Thursday 6 June 2024

Haitian/St Domingue Revolution - Free Mulattoes


I should have sorted my game out for Broadside before the painting Challenge, but I never make things easy for myself. So after sorting out the terrain, (more on that later) I needed a few more figures painted up!

Here we have 2 units of 12 figures representing the Mulatto townsfolk of Croix-du-Bouquets

Nobody makes any Mulatto figures with muskets, so I had to de a bit of improvising.

The figures are a mixture of  Wargames Foundry Pirates Packs CU33 Kristos Raiders and CU34
Yellowboys Renegades

And some figures from several packs of Casting Room Miniatures Rebels & Rebels, Rioters or Civilians

My favorite figure is the chap waving the bicorne, who I'll be using as a standard bearer, he is actually from.Eureka Miniatures Paris Mob pack!


  1. Lovely figures Ray and very characterful 👍

  2. We rarely make things easy on ourselves, do we? For Mulattoes, did you consider pulling Cuban Rebels from Old Glory’s SAW range? I think many would work.

    1. No, I didn’t even know they made them Jon!

  3. They look great Ray. Everything is coming together nicely.

  4. Two really good unit and some very nice command figures, they will look great when they hit the table, looking forward to seeing your report on the game when it happens, should be a great sight.

    1. I'm looking forward to the game Donnie, it should be a good days fighting.

  5. Excellent units Ray, look forward to pics of your game!

  6. Great additions ray - even if they are a bit last minute......but then again, my old boss used to say "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done..!"

    1. Tell me about it! I'm sure my Mrs would agree too!

  7. Lovely toys Ray…
    As we all know… It’s not a proper demo game unless it smells of fresh varnish .

    All the best. Aly

  8. Nice work Ray. Good luck with the game and looking forward to a meaty AAR.

  9. Splendid posting, Ray. They all look splendid, and the irregular movement trays you've got them in work very well too. Lovely figures, well painted and colourful for the tabletop.

  10. Great stuff there Ray, lovely table.

  11. These look absolutely amazing, and was great to see these in person today!

    1. Thanks Nathan. You should have introduced yourself at the show, when you were taking your photos.

    2. I had wanted to! But my 2 year old had other ideas haha! Had hoped I could catch you again on one of our loops, but unfortunately she would only let us stop by any stands that had pokemon

    3. LOL, maybe next time then Nathan.

  12. Great additions to the collection, Ray!

  13. It sounds like you are having quite a game coming up, I will look forward to seeing the photos.
