Monday, 23 April 2018

Bloggers meet up @ Salute 2018

At Salute each year we Bloggers meet up for 30 minutes to say hello in the flesh, here are a few photos of the infamous 30 minutes.
The annual Bloggers meet up at 12:30
From L to R 
BigLee took the photo.

Tamsin, Dave, Carl & Paul?

Not sure what Posties up to hear??

Or there??

Sir Micheal Awdry looking slighty bemused too?

Mike looking rather creepy........

Sir M, Al (Not Tamsin!!!) with Sidney Rounwood.

Carl, Simon, Sir M and Al

Postie took the Team Blogger pic, but the poor old bugger can't see properly and ruined 
all of the photos on Tamsins camera!

Alastair and Dave

Bob and Prancing Pony............sorry Lee!

Legatus and Eric the Shed


  1. There you go - nice to see all the 'familiar' faces. Shame the USA bloggers don't do this at Historicon...maybe I'll start a grass roots effort to make it happen.


  2. God, we're a handsome bunch!!!!

  3. Fantastic, hope to see myself someday in the picture as well! Looks like you all are having a great time there.

    1. Come along next year Remco. It's a great show.

  4. In the 7th pic I look remarkably like Al ;)

  5. Cool you all got to meet up! At least some photos were saved...

  6. Rather more people than we got at the last Aussie bloggers meet (3). But at least we try :-D

    Good to put faces to names/IDs

    1. Keep going, one day you'll have a band of merry gamers like us!?!

  7. At last, the photo evidence we've all been waiting for (still hasn't appeared on Crimestoppers yet).
    Thanks for posting Ray.

    1. Think they're showing the clip next Tuesday?

  8. Haha sorry guys I couldn't make this year...maybe next time ;)

  9. Glad to see you bloggers...the place to be!

    1. When will you and the gang make the trip across the channel?

  10. Oh dear Lord, I need to lose some weight!

    1. Take a little look at me and Lee.......I think you're fine Sir M!

  11. I wonder what the collective name for a group of bloggers is?

  12. A debonair crew! Great to see.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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