Its Sunday afternoon and I'm trying to go through the 400 photos I took at Salute yesterday, while sitting watching Crystal Palace beating Liverpool 0-1!!
This is gonna be a loooong post! So sit down with a cup of tea and a sandwich.
My first pic above is from my favorite game of the show, how magnificent does that look???
The Grandara Model Gaming Project
Five Rejects managed to get to the show, we all had Press Pass tickets and got in the show at 8, long before some games and traders were set up.
Postie, BigLee, Dave, Chris and myself.
We would be joined by Mike Sayce a little later.
Lee's post about the show can be found here.
My first purchase of the day was from a company I'd not heard about before, Battlefield Accessories,
where I bought 3 25mm MDF buildings, if you've not heard about this Australian company before, go take a look at their site, the sell some top quality stuff.
Debris of War - Ready and waiting for the onslaught!!
I spoke to Andy near the end of the show, they had a great day, nearly selling all their stock, so he was a very happy chappy!
At a few minutes before 10, I thought I'd go take a look at the queue!
Not sure how many people were in the queue, but there was a lot.
I beat a hasty retreat as the horde hurried in!
Onto the games...
There were many small games, hopefully I've labelled them correctly?
If not, please let me know.
Ashford Gaming Club - I Can't believe its not epic or Space Weirdos
Halo - Flashpoint
Rubicon Models UK - Oscar Mike Vietnam
Wild Forge Games - Rogue Regiment
Air Flix - Battle of Britain
Team Milton Hundred Wargames Club
I think Mark was doing a "Hello ducky" impression
Goblin King Games - Moonstone
Artificers Forge
Skirmish Wargames - Boxer Rebellion - An Unexpected Encounter
54mm - An Advanced force from the Eight Allied Powers has bumped into part of the Chinese rear-guard who have decided to make a stand.
Corvus Belli - Infinity the game
Continental Wars Society - The Battle of Gross Sachsen - The Baden Uprising 1849
GCT Studios - Bushido
Farplae Trading - Farplace the Game
Simon Miller - For King & Parliament
The Relief of Norchester
Helion & Company - Renatio et Gloriam
15mm ECW
GM Boardgames - Gods of War - Togo
Mel Bose and me!

Retired Wargame Reloaded - Hold until Releaved
Normandy 1944 WWII
Happy kids, happy Dads!
Crawley Wargames Club - ?
Warp Miniatures - ArcWorld
Planet Smasher Games - Gas Lands
Hailsham Wargames Club - Evading the Devils Paintbrush
WWI Trench Warfare
Our pals at Warbases, both Postie and myself had a nice pre-ordering waiting for us.
Marvel - Crisis Protocol
Star Wars - Shatter Point
Star Wars - Legion
Game of Thrones - A Song of Fire & Ice
My favorite game/display of the day has gotta go to The Grandara Model Gaming Project
Masterstroke Games - Force of Virtue
A skirmish game set in Renaissance Italy
Random Platypus - Wild in the Streets
Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society - The Longest Night
WWII Nazis Zombies
Adrian 2 and me!

Only around £1800 each!!
and I think I spend too much?
Warlords - Operation Warboard
Warlords - Songs of Fire & Ice
Warlords - Space 1889 - Cloudships
Warlords - Salute Mountain
Milton Hundred - Tigers of Tracy-Bocage
Pendraken - Future War Commander
Bunny Badger Games' Grotesque Gogglebox
Essex Warriors - Marvel Zombieside
Maidstone Wargames Society - The Summer of 77
Great Escape Games - Dead Man's Hand
Uhwerk Verlag - Chronopia
Crooked Dice
Masterstroke Games - Force of Virtue
Caseshot Publishing - The Assault on Fort Mulgrave
Toulon 1793
Just pipped at the post for me anyway, my 2nd fav of the day....
Cornwall Wargames Association - Gallants of Fowey - The French take revenge on Cornish Pirates in 1457.
Postie certainly liked the look of this game, he found himself buying 3 ships from Sarissa!
London Wargames Guild - What a Viking
Belloludi - A Napoleonic Belloludi Taster
I saw these rules online a while ago. They're a large skirmish game, so I flicked away the moths and bought the rules.
Veterans Wargames Association - The Quick & the Dead
Loughton Strike Force - Saigon 68
What beautiful terrain!
Love you long time........
Gravesend Gamers Guild - Yuletide Mayhem Gaslands Refuelled
Gentleman's Wargame Parlour - The Pirates of Penzance 1938
1/72 Wargames - The Defence of Duffers Drift
Morphius Entertainment - Fallout
Pulp Alley - The Blue Island of Unicorn's Teasure
Lard Zone
Mark Backhouse & Chums - Strength & Honour
Luvvly 2mm Goodness!
Lard Zone - General d'Armee - 15mm Napoleonics
Lard Zone - What a Tanker - Stalingrad
Brecon Wargames Club - DAK Attack
Footsore Miniature - Gangs of Rome v2
Duncan's Band of Brothers - A Road in Normandy
Yep 7 hits!
Form Square Games - Maida 1806
& Limits of Glory
Marquee Models - Star Wars Legion
Society of Ancients - The Battle of Thrapus
South East Scotland Wargames Club - Valour & Fortitude
The Battle of Nivelles - 1815 Hundred Days Campaign
Scimitar Games Group - WWII Skirmish
Peter Pig Team - Conquerors & Kings
Yarkshire Gamer & Leeds Wargame Club - Jutland 1916
And that my friends was Salute 2024!
Thanks to all the Warlords for a brilliant day out!!!