tuesday 22 January 2019

AHPC9 Donnybrook "Sport" Bonus Round Native Lacrosse


Its Analogue Painting Challenge Bonus round again and I've gone all 
Native for the "Sport" Bonus round.
I will admit to being stumped at what to paint up for this round, I even considered 
and placed a few bids on ebay for some various Bloodbowl figures. I pretty glad I lost the bids!
The voting for the Bonus rounds are open to anyone, so if you'd like to vote for my
or any of the other great entries click this link.

I remembered back in the midst of time, 2012 to be precise I painted up some 15mm Indian 
villagers here. Some of these were playing Lacrosse, so a seed was planted.......

I had a few (ok, a lot) of unpainted Indians wallowing in the dead lead pile, so I went to work
with a scalpel, file and drill, chopping off warclubs and such and came up with these 4 chaps.

The goal was quite a simple build, its made out of the three straightest twigs
I had in my Twig box, painted, inked and drybrushed and stuck on a Warbases base
and will be used as decoration 
in any games we play involving an Indian village.

He's my fav, not a lot of conversion work on him I'm afraid, he came straight of the 
packet of Redoubt Torch carriers.

As did the chap on the right.
All 4 figures are from Redoubt Enterprises.

Just for interest, here's how I made the Lacosse Sticks.
I cut and bent some soldering wire to shape.

Then folded a piece of plasterboard scrim in half, I fed the wire into the fold and 
and cut to shape. I then had to cut a thin fine line and glue it to the bottom of the net.


Well it wasn't that easy, I super-glued my fingers together 3 times!!
Oh the things we do for the hobby!

Friday 18 January 2019

AHPC9 WSS 25mm 22nd Foot Handayd's

Here's my entry into the AHPC9 for this week, lots of War of the Spanish Succession goodness!

I've been painting like a demon the last couple of weeks, 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there.
And I've got this lot done, If only I could paint mine as quick all year round!!
Theses are once again for his nibs next door, von Postie, the evil one.
He has a Pirate collection that he bought from Reject Fran before he buggered off back to Ireland. Postie wanted some Government troops to add to the collection.
I chose the 22nd foot circa 1708 for him, as they were stationed in the West Indies at the time.

"On the outbreak of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1701, the regiment was posted to Jamaica; this was a notoriously unhealthy location and Sir Henry Belasyse transferred his Colonelcy to William Selwyn. The regiment spent the next twelve years in the West Indies; soon after arrival in April 1702, Selwyn died and was replaced by Thomas Handasyad, both as Colonel and Governor of Jamaica. Thomas returned to England and was succeeded as Colonel by his son Roger Handasyd in 1712, a position he retained until 1730."

8 x Muskettmen

8 x Musketmen, 1 x Leader and 1 x Drummer

8 x Musketmen, 1 x General, 1 x Drummer, 1 x Standard bearer and handpainted St Georges flag.
Which was actually and old French flag painted over. I wanted to paint the cantons yellow,
but Postie wouldn't let me!!!

Another 8 x Musketmen

The rest of the 7  Officers, including the blue coated Guvvnor himself

The mounted Guvnor and his bodyguard

So all in all we have 43 foot and 3 mounted. Which should give me a total of 
245 points! I wasn't going to base these, Postie was going to do it himself, but after working out 
what I'd loose points wise I based them up for him for free!!! For Free!!!
My luvvly Minion, fellow Reject Lee gave me an extra 2 points for the flag, the 
generous soul that he is! Taking my total to 247 points, this leapt me up the chart to the
 dizzy heights of No 11.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

AHPC9 Donnybrook - Down on the Farm.......

Or Old McDonald had a farm.

For this entry from last week I painted up a few odds and sods that have been hanging around in the leadpile for far too long. 
Firstly One man and his dog, with 3 sheep......

The figures are from Redoubt and were a quick paint job. I've been experimenting
with different inks and washes. These were washed with an old recipe of Windsor & Newton Peat Brown writing ink, its an old Reject recipe that most of us still use. I think it needed watering down a little more, so its a tad heavy in places. I think the Army Painter dip works better to be honest.

The next 3 figures are from Redoubt Enterprise, I believe from their AWI range.
Again I used the W & N ink, I think it worked a little better on these figures?

They will of course go into the Donnybrook box of dispare, hopefully to be used one
day in a game!!

Lastly we have 2 Maids a milkin' and Daisy
also from Redoubt  Enterprises

There were 6 x 25mm figures = 30
1 x Dog = 2
3 x Sheep = 6
3 bails of straw = 3
1 x Cow = 5
Making a total of 46 points to add to my collection!
These and the figures from my last post pushed me up to my highest position so far this year no 2!
Although as I type I've gone down to no 26, with a grand total of 234 points.
Leaving me 966 points shy of my aim of 1200 points.
Things are going good!

Sunday 13 January 2019

AHPC9 25mm Celtic Horse & 15mm Wagoneers

For my 2nd entry into the Challenge I painted up a few figures for the the evil one, Postie!!
Firstly we have 7 x 25mm Wargames Foundry Gaelic Horse for Posties Roman v Celt armies.

Postie did have decals that he wanted me to stick on, now me and decals just don't get on.
Its something to do with my sausage fingers and no patience....
SO I had to paint the shields as well, I'm quite happy with how they turned out, especially the blue and red one, third from the right.

I should have earned 70 points for these, but Postie based them, so I thought I'd loses a few points. But that rotter Lee took 10 points off!!!  So only 60 points were awarded.

And keeping to Ancients we have 12 x 15mm Essex figures
They're actually Essex minis Pack RO44 Roman artillerymen but Postie wants them
as wagonneers or extra artillrymen.

Gotta admit they were a doddle to paint you can see!

So 12 wagoneers should've got me 24 points, but once again I didn't base them, so Lee only
gave me 18 points! Tight git!
So all in all 78 points were added to my total.