Monday 14 October 2024

Mad For War - 2nd Anglo-Dutch War, The Dutch 1/1200 ships

I've finally painted up all of my 1/1200 Ark Royal ships, its taken me way longer than I thought it would!!
Well that's a lie straight off, I've still got a few bits to paint up........

Unlike the rest of the Rejects who all bought 1 squadron each, typically for me, I went over board and bought 2 Dutch squadrons and 1 English, with a few single ships added on the side, just for fun!!!

These two ships above are the largest Dutch ships, in the fleet, representing 2x 76 gunners, the Zevon Provicien and Eendragt.

Followed by 3x 60 gunners, Amsterdam, Provincie Utrecht and Groot Hollandia.

Unlike Reject Richard & BigLee, I've neither added the ratlines or rigging, its a long story......
We all planned not to do rigging and ratlines, but Richard did, so me and Lee felt the pressure to do so, Lee added rigging, while I bought all the ratlines for my fleet, which I will admit cost a fair few pennies, then put them in a safe place and now can't find the buggers!!!
So, one day I will get around to do the rigging and ratlines for my ships, but when that will be is anyone's guess.

And that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
So my plan is to post up some of the ships, over the next few weeks.

Thanks for paying my little slice of the wargaming world a visit!!


  1. They look cracking Ray, nice work on them, the bases look grand as well.

  2. So the rat lines are still AWOL, huh Ray? Ships look great. Are you fellas planning an outing with your squadrons soon?

  3. Excellent work Ray but I don't think i could face the ratlines nor the rigging, even if my shaky hands to keep them in pace to be glued!

  4. Excellent job on something so small. What's the scale?

  5. Beautiful work Ray. I didn't notice the absence of ratlines and rigging until you mentioned it.

  6. Nice, I suppose. Pattizan was ace😅. How are you feeling

  7. Nice but I would face madness doing rigging etc. nowadays.


  8. Lovely ships Ray….ships seem to be the thing of the moment 👍

  9. They look the biz: nice! At one time, I collected a batch of Dutch War Langton ships. But the concept of messing with the ratlines and rigging put me right off the game--my knowledge of navals was/is just not up to knowing what in the world all that stuff was. Good on ya!
