Well well well, here we go again, another new project..............The Retreat From Moscow. But this time I'm doing it as a joint project with BigLee, he's doing the Russians and I'm doing the French.
But what rules will you be using?
Sharpe Practice 2 is the answer. I bought the first version a long time ago and could never really understand them. So I bought the revised 2nd version again a number of years ago, wishing to use them for my Haitian Revolution figures, but again found them a difficult read. I seem to learn rules better if I'm playing them, rather than trying to read them and take in what I'm reading???
Is anyone else like this?

Anyway, BigLee went to a Lardy Day earlier in the year and played a few games of Sharpe Practice, then in passing said he enjoyed the rules and will be buying a copy.
That was my lightbulb moment!
So I said, do you fancy doing a joint project using Sharpe Practise for the Painting Challenge?
I felt Lee's eyes light up through the phone, I suggested the Retreat From Moscow as its different from anything I've painted before because of all the snow.
I wanted to paint up the Russians, as I've just done loads of French for the Haitian Revolution, but Lee wanted them as well. So for some reason unknown to me he ended up with the easy to pant Russians.
As we were talking Lee, being the weak willed chap he is had already ordered some figures, although I must admit I followed suite soon after.
So the first figures we both bought were a French and Russian army from Muskets and Tomahawks bought from North Star.

Very sensibly for me and Lee, were both known for getting carried away buying stuff at Rejects HQ, we decided on a small army of 8 units each.
Unfortunately we both ignored the original plan after seeing the Perry's luvvly figures......
It only took a few days...
My 8 unit army is now upto 15 units.
Yes I know, I just can't help myself!!
So look out for some Retreat from Moscow figures from both Lee and myself starting from the 21st December when the Challenge starts.
“Vive la France!”