More stuff that's been collecting dust over the last few years in my drawers. These are I believe all from Hovels?? I could be wrong?? Hopefully they'll all be attacked by the French and Indians very soon!!! These are all from Hovels ACW range, but like the previous buildings they should all fit the FIW era as well.
Edwin over at Thoughts of a Depressive Diplomat is having a blog Giveaway, he's got 9 prizes to giveaway so get on over and sign up, you've got until Sunday 8th, so you better be quick! I've got my eye on the Khyber Rifles book, unfortunately so have a few others!!!!!
Also I need to help promote the Laughing Ferrets Givaway too, the Ferret 11 books, figures and dice prizes to offload, his ends on the 1st September, so its a little bit late to plug but better late than never so they say!!!!
Just managed a measly 5 posts this month, I think I need my old job back!
Oh woe is me..................

Back to the buildings!
My favourite room on the right, its the only place I get any peace and quiet!