Monday, 16 November 2020

Haitian Revolution - Lieutenant Col Thomas Maitland

I've been meaning to post this figure for a few weeks now, but couldn't find the time or 
willpower to post.
The whole family have been ill for the past 2 weeks, but finally were on the road to recovery!

The figure is from the fabulous Trent minis and represents Sir John Moore, but I've painted my figure up as Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Maitland of the 62nd foot.
Maitland was commissioned into the Edinburgh Light Horse, shortly after his birth, but did not take up his commission until he joined the 78th Foot as a Captain in 1778. He transferred to the 72nd Foot, and then to the 62nd Foot as a Major in 1790. He was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel in 1794 and Colonel and Brigadier-General in 1798.

In 1797, Maitland landed in Saint-Domingue, under orders to capture the French Colony. Maitland realised that his forces were quickly dying in droves due to yellow fever, and he began to negotiate a retreat with the rebel leader, Toussaint L'Ouverture.


  1. Sorry you guys have been sick.
    Nice job on the figure.

  2. I did wonder, where you'd disappeared to. Good to know you and your family are safe and well (ish). I hope you all recover 100% soon.

    Yeah, the figure is OK too.

    1. Thanks Joe, I think its gonna be a long road for me and especially my wife.

  3. Sorry to read of your family's illness. Hopefully it was not too serious and you will return to action soon. Maitland looks like a fine commander!

    1. Bloody Covid Jonathan, but we're getting there.....i think?

  4. Intriguing period....fantastic work on the figures.

  5. Splendid figure Ray, I take my hat off...Hope everything's going better and better for your family...

  6. A fine figure Ray, glad that the worst of the illness is behind you.

  7. I hope everything turns out well with the family Ray. Nicely painted figure

  8. Very nice work Ray. He really is full of character. I thought he may have been the same Maitland in command of the Guards at Waterloo, but different families. He seems to have been quite a character though, having a tunnel built from his Governor's residence to the house of a local dancing girl he was having a relationship with. "I'll be in my study now for an hour or so, and don't want to be disturbed". Glad to hear you're all on the mend. Stay well.

    1. Yeh, he does seem to be an interesting chap!

  9. Lovely looking command figure and nice bit of history! I hope your all firmly on the road to recovery soon!
    Best Iain

  10. Great looking commander, Ray. Good to hear you and your loved ones are healthy - againl

  11. Sorry to hear that you and the family have been unwell, but great to hear you are on the road to recovery. Take care of yourself and your family. Nice addition to the project, let's hope to see more over the coming days and weeks.

  12. Glad you and yours are on the mend Ray. Good luck with it all and try to take it in easy steps. The project will still be there and so will your readers.

  13. The figure is very nice but more importantly, I wish you good health and a steady recovery. 😀

  14. Nice painted figure and basing! my best wishes for your quick recovery!

  15. Nice figure and potted history Ray - I did think it was a long time since you had posted but understand why now - hopefully everyone is on the mend.
