Friday 1 April 2022

AHPC12 - Donnybrook - Last of the Mohicans


Back in Challenge 8 in 2018 I painted up the Warlord Figures pack Last of the Mohicans here
Mainly to use as command figures for my Natives for King Philip's War/Bacon's Rebellion.

Around about the same time I bought the Redoubt Enterprises version of the same figures, Although there's no Magua, instead we have the ill fated Major Duncan Heyward.
These will also go into the Native Command box of doom. The ladies will go into the civillian box,
and poor Maj Heywood will go into the what the hell I'm I gonna do with you box! But
probably round to Posties to add to his FIW collection. This figure was in command of the 55th foot in our last FIW game a few posts ago.

I think I prefer these figures to the Warlord ones?

Bit blurry I know.
Cora Munro, Alice Munro, Chingachgook, Uncas

Alice, Chingachgook, Uncas, Hawkeye (in his famous, chasing after Magua pose)  and Maj Heyward

Originally I was just going to paint up Cora and Alice, just incase I needed them for Sarah Star ship, but before I knew it I'd cleaned up the pack and stuck them on sticks and lets face it, they're a pretty easy paintjob.

This fine looking bunch of 6 x 25mm figures will earn me another 30 points, which leaves me just 9 points shy of Miles in 6th place.,


  1. Great looking characters Ray!

  2. Closing in on the number six spot!

  3. Excellent character work! LotM is one of my all-time favorite movies.

  4. Very characterful figures and superbly done

  5. Good bunch of figures, though Haweye's pose leaves me cold.

  6. Very nice! Straight out of the movie!

  7. Very nice work, the figures are really good and you have done a super job on them.

  8. Very nice indeed Ray! I would expect Redoubt Miniatures to be nicer than Warlord, on average! Redoubt have many quirky little sets that I have had my eye on for years, but usually the limited Defence Budget is spent on fightimg troops....well, mostly! I actually have the Brigade Games versions of the two sisters paid for and en route since July 2021..... I wonder if they will ever turn up? Time to contact Lon AGAIN I think......

    1. I didn't know Brigade have a version of the ladies? I'll go take a look.
      The FIW extra figures from Redoubt are brilliant and there's so many of them.

  9. Beautiful work Ray. It's been a while since I have had a look at the Redoubt range, and must do so again.

    1. It's a shame they're not so visible anymore. Andy who owns them now sells more pre painted figures rather than bare metal, which is a shame for the wargame world. Although I can't complain, I've bought my fair xhare of painted minis from him and of course the Polish Hussars!

  10. Lovely job Ray. I'd forgotten you had a collection for King Philip's War.

  11. Nice work, great figures...being doubled just means more games, no?

  12. Great job on those Ray and a few different options to get them on the table.

  13. Great looking, and very useful figures, Ray!

  14. Great story, great movie and fantastic painted figures!

